What you need to know about how to tame a parrot to your hands

Lately, parrots have reached the same level of popularity among pets as cats and dogs. Caring for them is relatively simple, because the parrot who has settled in the house does not need to be walked like a dog, or accustomed to the tray, like a kitten. Of course, there are special rules aimed at the most successful adaptation of the bird in the house. There is a need for a parrot to get used to people and the problem is how to tame a parrot to her hands.

The success of taming a bird largely depends on its age. The younger the parrot, the better. Conversely, the longer the parrot lives in the enclosure, surrounded by its own kind, the more difficult it will become for him to get used to the owners. The problem with how to tame a parrot to his hands becomes even more acute if the parrot got into the house from the street or from another owner - in this case, a change of scenery will be more stressful for him than when buying in a store or from a breeder. In this case, the taming of a parrot can drag on for a long time. But if you have patience and desire, you can tame even an adult parrot.

Before you tame a parrot to your hands, you need to prepare an equipped cage for it in advance - there should be a daily amount of feed in the feeders, fresh water in the drinker, it is better to lay a blank sheet of paper for printing or writing on the bottom. Newspapers are unacceptable due to the toxicity of printing ink. Wooden cages need wooden cages; it is better to fix plastic ones on the outside - as external perches for the first walks. It is undesirable to transport a parrot in the cage that will be his home. It is better to use a special carrying cage or a cardboard box with air holes for this.

As soon as the parrot is delivered to the apartment, the carrier must be brought to the open door of the cage so that the bird itself crosses the threshold of the cage. After this, it is necessary to leave one for the rest of the day or for 5-6 hours - he needs to adapt and get used to the situation, and, if possible, do not go into the room where the cage is installed, or, staying in the field of view of the bird, you should try to avoid sudden movements and loud sounds. The taming of the parrot also depends on how the adaptation period passes .

The next day, you need to refresh the water in the drinker and feed, replace the paper in the pan. Again, sudden movements, increasing the volume of the voice are undesirable, and you should try to bring your hands inside the cell as little as possible. The following recommendations on how to tame a parrot to your hands can be applied only after the bird has ceased to be frightened by the owner and is used to his voice.

To begin with, you can give him grains with your hands through the bars of the cage - you do not need to insist, let the parrot take the food itself. To achieve the result more quickly, it is recommended to begin taming the parrot in the morning, while he is still hungry. In addition, the hands should not even smell like soap - before feeding the parrot, wash them in plain water. It may take more than one day, but be patient. As soon as the bird begins to confidently take food from the fingers, you can try to bring the hand with the food in the palm of your hand into the cage closer to the perch and hold it there for a while, until the parrot sits on it or at least takes the food from it. After you succeeded in taming the parrot, you can start releasing the parrot from the cage - this will be the final stage in taming.

At the same time, persistence is also inappropriate. You need to either remove the parrot from the cage on the arm, provided that he himself has sat on it, or simply open the cage in case of disagreement. Sooner or later, the parrot will become interesting and he will get out. As soon as the parrot flies the first few circles inside the room, it can be called back into the cage by bringing a hand with a small amount of food or an open cage to it. If in this way it cannot be returned, then you can resort to at least - by turning off the light. But at the same time, it is desirable that one person is next to the switch, the other - catching a parrot. You shouldn’t do this alone - a parrot can feel a touch and fly up, but since they can’t see well in the dark, it can hit something. Therefore, at the time of take-off, the light should immediately turn on.

In general, the taming of a parrot takes a different amount of time in each case, some birds get used to a person very quickly, up to a week, others may take months. In any case, showing patience, acting kindly and not rushing things, you can achieve significant results.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9771/

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