Howard Phillips Lovecraft: quotes from works, a brief biography

Any literary genre has its own founders. Turning to the genre of literary horrors, one of the forefathers of horror in literature, no doubt, can be safely called Howard Phillips Lovecraft. It was he who created the monstrous monster Cthulhu, which a couple of years ago was especially popular in the Internet space. Quotes from Lovecraft’s books are still well-known, especially among fans of the genre.

The writer's books are filled with a terrible nightmare. The situation in his stories is always depressing, and the heroes, as a rule, end sadly. But that makes Lovecraft's precise and vivid quotes brighter against the backdrop of a gloomy atmosphere.

short biography

Young Howard Lovecraft

Largely on his works influenced by his own life. The author was born in 1890 in the notorious town of Providence, which is located in the state of Rhode Island, USA. His birth was on August 20. New England served as a venue for his future works. Born into the simplest family, Howard early began to show signs of a special mind: the boy grew up as a child prodigy, although quite unsociable, uncommunicative and strange. Lovecraft began to recite verses by heart in just two years, and began to compose the first stories at the age of six. Unfortunately, such old works of the author have not been preserved, so many of Lovecraft's valuable quotes have sunk into oblivion.

From early childhood, the future writer began to visit terrible nightmares, most of which served as the basis for his disturbing stories. This was largely influenced by the situation in the family: Howard's father and mother died in a psychiatric hospital, and his grandfather often “lulled” his grandson with nightmarish stories and various horror stories. Lovecraft himself also did not differ in good health: because of his condition, he could not finish school, which he regretted for the rest of his life. After the boy had another terrible nightmare, he writes it down: this is how the “Dagon” was born, which became a real cult.

Once Lovecraft got married, but the marriage was unsuccessful: communication with people around him did not develop well.


Howard Phillips Lovecraft

Largely on the work of the author was influenced by Robert Howard, who once wrote "Conan the Barbarian." His suicide in 1936 was a big blow to Howard. It is possible that many Lovecraft quotes were the message precisely to the works of this legendary author.

He himself died in his native city in 1937 - then Howard Lovecraft's quotes were still not in the ears, so the author of terrible nightmares and the mystical poet died in poverty.

Creativity Howard Lovecraft a lot influenced the formation of the style of another famous writer of horror author - Stephen King. He often looked at Lovecraft quotes, creating his masterpieces.

Howard Lovecraft, being an extremely original author, even designed his own world of horrors - the so-called Lovecraftian. It includes a special plot, some of its own cliches, a set of pantheon of gods, monsters and other creatures and many locations that add up to your own, special world.


monster from book

A man can try to control the forces of nature, but only to a certain extent; what you created will sooner or later turn against you.

  1. If we even knew who we were, we would surely have followed Sir Arthur Jermin’s example, who once just doused himself with oil and threw a burning match ...
  2. The human brain is not able to understand its own essence: I believe we should thank nature for its mercy.
  3. We live on a blissful island of ignorance among the dark oceans of infinity, which we are hardly destined to cross.
  4. The stubborn unwillingness to believe that it looks completely unbelievable, as well as the denial of something inaccessible to your understanding, is a sign of madness.
  5. I would like to state with full confidence that the portraits will not be able to leave their frames.
  6. Fear is the oldest and most powerful of human feelings, and the most ancient and most powerful fear is the fear of the unknown.
  7. Death is merciful, for it is impossible to return from it. But the one who, having received secret knowledge, will return from the hidden possessions of darkness, will forever lose peace and quiet.
  8. A human being in its perversity is somehow worse than any non-human.
  9. Many terrifying ancient secrets of the world should be left unsolved - nightmare riddles that have nothing to do with the human race and which can only be comprehended at the cost of your own peace and reason; intimate nightmare secrets, the knowledge of which will turn anyone into a stranger among people eking their way in solitude.


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