Tomato Bear-toed: variety description, characteristics, reviews

The tomato variety Bear-toed has appeared on the market relatively recently, and immediately gained popularity among gardeners. And all thanks to the meaty structure, large size and excellent taste of the fruit. The variety also belongs to high-yielding, but in order to get the maximum of tomatoes from one bush, some effort will be required. In our material you will learn all about tomato Bear-toed: Tomato description, variety characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. In addition, we will share the secrets of growing this variety and agricultural practices that will help increase productivity.

tomato bear clubfoot pink

Description and characteristics of the variety

The tomato Bear-toed is bred by Russian breeders. It belongs to mid-season varieties, therefore, in the middle zone of Russia, and in the suburbs in particular, it manages to ripen directly on the beds. But in the northern regions, it is desirable to grow such tomatoes in a greenhouse.

The tall bush of the plant is an indeterminate type, and the tip of the culture must be pinched to slow its growth. Tomato leaves are small, painted dark green. The fruits ripen in the hands, and in each of them can be up to 4-5 pcs. With proper agricultural technology and observing all the rules of cultivation, you can collect up to 6 kg of tomatoes from one bush.

Teddy Bear variety tomatoes are large in size. On average, fruits reach a mass of 600 grams, but often on the bushes there are specimens weighing up to 900 grams. The shape of the tomatoes is round, heart-shaped. The pulp is juicy, fleshy, almost seedless. The peel of the fruit is thin, but rather dense at the same time, and the Teddy Bear tomatoes are almost never cracked.

Unripe fruits are colored green, but during ripening, depending on the variety, they turn bright red, yellow, pink or orange. The taste of the pulp is pleasant, richly sweet, practically without sourness. The ripening period is 100-110 days.


In most cases, gardeners leave positive reviews about tomatoes Bear-toed. Gardeners note the following advantages of the variety:

  • high productivity;
  • excellent taste;
  • large fruit sizes;
  • resistance to most diseases and pests;
  • the possibility of growing both in a greenhouse and in open ground.

In addition, tomatoes such as the Bear-toed, perfectly tolerate transportation and are stored for a long time, which makes it possible to grow the variety on an industrial scale for sale. In addition, tomatoes can be plucked unripe, as they quickly ripen at a temperature of 25 ° C. Ideal for making pasta, ketchup, juice and sauce. And also they can be consumed directly fresh.

tomato bear clubfoot reviews


Unfortunately, these tomatoes are not without flaws. The minuses of the variety include exactingness to the soil, as well as the need for competent bush formation. After all, if it is wrong to pinch the top of the plant, then its productivity is significantly reduced. In addition, as with most varieties of the indeterminate type, Mishka is clubfoot with very weak shoots that need to be tied up. Otherwise, they break off under the weight of the fruit.


This variety has four varieties. And although in many respects they are similar, nevertheless they have certain differences that are worth knowing about before choosing one or another species. Description of varieties:

  • Tomato Bear clubfoot pink (raspberry). The plant is medium in size, up to 1.5 meters high. It can be grown both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. The shape of the fruit is slightly elongated, drop-shaped, the skin is thin, glossy. Tomato Bear clubfoot raspberry is appreciated by gardeners for large fruits, and even experienced gardeners are surprised by their size. So, tomatoes of this variety on average reach a mass of 700 grams. But often the bush brings fruits weighing 0.9-1 kg. In addition, this variety is high-yielding, with an average ripening period.
  • The tomato is red. Tall variety, reaching up to 2 meters in height. The fruits of the variety are very large, sometimes their mass is 0.8-0.9 kg. The shape of the tomatoes is heart-shaped, the skin is of medium thickness. The taste of the pulp is rich and sweet, without sourness. A variety is desirable to grow in a greenhouse, even in central Russia.
  • Tomato orange. This plant with powerful shoots needs constant pinching. As a rule, a bush of this type of tomato is formed into two stems, and the remaining shoots are removed. The variety is distinguished by an attractive bright orange color of the fruit, as well as a strong "tomato" aroma. The shape of the tomatoes is heart-shaped with a surface on which the edges are clearly visible. It is appreciated by gardeners for the pleasant taste of the fruit and excellent resistance to almost all diseases.
  • Bear yellow-toed. Tall variety, reaching 1.9 meters in height. It is appreciated by gardeners for dense, juicy and tasty yellow fruits. The average weight of one tomato is 0.8 kg. The variety is resistant to tobacco mosaic, fusarium, alternariosis.

Each of these varieties will bring a rich harvest of delicious and fragrant tomatoes. True, this will have to make some efforts, and provide the plants with proper care.

tomato bear clubfoot raspberry

Growing seedlings

The Teddy Bear is grown exclusively in seedlings. Proceed to sowing 60-65 days before planting in open ground. As a rule, this time comes in mid-March - early April. For seedlings, prepare a special substrate consisting of garden soil, peat and humus. And also add wood ash and superphosphate to this mixture, which will increase the nutritional value of the soil and, accordingly, accelerate plant growth.

Tomato seeds do not need to be decontaminated before sowing. But still, in order to accelerate germination, it is advisable to treat them with any growth stimulator. Plant the prepared planting material in containers filled with nutrient soil to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. After sowing, sprinkle the soil with warm water from the spray bottle, cover the planting with glass or plastic wrap, and put the improvised greenhouse in a warm place.

Seedling Care

As soon as the first sprouts hatch, transfer the greenhouse to a bright place, for example, on the windowsill. And even better, provide the seedlings with a backlight, because seedlings need a constant and bright light for development. In addition, it is important to provide plants with warm conditions with a temperature of + 20 ... + 22 ° C. And it is also important to regularly water the substrate, preventing its drying out.

When two full leaflets appear on the Sentsch, make a pick. Immediately after this exercise, feed the plants with liquid fertilizer with a high nitrogen content. Before planting in the open ground, it is advisable to feed young tomatoes another 1-2 times. Use yeast, humate or boric acid for these purposes. So you reduce the risk of infection with late blight. 1-2 weeks before planting on the bed, begin to harden seedlings. To do this, take the plant out into the air, first for an hour, then for two, and so on.

tomato bear clubfoot


To plant tomatoes Bear-toed in open ground, start at the end of May, when the risk of reverse freezing disappears. By this time, 6-7 true leaflets and at least one flower ovary should be present on each plant. If you plan to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse, then planting can be done already in late April or early May.

For tomatoes, choose an open, bright place with nutritious soil. Start landing in the late evening or early morning. Plant plants with an earthen lump, observing a distance of 30-40 cm between them. The distance between the beds should be at least 0.5 meters. After planting, pinch the seedling growth point, and remove any loose leaves. Pour the soil with warm water.


The Teddy Bear Tomatoes are very fond of water, so you need to be responsible for watering. To grow a good tomato crop, do not let the soil dry out. But do not breed excess dampness, because excess moisture is harmful to the plant. Water only in the evening, and use warm, standing water for irrigation.

When water is absorbed, loosen the soil. Otherwise, a crust forms on the soil, which blocks the access of air to the roots, which will adversely affect the development of the plant. While loosening, also weed and remove weeds, which can be a source of disease.

Teddy Bear Tomatoes


This agricultural technique will help reduce the care of tomatoes, because the mulch will retain moisture, so that it will be possible to reduce the number of irrigation and cultivation. In addition, this layer will prevent the appearance of weeds, because of which it will not be necessary to weed the garden. For quality tomato mulch, use straw, humus, sawdust or compost.

Top dressing

The tomato variety Bear is club-footed very demanding on soil nutrition. Therefore, in order to get a rich tomato crop, it will be necessary to feed the crop throughout the season. Moreover, it is desirable to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers. The main thing is not to use fresh manure, because it stimulates the growth of green mass, which reduces the yield of plants.

sort of tomato bear clubfoot


As mentioned earlier, the tomato variety Bear-toed is characterized by resistance to most diseases. Nevertheless, these tomatoes are rarely affected by rot. True, this is due to errors in care. Therefore, if you want to avoid the appearance of any rot, then more often loosen the soil, regularly remove weeds and break off the lower leaves. And also be sure to mulch the surface of the soil. If rot managed to be avoided, then immediately treat the shrubs with a fungicide. So, you will be able to save at least part of the crop.

tomato orange


Tomato Bear Clubfoot received positive reviews from gardeners. Users note that this is a very productive variety with large, aromatic and tasty fruits. Resistance to diseases and pests is also related to the advantages, due to which plants practically do not need to be treated with drugs, which makes them environmentally friendly.

The disadvantages of the variety include only its exactingness, as well as the need for proper pinching. And users do not advise novice gardeners to grow the “Bear-toed” Bear, because without a lack of experience, they will not be able to get a good harvest.


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