Ringworm in a cat: signs and treatment

Ringworm in a cat is a fungal disease. His spores cause dermatophytes. The main area of ​​damage is most often the skin, but the coat and claws of the animal may be affected. Street pets have a specific immunity, and the disease often goes away on its own. However, domestic cats must be treated. The danger of ringworm lies in the possible transmission of spores to the dog and man. In order to help in time, you should familiarize yourself with the main symptoms, manifestations and methods of treating the disease.

Cat Ringworm

A variety of lichen

The problem can be caused by different types of fungi. If the skin is affected by spores of the species Microsporum canis, then microsporia develops. If fungi of the species Trichophyton are attacked, then trichophytosis is diagnosed.

For the owner of the cat, there is no need to understand the types of spores, because the clinical manifestations in both cases are almost similar. It is important to understand that pathogenic fungi can be found on the animal itself and in the territory where the cat constantly walks. Spores are very tenacious, even outside the body, they remain viable for more than a year.

It should be noted that spores can be found on any object that was in contact with an infected cat. The most popular sources of reinfestation are untreated:

  • litter;
  • combs for combing out;
  • bowls for feeding;
  • carpets, with the remnants of fallen wool.

Often the fungus that causes ringworm in a cat does not manifest itself. He can live on her covers for many years and, with weakened immunity, attack the animal. In this case, to determine its existence will help special tests that the veterinarian conducts in the clinic.

Ringworm in cats - treatment

How is the disease spread?

Ringworm in a cat occurs in direct contact with pathogenic spores. They can be located anywhere the infected animal lives. The problem is that the fungi remain viable for up to two years, so the pet can become infected almost anywhere. However, most healthy cats with strong immunity have a natural resistance to this disease, however, they can be carriers of spores without detecting any symptoms themselves.

At risk are:

  • weakened cats;
  • pets who have recently had a disease;
  • kittens;
  • animals that receive malnutrition or malnutrition;
  • stressful cats;
  • individuals receiving steroid treatment;
  • helminth infected cats;
  • patients with viral infections;
  • cats that have access to the street.

Also, some breeds are susceptible to the disease. Thus, the Persians are most vulnerable due to genetic reasons.

Shingles cats

Cat Ringworm - Signs

Manifestations of the disease depend on the location of the fungal focus and duration. What looks like ringworm in cats is seen in the photo below. A classic appearance is spots on the skin of an animal where there is no hair. In this case, the center of the spot can be covered with scales, which the cat scratches and thereby contributes to the spread of spores.

What does ringworm look like in cats

Gradually combed places are covered with pustules, bubbles with liquid appear. At the beginning of the disease, the spots are small and do not catch the eye. But over time, the area of ​​infection increases as the fungus spreads on the skin. In this case, the itching that bothers the cat does not always appear.

Signs of ringworm in cats:

  1. Bare spots on the head, neck, ears or tail.
  2. Spots are round or elongated. In advanced cases, they completely cross the face of the animal, affecting the nose, mouth, eyes, forehead and ears.
  3. Shedding intensifies, lumps form on the wool.
  4. The skin begins to peel off, the hair becomes greasy.
  5. The cat often itches.

The fungus that causes ringworm of a domestic cat can affect the claws. At the same time, they are deformed, acquire an irregular shape and become brittle.

Diagnosis of the disease

Ringworm may have a clinical picture similar to other diseases. Therefore, it is not always possible to diagnose it only by external signs. For an accurate diagnosis, the veterinarian must conduct special tests.

Most often, experts use the Wood lamp. Getting under its rays, some fungi begin to glow (fluoresce). However, the test is inaccurate, because some spores do not respond to such radiation, while others simply do not have the ability to glow. In addition, not only fungi causing lichen can emit fluorescent light, but also other microorganisms. There are animals that carry spores on the wool, but are not infected. Therefore, for accurate diagnosis, other methods must be used.

  1. Examination of wool taken from the border of the affected area under a microscope.
  2. Sowing fungal crops. In this case, crusts and scales from pet spots are used. The vet uses a scraper to collect the required sample. Next, the scales are placed in a special composition that identifies ringworm spores. The procedure is simple and can be performed in any veterinary clinic.

When diagnosed with ringworm, the cat must be checked for other health problems. This is due to the fact that normally healthy animals actively resist spores and their body successfully fights them.

Ringworm in cats - treatment at home

Caution - versicolor

A fairly common and dangerous disease for humans is ringworm in cats. The photo of the affected areas clearly shows the problem, however, pet owners do not always treat it with due attention. The disease has a fungal nature, the probability of transmission from a cat to a person is high. That is why, at the first signs of damage, it is necessary to show the pet to the doctor and begin processing the home.

Ringworm of a domestic cat

Key actions you can take:

  1. Completely isolate the sick cat from other animals and children. Keep them out of sofas, beds and carpets. Contacts to minimize, carry out all actions with gloves.
  2. Inspect all pets in the house, conduct a set of preventive measures on the advice of a veterinarian.
  3. The treatment is carried out to the end, without abandoning it with visible improvements.
  4. It is forbidden to bathe the animal in order to avoid the spread of the fungus throughout the body. However, the doctor may recommend therapeutic shampoos, the use of which will be advisable.
  5. Take a closer look at the conditions of keeping the cat and the conditions of its nutrition in order to increase the immunity of the animal.

Treatment of a pet should be started as soon as possible and under the supervision of a specialist.

Drug treatment

A wide variety of spores can cause ringworm in cats. Treatment depends on their variety, the course of the disease, the size of the affected skin lesions and the state of the pet's immune system. Therefore, the veterinarian in each case selects an individual treatment regimen, even for cats living in the same house.

Quite often, with inattention to the problem, sheared lichen in cats can become chronic. Treatment should be comprehensive. A specialist will never prescribe any one drug, but will recommend a specific system.


An antifungal vaccine is used to prevent fungal skin lesions and treat the initial stage of lichen. If the pet is already diagnosed with large foci of inflammation, then antifungal ointments, tablets and shampoos are needed. With the widespread spread of spores, immunomodulators are used that increase the defenses of the body itself.

Caution is needed

Antifungal drugs use only one form to exclude the effect of intoxication. To exclude an overdose, you must strictly follow the instructions of the veterinarian.

In order to most quickly and effectively defeat ringworm in cats, treatment should be started immediately after the first signs appear. If an ointment is used, the affected area is cut off before use, and the skin is removed. This is done for the best contact of the drug with the skin.

Often cats comb sore areas. In this case, the probability of joining a secondary purulent infection is high. How to treat ringworm in cats in this case depends on the severity of the general condition of the pet. But in any case, the doctor will prescribe antibiotic therapy.

It should be remembered that the course of treatment is quite long. Full recovery occurs after a month and a half. It is important that a cat is considered healthy only after two tests and a negative result. Do not give up treatment, even if the visible signs of the disease have disappeared.

Signs of ringworm in cats

Anti-lichen drugs

Funds aimed at eliminating ringworm are available in four forms. Only their complex use will help to completely heal the animal:

  1. Vaccine for injection.
  2. Antifungal ointments.
  3. Shampoos with antifungal action.
  4. Antifungal pills.

List of tools used

Among the most popular vaccines are Microderm and Polivak TM. Introduce them intramuscularly. To treat infected skin, ointments should be used. Among the most famous can be distinguished "Fungin" and "Sanoderm." To wash the skin and coat using antifungal shampoos. The most popular and effective are the Veterinary Formula ANTISEPTIC & ANTIFUNGAL and the “DOCTOR”. Tablets may be prescribed depending on the severity of the disease. The most famous are Itraconazole, Griseofulvin and Terbinafine.

Folk remedies

A rather formidable and contagious disease is ringworm in cats. Treatment at home will help to cope with the problem, but should not completely replace the drugs recommended by a specialist. The most famous and effective are the following methods:

  1. Sulphurous bath. You need a teaspoon of the product and a bowl of warm water. The animal is washed with the resulting solution, carefully treating the affected areas.
  2. Wood ash ointment, butter and pork fat. The resulting product is used to treat skin areas where there is itching and redness. To prevent licking, dressings should be used.
  3. To remove crusts painlessly, use soapy water. For this, 15 g of grated laundry soap is diluted in one liter of warm water. Crusts and flakes are removed with a cotton swab dipped in a solution.
  4. Carbolic soap is considered a good tool in the initial stages of the disease. However, it should be thoroughly rinsed from the skin. Otherwise, there is a risk of poisoning due to the toxicity of the drug. For the treatment of kittens is not used.
  5. The use of iodine is not recommended. The animal may be burned or produce an individual allergic reaction.

It is believed that folk remedies are less dangerous. However, some of them are quite toxic and it is better to get expert advice before use.


It looks useful to any breeder to see what cat shingles look like. In addition to the inconvenience to the animal itself and its long-term treatment, the danger of becoming sick lies in the possible transmission to humans. Therefore, at the first sign, the cat is isolated and all further measures are carried out in protective gloves.

It should be understood that the disease is quite serious. Ringworm, if launched, can develop into a chronic form and even cause death. The disease becomes generalized; it will be quite difficult to save a cat. Kittens need to be vaccinated on time. Adults periodically solder with tablets aimed at eliminating worms. Optimal conditions and good nutrition will help protect the animal and give strength to the natural fight against the disease.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9843/

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