Grapes Marquette: description, reviews

Fine wines are distinguished by their quality, refined aroma and leave a pleasant aftertaste. In addition to the correct cooking technology, the properties of a liquor directly depend on the grape variety from which it was obtained. For this reason, winemakers are seriously interested in the new achievements of breeders. A promising variety in this regard is Marquette. Therefore, it is worth considering a new type of wine culture.


The Marquette grape variety has deep roots. His last “parents” are Rava 262 and the complex hybrid MS 1094. Cultures were crossed in 1989, and seedlings were selected in 1994. The emergence of a new variety occurred at the University of Minnesota, in the United States. At home, he was appreciated, and the wines obtained from him went through a successful tasting. It has been cultivated in Russia for about 10 years and many winemakers are not familiar with this variety. It is worth noting that the Marquette grape variety has great potential, and in due time it will open. It is assumed that he will push aside the already proven varieties, and will occupy a leading position among winemakers.

Marquette grapes

Appearance of Marquette grapes

A complex grape variety does not shine with its beauty, as its cultivation pursued technical goals. But since grape culture is attractive in itself, it looks great on a personal plot.

One of the interesting features of grapes is that it grows vertically. This idea of ​​breeders allows the sun to do its job. A direct hit of light not only affects the quality and taste of berries, but also positively affects their color. The clusters are not scattered densely and are a little hidden behind the foliage.

Medium-sized brushes have a canonical shape. Dark berries with a protective coating tightly fit their base. Their color is very saturated, blue or black-purple. The berries are round, and in general a bunch is like ordinary wine grapes. Confirmation of this can be seen in the photos of Marquette grapes, which are attached to the article.

grape variety "Marquette"

Fruit value

One brush of industrial grapes can reach a weight of 300-400 g. Berries are famous for their high sugar content and good acidity. To preserve these properties, it is important to harvest on time. But if the collection is a little overdue - it is not scary. The level of indicators will drop slightly. Marquette grapes contain the following indicators: acidity - 2.9%; sugar accumulation up to 30%. Less sweet grape varieties can get along with it.

The main advantages of the variety

An important characteristic difference between the Marquette grapes is that it is resistant to extreme winter drops. The non-covering variety survives at a temperature of –38C. It is advantageous to grow it in those areas where the weather presents "surprises." The new variety offers the opportunity for its cultivation in the northern part of the country.

The culture has excellent immunity to diseases, in particular to fungal diseases. Problems such as oidium, mildew and black leg grapes almost do not "bother". Lesions of phylloxera were extremely rare. Chemicals are well tolerated by the plant.

The structure of the bush with vertical shoots facilitates the work of the winegrower.

Marquette grapes are considered a mid-season hybrid.

Marquette grapes description

Grade Cons

In contrast to its survival in harsh winter conditions, the vine bush is prone to spring death. For young shoots, frost minus 3 is already a danger. In addition, cold cold rain can cause harm.

Due to the shape of the bush, grapes become more vulnerable. The vertical arrangement of the shoots leaves access to the fruit buds for exposure to negative climatic conditions, while they appear too early.


Marquette grapes prefer loamy and sandy soils. It should be noted at what depth groundwater occurs. It is necessary that their depth is 2.5 meters, and the landing pit is 70-80 cm.

At the bottom of the pit lay a layer of humus. Grapes should be planted in such a way that its basal part remains on the surface. Only the root is dug into the ground. Then the grapes are watered and a peg is placed next to it, to which unstable shoots are tied.

If the soil does not meet the requirements of the plant, then the creation of drainage is the best option for planting grapes.

Marquette grapes variety description

Grape care

To ensure a good harvest, care and prevention from disease is important. The following recommendations will help you achieve this goal:

  • In the description of the Marquette grape variety, it was mentioned that on its vertical shoots the buds are open for sunlight, so choosing the right place is an important factor for planting the crop. Since grapes are demanding of light and heat, the site should be open, but at the same time protected from spring inclement weather. For example, you can plant a row of grapes along the fence so that light comes from the south side. And if Marquette is planted in high beds or on elevated slopes, this will protect the roots from getting wet and cold.
  • In spring, measures must be taken to protect the seedlings. In order to save future crops, farmers shelter grapes. Practice has shown that it is better to use non-woven covering material or ordinary film.
  • Once a year, preferably in spring, the plant should be treated with fungicides to protect the foliage from phylloxera. A chemical resistant bush will be healthy. In addition, this procedure will allow him to grow and develop better.
  • Watering is carried out regularly, until the flowering period of grapes. Then they should be stopped so as not to cause the blooming tassels to fall.
  • Timely loosening of the soil and cleaning of weeds will allow better “breathing” of the root system.
  • The breeding of a new variety was aimed at facilitating the work of the winegrower. And there is. The structure of the Marquette grape bush allows high-quality pruning and shaping of the plant. In the implementation of these actions leave 35-40 eyes.

"Marquette" grapes photo


Judging by the reviews of the Marquette grapes, one can find confirmation of what the breeders promised. It is really frost-resistant. A great emphasis in the reviews is on what an excellent taste the wine obtained from Marquette berries has. Some people consider the problem of too intense plant growth. It’s hard to keep up with him in order to form bushes in the way we would like. For some, shoots climbed onto the roof of the gazebo. In the vertical state, they can reach 3 meters.

marquette grapes reviews

Tips for winemakers

Many winegrowers practice the preparation of wine at home. Such people should pay attention to the advice of farmers who are closely involved in winemaking and have already received wine from Marquette grapes.

Specialists recommend receiving alcoholic beverages with residual sugar. The wine comes saturated and not too cloying. There is information that the variety goes well with less sweet berries. You should know that the sweeter the grape variety, the stronger the drink obtained from it.

Also, aging wine in oak barrels creates a good wine structure and the necessary concentration.

Experienced technologists advise against damage to the bones during berry pressure. This will significantly affect the taste of wine. Unpleasant bitterness will be present in it.

Wine from the Marquette grape leaves an aftertaste of cherries, currants and blackberries.

Saplings can only be purchased from licensed suppliers.


Marquette is a great find for farmers who live in areas with unstable climatic conditions. Also, the culture is useful on the plot for those who like to indulge in homemade wine. This variety should also be paid attention to because its berries have all the necessary properties to produce a high-quality alcoholic beverage. Wine made from this grape variety is very beautiful and bright.


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