Action: planting and care, cultivation features and recommendations

In the family of shrubs growing in captivity, there is a species that blooms very beautifully. This bush was nicknamed Deytsiya. Planting and care in the suburbs of this beautiful plant is quite possible. Although it sprouts in countries such as China, Japan and Mexico. Thanks to the beautiful appearance of this plant and its wide crown, it perfectly decorates the garden plot. In the east, Deytsia is called the “beauty”, because the plant blooms for a long time in the warm season. Gardeners can use such a shrub in order to beautifully decorate their garden and even create an original green hedge. In addition, planting and leaving Deutia in the open ground is not too troublesome, so most gardeners use it in their plots.

Shrub characteristics

Deytsiya can live for many years, and in the cold season she drops her leaves. This plant can reach half a meter in height. It is recorded that this shrub can live more than 25 years, and during this time each year will grow by 25 centimeters. For seedlings, processes are used that begin to grow from the depths of the earth. Best plant survives in soil with high humidity.

Considering the rhizome of the bush, it can be classified as mixed. It combines several rods at the same time with a slight fibrillation at the tip of the root. The stems of the plant are covered with bark with a dark color. When Deytia begins to renew, its bark leaves in layers from the stem, and then hangs until it dries. Many may think that this is a disease; in fact, it is not.

When the shoots begin to make their way, they are covered with leaves of the petiole type in the form of an oval. A plate of leaves with a shade of bright green and a pattern that resembles a relief in shape looks spectacular. When the summer ends, the leaves of the tree take on a shade of brown. At the end of the spring period, last year's shoots begin to take on a magnificent shape and flowering. Each flower develops in diameter by a couple of centimeters. The crown of the flower has five petals of different types. In the core, stamens and eyebrows immediately rush into the eyes.

Some gardeners may come across classic shrubs. After the lapse of time, the petals begin to acquire a whiter shade, but in some cases they can become raspberry or bright pink. Two-color blooms of flowers are very rarely found, but only some gardeners in the East have such colors. Deytsiya can bloom no more than two months, and during this period a very pleasant sweet aroma comes from the plant. The flower of Deutz is pleasing to the eye. Planting and caring for it give excellent fruits in the form of a gorgeous flowering plant.

As soon as the pollination period begins, seeds that collect in boxes are born. As soon as the ripening period ends, they independently crack, and then the seeds fall on the ground, where they can continue to grow. At the request of gardeners, the shrub can be sterilized so that it does not grow over long distances.

Varieties of Deition and breeding populations

According to the latest data, today in the world there are about 72 original species of Deition. Dozens of them are the most popular species in the world and are in demand among gardeners from different countries and regions.

Pink action

Deytsiya Pink planting and care

At the end of the spring period, Deytsia begins to bloom with very fluffy leaves on the stem. When the first flowers appear at the end of spring, they acquire a pink pleasant shade. The flowers themselves in this variety take the form of a shield.

The best conditions for such a variety will be places of shade where direct sunlight cannot penetrate. One more condition is the earth saturated with moisture. What is the correct planting and care of Deitseya Pinka? When breeding this type of shrub, it is worth considering that Deutzia can grow successfully in soil with an acidic and alkaline environment. Chalk and clay can be especially useful for shrubs. In general, the land must be very fertile.

In height, Pink Deytsia can reach a meter and spread exactly the same distance in width. For the plant to reach its maximum growth, it will take at least six years. An important feature of this category of shrubs is the preservation of the shade of the leaves in absolutely any weather. Breeding Pink Deytsiya should be through cuttings.

White action

Deytsiya Whitish landing and leaving

The inflorescence of this variety of shrubs can reach 12 centimeters, but double flowers sometimes grow up to 3 cm. The shrub grows especially actively in early summer, but for this it is necessary to observe all important conditions. Planting and leaving Deitseya whitewash involves strict adherence to the rules. But the result will definitely please you. It is hard to believe, but a hybrid shrub can live up to 50 years and can reach a length of 2 meters before the end of this period.

Dacia Strawberry Fields Landing and Care

Another famous Deitsey hybrid is the Strawberry Fields. Planting and caring for this plant is not difficult. Deitseya will delight you with beautiful flowers of a raspberry shade with a pale pink center.

Graceful Action

Deytsia Graceful fit and care

Comparing the graceful Deytion obtained by a hybrid way with the others, its simplicity and unusualness of leaves immediately catches the eye. The flowering of this shrub begins in the spring in the form of white flowers. The birthplace of this variety is Japan, where it begins to bloom at the end of April. Over the duration of his entire life, Deytsia can grow up to two meters, and after reaching the maximum height begins to spread in width. The stems of the bush look very slender and acquire a brown color with a touch of light green during the ripening process. In addition, inserts of a light yellow hue begin to form. Leaves on the bush can grow up to 10 centimeters.

In the spring, for a period of two weeks, the plant is covered with white cup-shaped tassels, which creates a luxurious impression. Such a bush instantly catches the eye of gardeners, and therefore it is so popular. Features of planting and care of Deitsa Grace are as follows. Favorable conditions for the growth of shrubs is a fertile bud with a normalized level of acid. Thanks to this, the plant almost never gets sick and does not suffer from pests. In rare cases, shrubs can attack aphids. If the weather becomes unfavorable, then the plant loses its former appearance. To save him, you will need to trim.

Rough Deytsiya

Deytsiya Rough landing and leaving

The landing and departure of this subspecies is no different from all the others. How to plant a plant and take care of it will be described below. This type of shrub has very lush leaves and is able to grow up to three meters in height. Thanks to the thin branches and their powerful foliage, the stems begin to bend closer to the soil, and a chic appearance is created. When shoots appear, they take the form of ovals. You can see how this shrub blooms with small white flowers, closer to mid-June.

Terry variety

Such a variety of Deutia blossoms with beautiful flowers that have double shades of flowers. From the outside, the petals take on a shade of pink, while inside the white.

Deyce Vaterrera

During the ripening period, double flowers appear with a snow-white color. This is one of the most beautiful bushes of Deicea. Landing and caring for it will not be difficult. The main thing is to adhere to the basic general rules for irrigation and soil composition indicated above.

In a shrub of the variety White-flowered, flowers grow with a predominance of green in a small white speck.

Rough Deitzia Pride of Rochester

Dacia Pride of Rochester Landing and Care

Seeing a shrub of this variety, many gardeners admire its impressive external data. The crown of this plant is spreading a decent distance, and up can grow up to two meters. This is a very large plant, in which the leaves become oval with a dark shade of green. They are rough to the touch.

Landing and departure of the Decei Pride of Rochester has some features. The peak of flowering Pride Daytsiya occurs at the beginning or middle of summer, depending on conditions. White flowers with a terry type of structure grow during this period.

It should be noted that this variety cannot tolerate heat, and it is considered to be optimal temperature no higher than four degrees. After the harshest winter, the plant will very quickly acquire its former shape. When planting several Deutz of this variety, a distance of 2 meters must be observed. An ideal place for growth will be a place in the shade, where the rays of the hot sun can not get. The roots go deep underground and branch into several branches. When planting this variety, you need to follow some standards of planting and soil.

Hybrid Deytsiya is divided into the following categories of varieties:

  • Glade of strawberry. It grows as a wide and abundant shrub leaves, and up can reach one and a half meters. The leaves of this variety have sharp endings and are distinguished by a dark green tint. Pink flowering can be observed in the summer.
  • The action is magnificent. Outwardly, it looks very slim and can grow up to almost three meters. A special highlight in appearance is played by a bark with a red or brown tint. During the summer flowering, white terry flowers begin to appear.
  • Pink-Pom-Pom Action. Usually it does not reach large sizes in height, and the branches on the crown lean low to the ground. During flowering, the shrub is covered with pink with a snow-white shade of flowers. From afar, they can look like bells, only with a wider shape.

Shrub planting methods and care

First of all, it will be necessary to determine the place where the bush will be planted. The most favorable will be a slightly shaded area of ​​fertile soil. If the plant will be affected by sunlight, then it may not grow.

Another important condition is wet ground. Otherwise, the plant will not bloom and may completely wither. As a method of propagation of Deutia, gardeners use cuttings or cuttings. This must be done at the very time when the earth warms slightly. A small bush must be planted in an excavated hole to a depth of not more than 50 centimeters. Compost is added as fertilizer.

Since this shrub adores moisture, when dry periods begin, it will need to be abundantly watered. Usually, about forty liters of water are spent on one bush irrigation. Before starting winter frosts, bushes must be carefully prepared. For this, warming with ordinary straw or dry foliage is used. If the bush has not yet had time to grow, then it can be covered with a cardboard box. If very young bushes appeared in the garden, then they need to be very carefully looked after. Closer to the roots you need to cover the bushes with burlap. As soon as the temperature goes to plus, it is necessary to remove the shelter. If you do not release the bush in time, then the vegetation process can begin, and in this case, young shoots will need to be cut in the spring.

Additional recommendations

Outdoor planting and care

Proper planting and care of Deicea in the open ground is essential. The ideal time for shrub planting is before the moment when the buds begin to appear on the trees. Naturally, this happens in the spring, and it is then that it is best to plant shrubs of this variety.

Next, you need to decide on a shady place and protect the shrub from a strong gust of wind. In the soil before planting, you need to mix peat and humus, and if in addition to use river sand, the effect will be amazing. In soil with high acidity it is better to add limestone. When choosing Deutia seedlings, you need to pay attention to the rhizome, which should be slightly soft and with no diseases. It is best to buy seedlings without pots to trace the roots. Immediately after acquiring a shrub, it must be put in paper and carefully transported to the destination. If diseased shoots are visible, they must be carefully trimmed.

You must know that when the seedling begins to gain its normal size, it will need a lot of space in height and width. Therefore, initially choose the territory where there will be no trees or buildings nearby. When planting a seedling, you need to ensure that the top of the rhizome is directly on a level with the ground. All emptiness in the pit should be covered with earth, and then completely compacted. After this, you must water the plant and proceed to the next steps.

How to deal with harmful insects

Deytsiya is a very strong plant, and it is rarely exposed to diseases, the only threat comes from aphids. Sometimes she can attack a bush, and then she will not leave him alone. You need to be able to respond very quickly to this and get rid of pests. Initially, it is best to process all the leaves of the shrub with the help of Karbofos. To determine that the plant is affected by pests, you need to pay attention to such signs:

  • When flowering, all formations begin to fall.
  • Cones appear on the leaves.
  • Shoots practically do not grow.
  • The bush does not tolerate winter.

Naturally, it is best to deal with harmful insects only by natural means in the form of an infusion of husks from onions.

Using shrubs in design

Since Deytsia has very chic forms, landscape designers use her to carry out their projects. From this shrub, you can build a fence, and then cut it nicely. You can use a large number of different ways and your individual design ideas using Deitseya. Landing and leaving in the suburbs does not represent any special costs, time and effort, the main thing is to observe the above conditions for proper breeding.


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