A fable is a storehouse of wisdom

Aesop is the first fabulist. A fable is a type of literary genre that has a lyrical-epic direction. Usually it is performed in the form of a short poetic story, which depicts human relations and actions in an allegorical form. The main characters in the fables can be both humans and animals.

fable is
It is believed that the ancient Greek fabulist Aesop was the founder of such a direction as the fable. But the “fable of Aesop” is, rather, a collective image that ascribes to the ancient Greek poet all conceivable satirical plots. Historically, these stories were collected from the 15-10 centuries. and ending 4-3 centuries. BC.

“Aesop's Fable” is not only a storehouse of plots, it is also the basis for creating a special “Aesopian language” that formed relatively late. This term means that the story contains some disguised meaning that the reader of the fable should guess. Initially, the fables did not know the subtext. They were written for the people in simple folk language. The first fables in Russian were written in a primitive syllable using profanity. I.A. Krylov is considered the first Russian fabulist. It was he who introduced readers to the work of Aesop, Lafontaine and

fables for children
Martial. He not only transferred their creations to Russian, but also ennobled. I.A. Krylov raised the low genre of fables to the court. In 1808, the first collection of the writer was published. He withstood a ton of reprints. The author borrowed only 30 subjects, the rest belong to his own pen. Many stories in which national coloring was shown were translated into different European languages.

The fable is the teacher of life

The main characters of the fables are animals that are carriers of human qualities. Not only human actions committed by animals, but also the personification of human types, pronounced by the character to whom people attribute certain character-forming features, expresses the main idea of ​​the work. “Don't be stubborn like a donkey, stupid like a turkey, restless and frivolous like a monkey,” says the fable. This is an element of education, carried out through the image of the animal. This is the main characteristic feature of the fable. The school curriculum includes works by I.A. Krylov, K.D. Ushinsky, L.N. Tolstoy, S. Mikhalkov and some other writers. Many expressions began to be used as proverbs. “And Vaska listens, but eats”, “I didn’t even notice the elephant”, “But the casket just opened” - the most famous of them.

Aesop's fable

Fables for children are of great educational importance, because with the help of emotions and artistic words, they exert a strong influence on the child, form his high social and moral principles.

Fables for children. Learning role

From simple to more complex, from the easiest to the hardest, from the known to the unknown, she leads the child. These are the basic principles of didactics.

A fable is a storehouse not only in terms of language work, but also in the upbringing of morality in a child, the ability to deeply comprehend the material read, the ability to generalize and draw conclusions, as well as the ability to transfer the contents of the fable to reality.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9809/

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