Sambury - plant, a miracle of selection

sumberi plant

From childhood, we all know the wild plants of Russia, often used in folk medicine. This is chamomile, mint, oregano, Ivan tea, yarrow and many, many others. It is among the medicinal crops and black nightshade, growing on the territory of the European part of our state. But we will not talk about him, but about his closest relative, the breeding find of the American amateur-breeder Luther Burbank, known and revered in Russia and nicknamed the "California wizard." At the beginning of the 20th century, after many years of work to develop a new variety of berries, he introduced the whole world to the plant of sunberry (sambery), which has unique healing properties. Sunberry (translated from English - sun berry) was bred by crossing African nightshade (giving a new species large fruits) and European creeping nightshade, which inherited its taste.


Sambury is a plant that stretches to a height of one and a half meters and has a powerful stem with numerous branches extending from it. During fruit ripening, it is completely covered with black large berries the size of cherries, which are collected in corollas of 10-15 pieces. Productivity is so high that only from one bush you can collect a bucket of sambiri berries. The plant is resistant to lodging, therefore it is mature

wild plants of Russia
looking for twigs strewn with fruits, it is very impressive, and this beauty lasts until late autumn - while the flowering and ripening of fruits are going on. If about a month before the onset of cold weather, it is saved by pinching the plant from the buds, the remaining berries will be larger and have time to ripen to frost. Sambury is an annual plant requiring annual planting. For this, the largest berries from multiple brushes are selected. If you follow these agrotechnical tricks, you can improve the fruitfulness and stability of the plant.

Use and medicinal properties

Jam is made from sunberry berries, they are used as a filling for baking pies: not

sumberberry plant
in spite of the fact that the taste of fresh berries is rather unusual (it is still a plant of the nightshade family), in the blanks it opens up and will surprise any gourmet. But the most important thing is that sambury is a plant with amazing healing properties. As medicines, infusions from leaves and berries, decoctions, squeezes from leaves, stems and buds are used. Sunbury is used to treat seborrhea, eczema and psoriasis, prostate adenoma, and epilepsy. Remedies from this plant normalize blood pressure, treat migraine pain, rheumatism, gout, asthma, varicose veins and even hepatitis and stomach ulcers. It is used to improve memory and restore visual acuity. The leaves of the plant are dried, which allows them to be used for the manufacture of therapeutic agents throughout the year.

In Russia, sambury is still little known, but every year more and more it wins the hearts of Russians, enjoying deserved popularity because of its magnificent qualities.


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