How is the customs declaration carried out?

Customs declaration is the provision of data on goods transported across the border. All information is indicated in the form prescribed by law, and in compliance with all available requirements.

Customs declaration


Customs declaration of goods is the central stage of the complex process of transportation of goods carried out at the state borders. Unfortunately, the imperfection of the current legislation complicates the process of registration. Russian customs law is at the initial stage of development today, so laws are often changed. As a result, it is difficult, and sometimes simply impossible, for non-specialists to declare goods in accordance with the necessary requirements. You need to know about the correct execution of documents and about entering information into a special form in accordance with the instructions.

Main goals

customs declaration of goods

It is worth considering the problems on the example of such an important document as a customs cargo declaration. Its meaning is to inform the relevant authorities that a foreign trade operation is being conducted with a foreign agent. The next function is to provide information on goods transported across the border. That is, customs declaration is a procedure confirming the legality of the carriage of goods. It is at its expense that the import of goods becomes legally "clean." The following information should be provided to government authorities:

- information confirming the conditions of transportation and storage;

- information about transactions between counterparties;

- data on the manufacturer;

- information about the persons who made up the declaration;

- information on the documentation provided for declaration.

electronic customs declaration


Customs declaration is carried out when importing goods, therefore, when filling out documents, it is necessary to check the presence of a seal. The above information may be considered invalid if it is not confirmed by a number of documents established by law. These include licenses, permits, certificates, and more. When importing without observing all the required rules, sanctions by the supervisory authority and the imposition of administrative responsibility can be applied.

Customs declaration becomes much easier if there is the possibility of filling out documentation in electronic form. In this case, the whole procedure is reduced to manipulating the computer, and all necessary documents are certified by electronic signature. Electronic customs declaration can be done using remote access. The advantages of this service were appreciated by many organizations that are located far from the relevant authorities. Declaration of goods can be carried out by the direct owner of the goods transported across the border, but it is much easier to entrust this procedure to a professional customs broker. Thanks to such registration services, a significant saving of time and money is provided, since documents filled in with errors lead to unforeseen expenses.


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