Statement of facts - what is it? The meaning of the word "statement"

The word "statement" is old, but therefore no less fashionable. The only problem is that it often makes one mistake. Today we’ll analyze not just one word, but a whole phrase. Consider the question: statement of facts - what is it? And maybe people will make a little less mistake, because this is important.


Snow covered trees

We begin, of course, not with facts, they are more or less known about them, but with another noun - "statement". Let's look, as always, into the dictionary, see what he tells us. So, the word “statement” is unambiguous in its semantic content: “establishment, confirmation of the certainty of the existence of something”.

And now we will also clarify the meaning of the word “fact”, so as not to return to this later, and the reader will have one additional lexical meaning. So, “fact” is “a real, very real event, phenomenon”.

Now, having all the components in hand, we can put together the meaning of the phrase and answer the question that this is a statement of facts. This is an establishment, confirmation of what really happened or is happening. Here are some examples:

  • "It is snowing outside".
  • "The cat pulled the chicken leg off the table today and ate it greedily."
  • "Mom came home from work and brought a chocolate bar."

Our life is a series of facts that we either aloud or ascertain to ourselves. Another thing is that our expression does not always meet its meaning, but we will analyze it after synonyms and a typical error associated with the object of study.


Notebook and pen

We warn: semantic analogues relate only to the noun “statement”. We believe that it is unnecessary to select synonyms for the facts, especially since part of them is given in the meaning given slightly above. So the list:

  • statement;
  • certificate;
  • the confirmation;
  • establishment.

As you can see, the words are all "treasury", that is, they can be found in official documents. In order to make the task a little easier for the reader, we will give possible synonyms for the “statement of fact”, and they will be dry and official. So, the options are:

  • certificate of events and phenomena;
  • confirmation of an event;
  • establishing the undoubted presence of something.

Yes, all this is not very, of course, inspiring. But life is not a permanent holiday, "which is always with you," sometimes you have to dive and understand pretty boring things. However, not everything is so bad, and you will understand this when we move on.

Konstantin stated

Shot from the movie & quot; Konstantin & quot;

The reader is probably perplexed: “What does any Konstantin have to do with it?” Despite the fact that this is a proper name, it is very useful for us. There are still many people who have little idea of ​​where the expression “statement of facts” came from and what it is, they add an extra letter to a word of foreign origin. And it turns out the "constant fact", or rather, of course, they are mistaken mainly when it comes to the verb "state". As it is easy to understand, it is used with an extra "n", and this doesn’t hurt anyone especially, and, of course, confuses everything. To prevent this from happening again, we will reveal the secret of the origin of the word.


The word comes from the Latin definition of constat, that is, "to be known." At the same time, the word constans, that is, “permanent”, is not connected to constat by kindred ties, they are just similar in sound. Indeed, this also happens with people. At first glance, they are similar, and then it turns out that they are not even relatives, and the same story with words.

And if you think that in the first part we terribly ironized over the mistake of people who add the extra “n” to the verb “state”, then in vain. People are often mistaken, not because they don’t know anything at all, but because they are building the wrong logical chain. They associate “stating” with a “constant,” a concept known from school. Now we understand that this is a mistake. And the name Konstantin has kinship with the “constant”: they are of the same root. In addition, they have the same meaning. “Constantine” also means “permanent,” “reliable,” and “persistent.”

Statement and Interpretation

Doctor with a stethoscope

After we have learned almost everything about the expression “statement of facts” (that is, it is already clear), it is necessary to understand how lively language practice really corresponds to the meaning of the turn itself.

The reader will be surprised or not, but sometimes the phrase is used as an instrument of pressure. For example, when a girl is offended, she may pass off her interpretation as a fact. Here, unfortunately, we can not do without dialogue:

- You do not love me!

“Are you blaming me for something?”

- No, just a statement of fact.

In this case, it does not matter what caused the contention. But, we think, many men are familiar with such situations. Remember that these are not facts, but only their interpretation, or interpretation. In general, there are not many facts in the world that are subject to dry fixation: natural phenomena, various biological and medical conditions, and quantitative readings of devices.

But it is cold and unbiased to relate to the facts of emotional life and to speak about them objectively not only that no one succeeds, but impossible because of the limitations of human nature. Even medical diagnoses at first are not facts, but only interpretations of the patient's condition. In the future, if the version is confirmed, it will become a fact.

As you can see, the phrase “statement of fact”, the meaning of which we examined today, is not so simple. But it still obeyed us.


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