Beautiful quotes about the ocean

The ocean has always inspired artists and writers. People sought to capture the beauty of its waves on paper or canvases. The ocean is often compared to a woman: it is just as unpredictable, exciting and beautiful. People often come ashore to listen to the splashing of the waves and calmly reflect. Let's recall quotes about the sea and the ocean.

About travel

Some quotes about the ocean belong to sailors - they know more than others about how beautiful it is. To fully enjoy its greatness, you need to go sailing, and not just admire from the shore.

"You will never cross the ocean if you are afraid to lose sight of the shore." Christopher Columbus

Of course, before you go on a trip you need to understand where you want. Some are afraid of the ocean: mysterious, boundless, deep. But only then does a person understand his beauty when he sees only the blue expanse of water around.

Some say that a person should at least once look at the ocean. Seeing him, you will dream of being on the coast again, admiring the strong waves, constantly changing colors, and feeling the power that comes from him.

beautiful photo of the sea

About the ocean

For some writers, the ocean and travel were a source of inspiration. He simultaneously frightened and attracted a person. This is stated in the following quotes about the ocean. Despite the mystery, people sought to learn more about him.

“Take a look at the ocean, isn’t it a living thing? Sometimes angry, sometimes gentle ...” J. Verne “Twenty thousand leagues under the sea”

Man cannot predict the behavior of the wayward ocean. He can be affectionate with his guests, and severe. During a storm or complete calm, the ocean is beautiful, always beautiful ... There have always been and are brave souls who set off and go to explore the vast expanses of the ocean.

Water is always associated with the beginning of a new life, so some call the ocean not just the ocean, but the cradle of life. All living things on Earth need water: it gives strength, and a person, admiring the view of the endless expanse, feels calm and harmony.

ocean waves

About the sea

Although the sea is not as endless and deep as the ocean, it is no less beautiful. The sea inspired famous artists to write magnificent paintings, and poets - to create poems that still excite souls.

"The sea is everything! His breath is pure, life-giving." J. Verne "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea"

Often, once at sea, people feel a special, healing air, which gives a person new strength to achieve goals.

"The sea and the sky are two symbols of infinity." J. Mazzini

Man has always loved to admire the sea and the ocean for a long time. Their natural beauty always attracts those who dream of learning to fly like birds and swim like fish. Both the sky and the sea every time delight a person with beauty, which, at times, is very variable.


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