Is the term of the presidency in Russia the finish line for Putin?

In 2008, Dmitry Medvedev signed the Federal Law on Amendments to Articles 81 and 96 of Chapters 4 and 5 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The term of the presidency in the Russian Federation and the term of office of the State Duma have changed by six and five years, respectively. Almost 75% of deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council voted for the adoption of amendments; 67% of the votes were cast in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

V.V. Putin

Earlier, since 2004, in the second period of his reign, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin repeatedly emphasized the importance of extending the presidency in Russia to 6 years. This order has been adopted in many European countries. He explained his opinion that the country needed real long-term projects capable of editing the state of its foreign policy and economy, agriculture, social sphere, education and science. For four years, according to Putin, it is difficult to bring something to its logical conclusion, namely to obtain results, evaluate them, adjust if something went wrong, and restart it so that the project works correctly.


Recall that, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, there are several reasons for the president to resign as head of state:

  1. The term of the president's office has come to an end. Until the newly elected president takes the oath, the time for expiration does not come.
  2. If the president voluntarily resigned for various reasons: political, personal or in connection with other circumstances.
  3. The term of the presidency in Russia expires due to the persistent inability of the leader of the state to occupy his post and properly perform his duties for health reasons.
  4. Finally, the term expires in the case of well-founded accusations of treason by the president , as well as if it was proved that the head of state committed another serious crime.

State Duma Control Powers

presidency in Russia

On December 31, 2008, another law also entered into force. Now the government of the Russian Federation provides the State Duma with annual reports on the results of its activities, including on issues raised by the deputies themselves. The reporting procedure is determined by parliamentarians.


According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, six years is the term of the presidency in Russia, Putin is now 64 years old. The next time, Vladimir Vladimirovich will be able to take part in the struggle for the presidency already in 2030, when he turns 76 years old. Will it make sense for him personally to be in power?

This, of course, is not quite far, but not the near future, but what can we expect now? World terrorism and war, bacteriological weapons and violence are confidently striding across the planet, and Russia is now doing everything possible to protect the world from this aggression as much as possible. Will there be enough forces, resources, allies? In the next six years, it will be necessary to hold on and not take "retaliatory steps" towards the Americans. Otherwise, relations between the powers will slide to zero. Nobody knows how exactly the Kremlin report will be implemented. But the Russian leader said he maintained calm, "Russia will not go on the rampage."

They say that the period 2018-2024 will be the last term in power for Putin. There are opinions that he will not rewrite the Constitution and revise the term of the presidency in Russia in order to remain after 2024 after the end of the next period of rule. This is not practical.

2018: the mood of the people

presidency in Russia Putin

Meanwhile, in the framework of the 2018 elections, the aggregate world opinion boils down to Putin's victory.

In fact, it depends on how long the presidency in Russia is, how many people are at the helm: 4, 5, 6, or 20 years, whether this leader of the state realizes the wishes of the people, whether he hears people's needs. Recently, it has become harder for Russians to live, this is a fact. Less money. Crisis times for wealthy Russians. Gradually, the voice of the people becomes heard - it is necessary to eradicate social injustice. Citizens are so preoccupied and exhausted by the problems of overcoming this crisis that they have no strength left to do something, they don’t want to do anything themselves, they appeal to the authorities. This is statistics.

There is an important request for a state that would begin to truly take care of its wards. Can the current government satisfy this request? "Fermentation" in society is not yet particularly noticeable, but people are potentially not against changing something for the better, although they do not know how to put it into practice.

According to official figures, people have not really formed a concrete vision of fundamental changes. Only 12% of all citizens want a freer political system.

Power is stable, turnout is ensured

What is the term of the presidency in Russia

According to sociologists, there is no threat to the authorities now. Not yet. Everything is calm, power verticals are built fundamentally, there is universal control, and this is a guarantee of peace for the people. After all, along with everything, there is a feeling that we are β€œbehind a stone wall”, and therefore, if Putin is elected for the next term of presidency in Russia, there will be nothing strange in this. A certain political culture has developed, where the president is a "monarch", there should be no problems with the turnout, with the re-election of the head of state with this level of confidence in the first person, the turnout is much higher than in other cases.


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