Low tide for the foundation: purpose, types, independent manufacture

It is known that the foundation is the foundation of any structure. It carries the load of the entire structure. In addition, during precipitation, an additional load also arises on the foundation. Indeed, in the rainy season or in the winter, moisture is absorbed not only into the ground, but also into the walls of the building and its foundation. In winter, this moisture freezes. As a result of this, cracks often appear on the structure, the plaster begins to crumble.

Thus, not only the foundation, but also the whole building is partially destroyed. To avoid such troubles, special protective structures are installed on the basement of the building and on the foundation. Everyone can buy them in stores, or can build ebbs for a basement, foundation with their own hands. It is quite simple.

foundation tide

Ebb Features

The installation of this material is necessary for any construction, because it prevents the destruction of the foundation and can significantly reduce the load on it. Most manufacturers today offer a huge range of ebbs. The main difference of this product is the material from which it is made, its shape and manufacturer.


- strength;

- practicality;

- durability;

- resistance to adverse effects of precipitation;

- noiselessness;

- resistance to direct sunlight, temperature extremes;

- ease of installation;

- availability.

Many experts believe that the tide for the foundation and basement of the building is the main component of the entire structure.

Types of socles

There are several types of ebbs for the base.

do-it-yourself ebbs for the foundation

Low tide for the foundation and basement is able to reliably protect this part of the house not only from atmospheric precipitation, but also from mechanical damage.

Low tide for a wooden house on the foundation is most often made of edged boards and galvanized steel on their own. After all, this part of the structure is additionally protected by waterproofing. The board is pre-coated with an antiseptic.

Low tide for the foundation on the corner plays an important role. This part of the structure protects not only the house, but also the residents themselves from possible bruises, wounds or cuts.

DIY tide

Do-it-yourself ebbs for the foundation should begin to be established by determining the connection point of the main wall and the grillage of the house. With this part, the installation begins. A well-established ebb tide for the foundation can not only protect the foundation of the building from rain, snow and hail, but also the free part of the grillage.

Many people prefer to make ebbs on their own. It is quite simple.

ebbs for a basement foundation photo

First of all, it is necessary to measure the distance between the edge of the protruding part of the foundation and the supporting wall. 5 cm should be added to the obtained value, which will go to the manufacture of stiffeners.

Measurements are transferred to a sheet of galvanized steel, then blanks are made. We subsequently apply a longitudinal line to them, which marks the places of stiffeners. It should be located at a distance of about 2.5 cm from the edge of the sheet.

On the drawn line we make a bend down and up. It is best to use pliers and a workbench, and for calibration - a block of wood.

As a result, you get a visor, which in the future must be attached to the main wall of the structure. The upper stiffener should rest against the wall.

The ebb for the base, made with your own hands, will not look as attractive as purchased, but this method will save money. You can further paint this design with a color that will harmoniously blend with the color of the house.

Installation of construction

Setting the ebb of the foundation does not require professional skills. This process takes place in several stages.

First of all, it is necessary to carry out a full cladding of the entire building. Remember that first you should use the level to check the foundation line for horizontalness. If there are slight distortions, they should be removed using a cement-sand mortar.

do-it-yourself tides for the basement base

Directly to the wall of the building, ebbs for the base, foundation are attached . Photos on the instructions often show that the edge of the slope should protrude at least 5 cm. Fasten the material to the wall with dowels and nails with an overlap of at least 3 cm. This place, as well as the joints of the ebbs and walls, should be lubricated with frost-resistant sealant.

In the same way, the internal and external corners previously cut from the casting bar are fixed to the wall. We make sure that all joints are necessarily coated with sealant.

If the structure provides for the installation of wide ebbs, then they are attached to the basement with brackets. Otherwise, the structure will hang during the wind.


The cost of low tide on the base is diverse. First of all, it differs depending on the main material from which the tide is made, and from the manufacturer. Prices range from 90 to 200 rubles per meter of linear design.

Remember that a well-made ebb can protect your home for long years from unexpected troubles and repairs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9834/

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