Hal Elrod and the Wonderful Morning: Mission Possible

At the age of twenty, he had an accident; he had a fracture of 11 bones and a severe skull injury. He was in a coma for six days, and when he came to, he found out that he might not walk. But he went, moreover, managed to create a thriving coaching company with a staff of 11 people.

And it was morning ...

Elrod Hal endured the loss of financial stability. His life was like chaos, a daily solution to financial problems that could not be solved. Often he was visited by thoughts of suicide, but this did not go further, such an act would kill his parents.

He believed that business problems and huge debts were harder than those months he spent in a hospital bed. After all, the hospital took care of him, fed him and watered him, and now nobody cared about him.

One morning, overcoming reluctance (who wants to get up early), he went for a run, picked up the phone to listen to the radio or music.

And while he was running, he heard the words of Jim Ron:

Your success extremely rarely exceeds the level of your personal development, for you attract success only by becoming a person capable of attracting it.

Hal Elrod realized that he wanted happiness and good luck by 10 points, and he himself developed with difficulty by 2-3 points. That morning he was told what to do. To fulfill the plan, first of all, it was necessary to find time, which he already lacked for anything.

meditation in the morning helps to avoid chaos in thoughts

Only for owls

Can self-development be made the main thing in the system of existence? And how to do it if the whole day is scheduled in minutes?

On a blank piece of paper, Hal made a plan of the most effective practices for self-development: meditation, affirmation, visualization, reading and writing, exercise.

He planned ten minutes for each lesson.

In the morning, Hal got up at 5 and did everything according to plan:

  1. meditation and prayer in silence calmed the chaos and confusion in thoughts and soul;
  2. he took a book that he had begun to read a long time ago, but threw it away, found several interesting ideas, and perked up significantly;
  3. affirmations (Hal hastily sketched out plans for who he wants to become and what he is ready to do) gave a sense of purpose:
  4. having removed the visualization board, he moved around the images, focusing and presenting each event as if it had already happened;
  5. wrote in the diary the good things that happened to him in life that fate had bestowed upon him, and felt thankful;
  6. it’s the turn of exercise. Hal drew back, shook the press. Since there was still six minutes left, he put down a disc with yoga practice and still worked out, as a result he felt an incredible surge of energy.

And the clock was only 6 in the morning.

In the photo there is a board with approximate visualization of a dream.

Desire board may be like this

Elrod Hal: The Magic of the Morning, or How to Win the Battle of Life

After practicing a magical morning for several weeks, he felt much better. Gathering new ideas, Hal began to establish an almost dead business, but ... decided to achieve more!

He decided to wake up an hour earlier - at 4 in the morning. Hal found:

  • new energy;
  • motivation;
  • clear goals;
  • concentration in their achievement.

Elrod Hal was amazed at the transformation that is happening to him. In less than two months, he managed not only to return to the pre-crisis level of business, but also to reach heights that he had not dreamed of before.

how to get out of the financial abyss

It is believed that only five percent of people succeed in business, while the remaining 95 percent overcome financial problems all their lives. Is it possible to rise above the ordinary, leave the vicious circle and join the lucky ones? You can, as Hal Elrod says, who not only wrote a book about Magic Morning, but also gave people a practical tool for self-improvement and success.

Final lesson

Hal Elrod, from The Magic of the Morning:

First, we must understand and acknowledge that 95 percent of our society will never live the life of their dreams. We must comprehend and accept that if we are not determined to start thinking and living differently than most people do, then we will a priori agree to an ordinary life, constant struggle, setbacks and regrets that haunt the lion's share of the world's inhabitants.

Moreover, we need to understand and acknowledge, if we don’t take anything in this direction immediately and show others an example of what can be achieved, if a person is determined to make maximum use of his inner potential, this will negatively affect our friends and relatives and colleagues.

To overcome the 95 percent syndrome, it is necessary to determine the causes of mediocrity.

mission Possible

According to Hal, this is:

  1. Rearview mirror syndrome, when a person constantly looks back, thinks he is unlucky, etc. Hal advises switching to a new model in which "my future is not at all the same as my past."
  2. The absence of a clearly formulated goal or the absence of any goal at all. To get rid of the second reason for mediocrity, Elrod Hal advises setting the goal that is pleasing to the soul, but most importantly - inspiring. No need to specifically seek out or "dig out" your dream, you just need to try to become an improved model of yourself.
  3. It is an addiction to constantly make exceptions for yourself. Well, nothing that missed the training or did not go to additional classes in literature ... It is the choice towards the simple, and not the right one that simplifies and impoverishes the person. A person gets used to choosing what is easier, and not what he really needs.
  4. Lack of obligation to report on their actions. The need to report brings order to life. Hal advises choosing a “partner for the report” - a person who is not indifferent to the achievements of others. You can send an invitation to social networks. This will motivate to action, because ahead is a report.
  5. Ordinary circle of influence. Man is a social being. You must not allow other people's fears, doubts and insecurities to affect your life position. Try to find people who will awaken the best that is in you. Try to do the same for others.
  6. Lack of personal development. If today you don’t strive to become that extraordinary person who can build the future of your dreams, then what are the reasons to expect that in a month, a year or ten your life will change for the better? Present yourself an ultimatum.

You can talk for a long time about the diamonds of tips that Edward Hal's wise book Magic of the Morning (Magic Morning) has been poured over, but it is better to read it, making the necessary notes for yourself directly in the margins of the book. So the author himself advises.

And surely life will change for the better.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F977/

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