How to save water in the apartment: tips

One fine day, each of us begins to wonder how to save water. After all, we are talking not only about reducing the payment of utility bills, but also about saving fresh water reserves on the planet. There are many tips and tricks to reduce water consumption, they are quite simple and trivial, and with their help you can save a lot without harming yourself.

Key recommendations for saving water

how to save water

1. Do not leave the faucet turned on when brushing, shaving, washing hands, dishes, or other actions.
2. Start collecting cold water that flows out of the taps while you wait for it to heat up. In the future, it can be used to fill the tank or watering plants.
3. The water system must be carefully examined and checked for leaks, in particular for toilet barrels and faucets. If problems were found, they must be fixed.

Water saving taps

For small consumption, you can install taps that save water, there are three types:
1. When turned on, the mixer with an aerator adds small bubbles to the water. In turn, this reduces droplet spatter. The efficiency of the pressure and washing is fully preserved, and the amount of resources used is reduced by 20%.
2. The mixer with thermostat has a specialized blocker that will not allow water to flow out until the stream is heated to the required temperature. Thanks to this device, it is possible to save several liters per switch.
3. The touch mixer is quite expensive, but its efficiency is 50-70% higher than that of its predecessors. The principle of operation of this apparatus is that when hands or dishes are brought under the tap, it starts to work.
For those who are thinking about how to save water in the apartment, the presence of a modern faucet is simply a necessary solution.

Economical nozzle for crane

how to save water in an apartment

Everyone knows that today it is necessary to save water, for this, manufacturers have come up with a restrictive nozzle. It is designed in such a way that the flow flows between the o-ring and the sprocket.

If there is no pressure, then the o-ring relaxes, and in the case of opening the tap, the pressure increases and it flattens, thereby closing the sprocket and reducing the space for water passage. After the pressure decreases, a place for flow begins to open.

The nozzle has a standard size, it can be used for any type of mixer. It will not change the appearance of the crane; it is very simple to install. Such a device will help reduce water consumption several times and will contribute to savings of 40-50%. It will also establish a constant pressure, despite the fact that the pressure changes regularly.

Why install a water meter?

how to save water

Everyone wants to pay less for utilities, but not everyone knows how to save water on the meter and whether this is a justifiable saving. Thanks to the use of a water meter, it will be necessary to pay only for actual consumption, and not calculated norms by the state.

After the individual meter is installed, you don’t have to worry about the fact that you need to pay for the loss of water in the event of an accident, leaks from poorly functioning faucets of neighbors or house pipes.

After installing the water meter, you can think about how to save water on the meter in order to pay less. As can be seen in practice, only 74% is useful water consumption, and the remaining 26% is loss. The most effective method of dealing with them is accounting, which is submitted by the consumer personally. As numerous studies show, after installing the meters, you can observe a decrease in consumption.

How to save water using technical devices

save water pictures

I would like to ask how water can be saved in order to partially save the family budget. For this, there are technical devices that it is desirable to have at hand.
1. In the kitchen, install a sink that has two pallets. Due to this, it is possible to significantly reduce water consumption by washing dishes in one, and in the second rinsing it from a soap solution.
2. It is best to use single lever mixers. In these taps, the process of mixing hot and cold water is much faster.
3. For the shower you need to purchase a watering can with small holes and hang it slightly below normal.
4. If there are plans to purchase a washing machine or dishwasher, it is advisable to choose only products with a class of water consumption AA.
Initially, it may seem that these methods will only increase costs, but they will actually help to save water resources well.

How to save in the bathroom

The bathroom is one of those rooms in which the use of water is greatest, so it is important to know how to save water here.
- No need to keep the tap constantly open when washing hands, shaving, and brushing your teeth.
- Take a shower more often than a bath.
- No need to save on household appliances. Old-style washing machines use a lot more water.
- Get a shower that has a low resource consumption.
- Pre-soak the clothes before washing, this will eliminate the hassle after it ends.
- Soak it before washing the dishes, with the help of this you will get a much lower consumption.
- Use the water-saving mode on the dishwasher.

Use of economical shower heads

need to save water

If a 5-liter pan can be filled in 25 seconds, be sure to install a nozzle with minimal holes, thanks to which up to 50% of the water is saved. Another option, how to save hot water, as well as cold, is a shower head, in which an aerator is built in, it fills the stream with air bubbles. Thanks to this device, it is possible to reduce water consumption by about three times without loss of jet quality. So the costs for a 5-minute shower will not be 100 liters, but only 30. Use these gadgets in your apartment - and questions about how to save water will disappear.

What to do to pay less for water

water saving taps

It is believed that those who know how to save water by the meter will pay less. Many residents of houses and apartments made sure that the meter, of course, helps, but can not solve all the problems. Water costs primarily depend on the human culture of consumption, as well as the presence of a neat and careful attitude to water among residents.

Many open the tap completely or half in order to just wash their hands, although a small trickle is enough for this. Now look at your receipts - and there you can see that the water resource is one of the most expensive points of all expenses. How to fix this?

In order to understand how you can save water, first observe your relatives. According to this principle, it is quite easy to choose your program for the rational use, including financial resources.

Carefully monitor the proper operation of plumbing - this is the main source of water loss. This can be checked thanks to the indicators that are on the counter, if they move, it means that somewhere there is a leak. Modern cranes, which have metal-ceramic parts instead of elastic gaskets inside, will forever forget about dripping from them.

No need to turn on the mixer at 100%, very often a little ajar is enough. Close the taps firmly enough and be sure to teach your household this.

Install house straighteners, aeration nozzles and perlators. Using them can significantly reduce water consumption. Thanks to these rules, it is easy to get good savings. But the main factor in answering the question of how to save water is considered to be a change in personal habits.

Key tips for saving water

how to save hot water

In everyday life, there are tips on how to save water in the apartment, which will significantly reduce costs.
1. Be sure to consult and find out if compensation is provided for installed devices located in the apartment or house. In some regions, this is encouraged by the state. There are areas that rewarded customers with discounts for buying double-flush toilets, and vendors sold cheaper or even donated aerators for taps and shower heads that have a small flow.
2. If the area in which you live is marked by a small amount of water, be sure to familiarize yourself with rational consumption and restrictions.
3. Talk to households and try to get their support in saving.
4. The water that remains after washing can be used to wash the car, and the one obtained after washing fruits and vegetables can be useful in the future for gardening.
5. Do not forget about the correct disposal of hazardous materials such as cleaning products, batteries, fertilizers, fluorescent lamps, pesticides and motor oils. All these benefits, of course, do not affect water conservation, but they are very important for the safety and purity of existing sources.
Take care of nature and do not allow its destruction, save water. Pictures, which sometimes occur, can turn a person’s mind. Be alert to the precious resources of our planet.


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