Winged expressions from the comedy "The Young Man", gone to the people

The famous play of Fonvizin, someone perhaps ardently unloved for compulsory study in the school curriculum, in fact, fell into the course of literature for a reason. And there are several reasons for this. For example, the names of the main characters since the time of writing this work have become a household name. It is difficult to find a student who is not familiar with Mitrofanushka. Few, perhaps, remember Prostakov, Starodum or Tsyfirkin, but the phrases of these characters plow the expanses of their native “great and mighty”. Let's consider some winged expressions from the comedy "Undergrowth".

I do not want to study...

Of course, the most famous morality that immediately went to the people, and still comes across in spoken language, not to mention the numerous works of various authors, is the phrase "I do not want to study, I want to get married." And, apparently, the matter is not even in the capacity of the satire, skillfully laid by Fonvizin in a seemingly banal maxim. Many of the catchy phrases from The Undergrowth are concise in their incredible capacity. But this magnificently emphasizes the nearness of the character, symbolizing the whole generation, dying in its primitivism, gross ignorance and skopidomstva.

Winged expression from the comedy

This expression focuses on the pettiness in which the then estate of feudal landlords was mired. However, if we take a closer look at the modern environment, then we will easily find many examples of such an attitude to life, when the highest ideal for a person is not the benefit to society, but a consumer attitude to life, in which the main thing is to deceive your neighbor and this is how it should be "Warm up." Therefore, the winged expressions from the comedy "The Little Man", used more than two centuries ago, still find a response in the hearts of people who care, who look around and see that there are still many things in society that need improvement.

Century live ...

The list should be continued. In general, the winged expressions from the comedy "The Younger", traveling in the language of even modernity, can be attributed to the category "it is important to know and understand." Next in consideration is the phrase "Live a century, learn a century." Again, it is difficult to find a person who has not heard this maxim that is simple in its genius. To be honest, Fonvizin is not the author of this phrase, but how skillfully it is used in the context! You can’t say anything, master. Moreover, the master is in such a difficult field as satire, for which he should be given double credit.

Undergrowth winged expression

Comedy Feature

In general, the main feature of the play is the widespread use of folklore by the author. Apparently, therefore, many of the winged expressions from the comedy "Undergrowth" can no longer be separated from the folk language. They are closely intertwined - vivid decisions of Fonvizin and folklore tricks - in this wonderful work, which for some reason is so disliked by schoolchildren.

Winged expressions from the story of a young man

This mix is ​​clearly visible even in modern language. It seems that these are combinations invented by the people over the centuries of grinding and working with their native language. “Guilty without guilt”, “sleep in the hand”, “ends in the water”, “remember what they called”. It would seem that all these are examples of Russian folk, but no - so maestro Fonvizin sets the tone for the modern language. This is one of the most remarkable features of this work, which is the highlight of the greatest heritage of Russian literature in world art.

A bit about characters

And do not forget, of course, about the main characters of the play "Undergrowth". The winged expressions that went from here to the people, to spoken and even literary languages, are pronounced by certain personalities who are so skillfully and vividly spelled out by a remarkable writer. A few words about them.

Undergrowth quotes

Like any satire, The Undergrowth, the quotes from which, by the way, have already become truly popular, is saturated with contempt for the heroes, symbolizing the shortcomings of entire classes. Yes, they turned out to be the most vivid and convex, it is to them that the maximum attention of the author is devoted. I want to say more about them in the analysis of the work. This is also caused by the involuntary idealization of the positive characters in the play. And although there is reliable information that Fonvizin wrote them from famous people's stories, they are not as memorable as the nasty Prostakovs or Skotinins. Although they exist, they also give out maxims left over centuries. But the memory keeps exactly the bad heroes.


The wonderful comedy "Undergrowth", the winged expressions from which became the subject of a little discussion in the framework of the article, leaves an extremely positive impression. Firstly, it is an unveiled satire aimed at exposing ignorance, unprofessionalism in activity and in life. What is relevant to this day and, perhaps, will be relevant for quite some time. Secondly, it is a storehouse of phraseological units, formed under the influence of a living Russian language. The fusion of the literary genius of Fonvizin and popular influence gives us a unique work that can safely be called a masterpiece. If the reader has had the opportunity to study it under the strict eye of a teacher’s glasses, and it didn’t leave such an impression, then it is strongly recommended that you reread it. Because now it is sure to please.


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