Tulips - planting and care of garden flowers in Siberia

Tulips are flowers that begin to bloom in late spring, in May, and delight with their tenderness and beauty. These ornamental plants are considered one of the best for decorating flower beds in the country, city squares and parks. Twenty of their species from eighty existing in the world are grown in our country. Just a fabulous variety of varieties of tulips! They are divided by flowering dates into early, late and medium. Hybrid species, Rembrandt tulips, terry, parrot, green-flowered, lilac-colored, fringed are distinguished by decorative characteristics. Their coloring is the most diverse. In addition to traditional, red colors, there are yellow, white, burgundy, pink. Even the black variety is bred - Queen of the Night.

varieties of tulips

Their cultivation depends on the specific climatic conditions of the region. If you want tulips to appear in the design of your garden, they should be planted and cared for in Siberia in compliance with a number of rules. These flowers are suitable for breeding and indoors. They need to create a comfortable atmosphere. You will need small boxes that need to be filled with river sand so that it rises above the side of the tank by ten centimeters. Then, plant bulbs are deepened into it. Boxes are placed on the window and a board is installed in them from the side of the room. It should be above the box. Then create a shading.

tulips planting and care in Siberia

Tulips will bloom beautifully in the open ground. Planting and caring for flowers in Siberia begin in late August, early September, or even in October. In general, the process is not difficult. The soil is prepared in advance. They dig it, she must have time to settle. The key to success is high-quality planting material, without defects and traces of disease. Onions should not be mold and stains. Bulbs should be chosen strong, it is better to store them in a cool, dry and dark room.


Choosing a way to plant tulips, it is worth considering their decorativeness. Apply both a solid version and a landing in a mixborder in the vicinity of other perennial flowers.

how to plant tulips

They need to be planted in open ground, depending on the size of the bulb, at a certain distance from ten to fifteen centimeters from each other, to be planted into the soil to a depth of twenty to twenty-five cm. This is done so that the tulips do not freeze. Planting and caring for these flowers in Siberia suggests their protection against low temperatures, because weather conditions can bring surprises such as spring frosts. For flowers, you need to choose a well-lit area. The soil should be sandy loamy. If the earth is well saturated with moisture, then drainage is poured into the bottom of the hole. If the soil is heavy, sand is added to it. It is recommended to make fertilizers - organic or mineral.

After planting the bulbs, the earth is watered and mulched. Fallen foliage is suitable for this purpose. The layer should be five centimeters thick. In general, it is not so difficult to grow tulips. Planting and caring for them in Siberia include such mandatory operations as spring top dressing, watering, and protection from diseases and pests. At the end of summer, after the leaves die, the bulbs are dug up, the daughters are separated and transplanted to a new place.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9796/

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