How to get a divorce fast? Consensual divorce

How to get a divorce fast? In general, breaking a officially registered relationship is not as easy as it seems. Especially if the marriage is complicated by anything. For example, the presence of minor children. In any case, you can terminate the relationship at any time. This right is given by law to all citizens. No one is able to take it away. Nevertheless, you need to know a few nuances. Otherwise, the divorce process will not only drag on for a long time, but will also bring a lot of problems to the spouses. So what should you look for? How can you get a divorce fairly quickly? Especially if there is no protest from the other half.

From the situation

A huge role is played by the situation that takes place in the family. Somewhere, a divorce takes place in a matter of days. In some cases, it drags on for months. And the consequences also have to be disassembled for a rather long time.

how to get a divorce quickly

That is why you should first pay attention to what kind of scenario is taking place in a particular cell in society. How to divorce a husband quickly? The fastest way is mutual agreement. Then you do not have to wait again and seek the approval of the spouse. Therefore, the first advice - you need to get support from the second half. It is likely that she, too, is not pleased with the registered relationship.

No property

To begin with, it is worth considering the simplest scenario: when the marriage is not burdened by anything and the parties have no jointly acquired property or disputes regarding this issue. Then an urgent divorce takes place in a month.

Citizens must apply to the registry office at the place of registration of one of the parties. Certain documents are submitted there, then you need to wait a month. During this period, the husband or wife is able to withdraw the application for divorce. 30 days by law is a time of reconciliation.

As soon as this period expires, the parties must return to the registry office at the appointed time (it can be at different times, not necessarily together) and get a divorce certificate there.

divorce value

Documents that you need to bring with you to terminate the relationship (at the first visit):

  • statement;
  • passports of the parties;
  • certificate of marriage;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

Property disputes (small)

How to get a divorce fast? If we are talking about a more serious relationship, which were burdened by the purchase of common property, then you will have to try. Especially if disputes arise during the separation.

Here you can divide property issues and divorce into several parts: disputes are small and large. In the first case, it is recommended to agree. If this does not work, then the initiator of the divorce should go to court.

It's not worth being scared. You will need to write a statement of divorce and submit it with a certain list of documents to the district court (at the place of registration of one of the spouses). Bring with you:

  • lawsuit;
  • passports of applicants (or one of them);
  • certificate of marriage;
  • documents for joint property;
  • a paycheck that confirms the payment of a state divorce fee.

The minimum term for consideration of the case is 3 months. So much is allotted for reconciliation of the parties. If desired, citizens can take the lawsuit and not file a divorce.

divorce process

Serious property disputes

Nevertheless, it often happens that people are decisive. Then there is only one thing left - to get divorced. If it is a mutual agreement, but the divorce process is burdened by serious property disputes (over 50,000 rubles), then you will have to turn to a magistrate’s court.

There is no significant difference in actions. But, as practice shows, it is best to peacefully agree on the division of all acquired together. And this is normal. A settlement is recommended . Or in advance at the notary, or already directly in court. Then it will turn out to get a divorce without any problems.

The documents that must be submitted to the magistrate’s court are the same as in the case of appeals to district authorities. Particular attention should be paid to jointly acquired property. Indeed, that is why it is necessary to draw up a process in a judicial proceeding.

how to divorce your husband quickly


How to get a divorce fast? It will not work to bring the idea to life as soon as possible if people have minor children. It's about joint kids. In this case, the divorce proceeding takes place only in court. The difference is only one - in the absence of disputes regarding the residence of children, termination of relations ends sooner.

Parents were able to agree with whom the children stay with? Then an amicable agreement is concluded (preferably in advance, with a notary public), after which the previously listed documents are submitted to the magistrate's court. If there is a conflict, you will have to invite the guardianship authorities and additionally provide:

  • income statements;
  • birth certificates of children / adoption (for any divorce);
  • confirmation of the availability of housing;
  • health report results.

In general, everything that helps to indicate the welfare of parents. In particular, those with whom children are supposed to live. This is a perfectly normal practice; you should not be afraid of it. Usually minors stay with their mother.

urgent divorce


How to get a divorce fast? Practice shows that during the pregnancy of a wife and after childbirth, a man is not able to bring the idea to life. If he intends to terminate the officially registered relationship, then he will have to persuade his wife to this. A pregnant woman can file for a divorce, her husband - no. And this right is reserved mainly for a woman for a year from the moment the baby appears.

In general, the process is no different. If the spouses both agree, they apply to the registry office with a statement at the wife's place of residence. If there are disputes - to the magistrate or district court. The plaintiff must be a woman.

After ships

Now it’s clear how to get a divorce quickly by mutual agreement. However, what to do if a court decision is already in place? Courts do not issue divorce certificates. So, you need to produce the appropriate document.

As already mentioned, you must come to the registry office. There are provided:

  • certificates of judgment;
  • statement of established form;
  • identity cards of the parties;
  • certificate of marriage and the birth of children (if any);
  • receipt of payment of duty.

After that, the employees will issue an appropriate document to each of the parties. The certificate of divorce can be taken. Only after this can the process be considered 100% complete.


What else do you need to pay attention to? The fact that divorce is not a free process. Just like marriage. As practice shows, citizens will have to pay for these procedures.

how to divorce quickly by mutual agreement

The cost of a divorce in 2016 is 650 rubles. This amount is paid by one of the parties, it is considered for both spouses. Not too much money.

In addition, nerves and time (from 1 to 3 months minimum) can be included in the unofficial cost of a divorce. Accordingly, if there are no burdens, then the process will go quickly. But with children and common property will have to try pretty hard. Now it’s clear how to get a divorce quickly in a given case. It is recommended that you think carefully about whether this is necessary. And just do not file an application with the registry office or the courts. Yes, within a month you can pick it up, but in this case, the relationship between the spouses is unlikely to improve!


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