Redmond Blender: reviews. Characteristics, prices, photos

The first blenders of the Redmond trademark appeared in 2007. In general, they were distinguished by their great functionality. The company's head office is located in Florida. Moreover, all production plants are located in China.

In addition to blenders, the Redmond company is famous for various kitchen appliances. Among other things, buyers are in great demand with their slow cookers. Among the wide range of Redmond blenders, you can choose both economical options and expensive models.

blender redmond reviews

Features of blenders "Redmond"

In general, Redmond blenders boast their power. On average, this indicator is 750 watts. This is quite enough to beat any food in a quality manner. Management as a whole is pleasant and many were pleased. The speed controller works smoothly, and you can easily control the whipping process.

From the functional features, the presence of a grinder can be distinguished. Its capacity is an average of 0.5 liters. A convenient measuring cup is also included with the blender. A whisk for whipping is also available. For high speed revolutions provided turbo mode. The Redmond blender cases are mainly made of plastic. In turn, the material of the submersible part is metal. The dimensions of most models are very compact. On average, the height of the blender is 36 cm, the depth is 6 cm, and the width is only 6.5 cm. The weight of the device is 0.7 kg.

best blender

What are the downsides?

Of the minuses of the Redmond blenders, electric motors can be distinguished. In general, they are not very reliable and often cause breakdowns. On average, they are able to make more than 17,000 revolutions per minute. In this mode, at maximum speed, the engine overheats very quickly. Additionally, some models of Redmond blenders are very noisy. However, they are uncomfortable to use for a long time.

Blender "Redmond RHB-2908": specifications, prices

"Redmond RHB-2908" is the best blender in terms of price / quality ratio. This model has a power level of 750 watts. At the same time, a maximum of 17,500 revolutions is performed per minute. Management in this model is mechanical. Additionally, manufacturers have provided a turbo mode for quick grinding. The measuring cup has a volume of 0.6 liters.

Additionally, a 0.5 liter chopper is included in the kit. A whisk for whipping is also available. The case of this Redmond blender is made of plastic. At the same time, the jug in the kit is also plastic. The material of the submersible part is metal. The cost of this model on the market is 2800 rubles.

blender redmond rhb 2908 reviews

Reviews on the blender "Redmond RHB-2908"

Redmond RHB-2908 blender reviews earned good buyers. Many praise this model for compactness. In general, using this blender is very convenient. According to customers, the lid is firmly closed.

The grinding speed is continuously adjustable. Additionally, there are many blades in the kit. With their help, you can easily and quickly cope even with walnuts. Another blender "Redmond RHB-2908" receives reviews for its low noise level. According to its owners, in comparison with the products of other manufacturers, this model stands out for its special comfort. Among the shortcomings, many note the weak case of the device. In some cases, burrs may appear on it.

What is the difference between the Redmond RHB-2912 model?

This Redmond hand blender is easy to handle. For this, the manufacturer equipped it with five speeds. The power of the device is 750 watts. Continuous speed adjustment is provided.

A shredder with a capacity of 0.5 liters and a measuring cup are supplied with the blender . Its volume is as much as 0.6 liters. Whisk for whipping in a standard set provided. The case of this model is made of plastic. In turn, the submersible part is made of metal as standard. The total weight of the blender is 0.8 kg. This model will cost an average of 3,000 rubles on the market.

blender redmond 2912 reviews

Consumer reviews on the blender "Redmond RHB-2912"

Blender "Redmond 2912" reviews has good. Many fell in love with this model for its excellent design. Customers also noted the convenience of the blender. Quite quickly and comfortably, you can beat various fruits and vegetables. Another blender "Redmond 2912" received positive reviews for the various nozzles that come with it. They allow you to make porridge for young children. All in all, this is a good choice for young mothers.

Additionally, you can cook various desserts in it. At the same time, crushing ice is quite simple. For this, manufacturers have provided a pulsating mode. The cost of goods is not very high, so it is in great demand. In general, the Redmond RHB-2912 blender has good reviews from experts.

Blender "Redmond RHB-2914"

The Redmond RHB-2914 is the company's best blender in terms of performance. His control is mechanical. At the same time, manufacturers have provided two speeds to choose from. In turn, smooth adjustment is available. It should also be noted the presence of turbo mode.

A convenient whisk for whipping is provided with the blender. The grinder capacity is 0.6 liters. The total power of the device is only 700 watts. The maximum speed is 14,500 rpm. Compared to other models, this indicator is slightly underestimated. The device is powered from a network with a voltage of 220 V. The length of the power cord that is included in the kit is 1.5 m. It is noteworthy that the blender body is made of metal. Its submersible part is made of identical material.

In addition, manufacturers to the blender provide a loop with which it can be suspended. The dimensions of this model are average: height is 36 cm, depth and width are 6.4 cm each. The total weight of the blender is 0.7 kg. In addition, the presence of a C-shaped chopper should be noted. It is made entirely of stainless steel. In general, it is quite durable and copes well with various fruits. The cost of this model in the market is 4200 rubles.

blender redmond rhb 2912 reviews

Reviews on the new model "Redmond RHB-2925"

This blender "Redmond" reviews has different. Some liked this model precisely for its great power. This indicator of all the above is the most significant and equal to 1350 watts. All this makes it possible to make more than 13,000 revolutions per minute. In addition, the durable blender body did not go unnoticed. It is made of plastic and is of good quality.

The measuring cup from the kit is very convenient. The dimensions of the blender are very compact and allow you to store it almost anywhere. The height of the model is only 24 cm, the depth is 7 cm, and the width is 6 cm. The mass is 1.8 kg. Also, this Redmond blender receives good reviews for its chopper. He is able to cope well with vegetables and fruits. At the same time, everything is crushed to a homogeneous mass in the shortest possible time. The whole secret lies in a unique knife. It is made of stainless steel and has an interesting shape.

In addition, manufacturers pleased buyers with various nozzles in the kit. The existing kit will allow you to grind almost any product. The indicators on the blender are very diverse. In this case, on the display of the device you can see all the settings. Modes in general are easy to change. You can also comfortably control the speed and monitor the grinding.

hand blender redmond

What is being said about the Redmond RFP-3903?

This Redmond blender gets mostly good reviews. Power model is at around 1200 watts. Continuous speed adjustment is provided. The chopper capacity is quite large and is 1.25 liters. All this makes it possible to make stuffing very quickly. The mill is also provided in the kit. Its volume is equal to the standard 0.5 liter.

Even in the kit, manufacturers make a measuring cup with a whisk for whipping. The body of the blender is quite durable, it is made of plastic and is able to withstand heavy loads. Still this Redmond blender receives reviews for the high-quality submersible part of the device. Of the minuses, large dimensions can be noted. And yet, the blender is very noisy at fifth speed. This model costs 3300 rubles on the market.

blender redmond 2912


In general, the company "Redmond" is able to offer a wide selection of blenders. However, the Chinese assembly still does not inspire much confidence. According to the characteristics of the device are not able to surprise with something new. All this is already available from more trusted manufacturers. The pricing policy of the company is quite soft. The buyer can choose an inexpensive model.

In particular, you can highlight the blender "Redmond 2912". He has acceptable characteristics and is able to become a good helper in the kitchen. However, it cannot be called unique. In this case, it is better to pay attention to the Redmond RHB-2914 model. It is more functional and stands out from its wide range of blenders for its reliability. In any case, the choice depends entirely on the preferences of the person.


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