Ksenia Sukhinova: biography and personal life. Celebrity figure and photo options

Today, many people know about the charming Russian model, the holder of an honorable first place at the Miss Russia competition in 2007, the holder of the Miss World crown in 2008, and in 2009 Eurovision representative Ksenia Sukhinova. But few are familiar with her biography, therefore, especially for you, we decided to talk about the life of a famous beauty, filled with energy, beauty and love.

The childhood of the future crowned star

Ksenia Sukhinova

A beautiful girl was born in the small town of Nizhnevartovsk on August 26, 1987. Her parents still work in the oil sector. Father Vladimir Gavrilovich works as an operator of technological installations, and mother Natalya Alexandrovna is an employee of the metrological service of one of the oil enterprises. Ksenia Sukhinova devoted all her childhood to sports - she attended sections on running, swimming, badminton and rhythmic gymnastics. At the age of 4 years, my mother decided to send her daughter to professional sports, and therefore, after 2 years, little Ksyusha won her first victory in rhythmic gymnastics competitions. But unfortunately, after a while she was forced to forget about the gymnastics career due to her health condition. Today, Ksyusha can boast of the received ranks in rhythmic gymnastics and swimming. In school, she was a solid, good-looking woman and brought home only fours and fives. Former teachers can characterize her as a very well-mannered, disciplined and obedient girl.

Training a young beauty

Ksenia Sukhinova studied at secondary school number 8 in Nizhnevartovsk. At the moment, the girl chose to graduate in the city of Tyumen, at the State Oil and Gas University, at the Faculty of Technical Cybernetics. Her profession will be related to management and computer science in technical systems. Ksenia's external data could not be overlooked, so she was soon invited to represent the choreographic team at the university.

Miss Russia Ksenia Sukhinova

The first steps in a modeling career

When Ksenia was still a first-year student at TSOGU, the organizer and head of student creativity Viktor Garabazhiy repeatedly suggested that a beautiful freshman take part in performances and become a model of the Sh'Atellier fashion theater. Before taking part in the first Miss Neftegaz beauty contest, Ksenia Sukhinova decides and accepts Victor’s offer. Then they go together to the competition, where the future "Miss Russia" takes second place, while receiving the ribbon "Vice-Miss." Then, after some time, the girl takes part in the Miss Image contest, where she successfully takes first place. After she is invited to become a model in the competition of young designers, which she agrees with pleasure. It was the last participation that became crucial, because the representatives of one of the largest modeling agencies Point Management drew attention to it. Without hesitation, they suggested that the girl sign a contract on working abroad. Ksenia Sukhinova could not miss this chance and therefore happily agreed.

Serious steps in the modeling business

Ksenia's debut on the big catwalk took place in 2007 at Milan Fashion Week. After a successful show of driving, the girl could not help but be invited to participate in the equally popular fashion week, which was supposed to be held in Paris. But because of preparations for the Miss Russia contest, she was forced to refuse. And on December 14, 2007, during the final of the grandiose Russian competition, the host announces that “Miss Russia” is Ksenia Sukhinova. Tears of joy and happiness overwhelmed at that moment all the fans and admirers of the beautiful Ksenia. The crown was handed to her by the owner of the title "Miss Russia 2006" Tatyana Kotova. From that moment, the girl was obliged, according to her new status, to take part in various charity events, social and social events.

How was the preparation for the Miss Russia 2007 contest?

biography of Ksenia Sukhinova

The biography of Ksenia Sukhinova could not but include the stage of preparation for the grand competition: this period of time will be remembered for a long time by our beauty. For a month, the girl got up daily at eight in the morning and was engaged in fitness, as well as rhythmic choreography. For 30 days, all participants were obliged to take healthy food, which was only steamed and was low in fat. After lunch, Ksenia again went to choreography, then to classes in stage speech, then attended defile classes and, of course, managed to run into hairdressers. But despite the fact that the working day of all the participants was full of intense training, the organizers managed to arrange them trips to safaris, as well as to traditional open-air dances.

Xenia Sukhinova growth

After the contest "Miss Russia 2007"

Having received the title of “Miss Russia”, Ksenia Sukhinova began to actively travel to various cities of the world, in just a short period of time she managed to visit 25 countries with various charitable events. Due to the fact that she actively participated in the social and social life of Russia, the leadership of the competition decided to extend the contract with the model for another year, which was the first such case in history. For all the time that Ksenia devoted to charity, she managed to collect, thanks to various promotions, about $ 25 million.

After Ksenia was awarded the crown, in her native city of Tyumen, people turned the victory of their countrywoman into a practically citywide celebration. And her former sh'Atellier team, headed by Viktor Garabazhiy, ordered a cafe at all in order to celebrate the coronation of the former pupil.

Ksenia Sukhinova and husband

Beauty, everyday life and parameters of Ksenia Sukhinova

According to the model herself, only nature needs to be thanked for her appearance. Of course, it can not do without various physical exercises and visits to beauty salons, but as you know, any beauty requires effort and perseverance. You can learn from Shape magazine that Ksenia does not follow any diets, the only and constant rule for the model is “do not eat three hours before bedtime”. On ordinary days, Miss Russia does not like to wear tight-fitting clothes and high heels; it prefers loose T-shirts and low-heeled shoes. In addition, Ksenia believes that there is nothing better in the world than natural beauty, expressive makeup on her face can be seen extremely rarely. The life motto of the model: "Respect the people around - and they will respect you." Her greatest achievement, as she herself believes, is the ability to perceive and love people as they are. It is also necessary to mention that the girl has ideal parameters, more precisely 90-60-60. Ksenia Sukhinova's height is 178 centimeters.

Ksenia Sukhinova got married

Personal life of the crowned Miss Russia

Since 2011, the girl has been in close relations with a famous businessman. They often appear together in public, and many think that this is Ksenia Sukhinova and her husband. The personal life of the famous beauty is discussed quite actively. On many Internet resources you can stumble upon high-profile headlines that inform about the marriage of the model - “Ksenia Sukhinova got married”, etc. In reality, according to “Miss Russia” itself, at the moment the couple lives only in a civil marriage.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9760/

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