Fixing siding to the wall. Installation instructions

If you are interested in the question of how the siding is fixed to the wall, then you need to familiarize yourself with the technology of the work. The material will allow to refine a country house or a residential type building, which is located within the city.

Siding Features

wall siding

Before acquiring this facing material, it is worth studying the features of the panels. Among the strengths, high resistance to precipitation can be distinguished. This is true for steel, vinyl and cement siding. Choosing a wooden variety of this material, you will need to carry out surface treatment with a frequency of 2 years. It is important to pay attention to durability. However, wood panels will last more than one decade if you provide them with appropriate timely care. The surface of the finish will have to be tinted from time to time. Fixing the siding to the wall may not require additional processing when it comes to plastic material. It is much more practical than the above. You can easily choose the color of the siding, which will correspond to the exterior solution and your preferences. By purchasing vinyl panels, you can choose a material that is very difficult to distinguish from natural wood. Spending too much will not have to, since the cost of this finishing material is very affordable.

Consumer Tips

siding installation technology
Before attaching vinyl siding, it is necessary to consider some recommendations. Pay attention to the thickness of the panel. It is important that the products do not differ in thickness between each other by more than 1.5 mm. Otherwise, this will indicate a factory defect. When calculating the required amount of material, you need to use the information that is indicated on the bundles. It is important not to neglect the possibility of manufacturing defects, acquiring material with a margin of 10 percent.

Panel Storage Recommendations

profile for mounting siding
It is important to consider that not only the technology of siding installation must be observed, but also the features of material storage. It is at this point that the finish can be damaged. Two days before the start of installation, you need to fold the panels in the room if the work will be carried out in the cold season. The surface for storing the material should be perfectly flat to prevent sagging in the middle or edges of the canvas. Do not leave the material at temperatures below -30 degrees, there is also a maximum limit mark, which should not exceed +50 degrees. Do not stack one package of material on another. This does not apply to steel siding.

Preparation before installation

metal siding mount
Fastening of siding on a metal profile should be carried out only after you manage to purchase all the necessary tools. To do this, stock up on a punch, without which it will be impossible to install a steel crate. It is important to prepare a jigsaw for operation, which can be replaced with a circular saw. If such tools are not available, and it was not possible to rent them, then you can do with a hacksaw for wood and metal.

Hardware Tools

base siding mount

It will be better to install fasteners with a screwdriver, without which these manipulations will take several days. Do not forget about roulette, as well as the laser or the usual building level. Real craftsmen have at their disposal the last two tools. Do not forget to prepare a hammer, as well as a mallet, metal scissors and a rope.

Facade preparation

vinyl siding mount
If you decide to make an independent installation of siding, the crate should be installed initially. However, it is important to properly prepare the facade. To do this, remove old finishing materials from the surface. If there are cracks, then you need to get rid of them with a plaster mixture. It is important to exclude the presence of mold or fungus on the surface of the walls, they can be removed using special solutions, which are presented in the large assortment of building materials on the market. It should not be left on the facade and crumbling elements of plaster. Eliminate rotten boards that need to be replaced. Fixing a metal siding, like any other, implies the need to ensure the evenness of the wall.

Work on installing the frame

mount siding on a metal profile
Before starting work, you need to choose one of two options for the frame; it can be made of wood, which is a cheaper option. To carry out installation work, you don’t need to have any specific professional skills. However, after installation, one should not expect from the wooden frame special strength and durability. The wood will rot. The metal frame is expensive, but also more durable.

Support Profile

The profile for mounting the siding is installed on the finished crate. We are talking about a horizontal starting bar, which is installed at a distance of 40 millimeters from the ground, sometimes this gap is delayed from the top of the cap. In the corners, indent 10-15 centimeters, which will depend on the corner elements. At the junction of the two slats you need to leave a gap of 5 millimeters. Corner elements must be installed at the corners of the building, retreating from the cornice line of 6 millimeters. First you will need to work on the starting profile, and then you should proceed to the corner elements. Fastening the siding to the wall involves installing an n-shaped profile in those places where the panels will dock.

Features of mounting siding

Initially take the launch pad and install it in a profile that sits vertically. To facilitate these manipulations, it is necessary to slightly bend the middle of the canvas. Then the siding can be lowered to the start profile, using the lock connection. After the lower part is fixed, you need to press the upper panel and install the fasteners in the middle of the hole. Work on subsequent rows should be carried out on the same principle. The upper row acts as an exception, in this case, you must first install the finish bar, only then you can install the panel in it.

Features of the work

Fixing siding to the wall, although it is a fairly simple job, involves some rules. Between the head of the hardware and the canvas, it is necessary to leave a certain distance, which is equal to 1.5 millimeters. When purchasing self-tapping screws, make sure that they are made of stainless steel, and their hats should be rubberized. Using a wooden crate, it is important to treat all the bars with anti-combustible compounds. Siding installation technology may involve the use of foam, installation of the finish is carried out only after the heat insulator is fixed on the facade. When carrying out work in the winter, the extension tolerance should be increased to 10 millimeters. This is true for finishes that fit between vertical profiles. If the ambient temperature drops below -15 degrees, then the installation must be temporarily postponed. Some mount the siding to a wooden house, without making sure that the facade is perfectly flat. After some time, this certainly leads to the need for repairs. Not only the wall should be even, but each panel, deformed elements should not be used.

Recommendations for the beginning master

Fixing the basement siding is carried out according to the same methodology that was described above. However, it is important to comply with some requirements, which are expressed in the need to use well-dried wood for the frame. If wet lumber was installed, then it will dry out over time and deform, which will change the initial linear dimensions of the finish. It is important to choose the right fastening material, self-tapping screws for fastening the siding should have parameters of 30 millimeters, only this way you will be able to ensure reliable fixation. The distance between the fasteners should be equal to 40 centimeters, although this figure will depend on the frequency of the battens. Do not exceed the maximum gap, which is 60 cm. When installing fasteners, it is important to ensure that it is perpendicular to the surface, which will not interfere with the installation of the next panel. During operation, it is important to ensure an overlap of 25 millimeters, this will prevent the penetration of pollution and precipitation. If the siding is fixed with an overlap, it is necessary to trim the mud bar. When using thermal insulation material, it is important to provide a ventilation gap of 2 centimeters. It will eliminate the occurrence of condensation. Among other things, such an air cushion perfectly affects the indoor microclimate. Experts do not recommend the use of liquid sealants for profiles and panels, which supposedly should increase the quality of resistance to moisture. This, on the contrary, will negatively affect the integrity of the entire structure. If vinyl siding is used, it is especially important to ensure a temperature gap, since PVC products are very sensitive to changes in environmental conditions.

Features of the operation of siding

It is important not only to correctly install the profile for fastening the siding, as well as the finishing material itself, but also to operate the finish in accordance with all the rules. If you used wooden siding, then every 6 years it is necessary to carry out a surface cleaning, since the material will be covered with cracks. After that, the wood is treated with antiseptics. In this condition, the panels must be left for several days, after which it will be possible to start painting. It is recommended to start doing this from the top of the house, which will allow to remove streaks from previously applied protective agents.

If it comes to vinyl siding, then it is unacceptable to wash with abrasive materials, as well as chemicals. The most suitable option is a garden hose and water pressure, which will get rid of dirt. Metal siding does not require complex care - it is easy to clean, but it has a certain minus. It is expressed in that the damaged panel will begin to rust. In order to exclude such consequences, it is necessary to treat the material with special substances. Some home craftsmen resort to the decision to replace the panel. Cement siding does not form external damage at all, and dirt from its surface can be disposed of with water. That is why the basement of the house is most often faced with similar material.

In general, siding today is one of the most common materials for decoration and facade cladding. With its help it is possible to cover the basement, which will be reliably protected from negative weather conditions and external influences. Thus, you will extend the life of the entire structure, as well as ensure a normal microclimate in the rooms of the house. The choice of the modern consumer who purchases siding is also determined by the affordable cost of such material, so any buyer can afford such a finish. However, it is important to decide which type of material is best to choose.


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