How to charge batteries at home: 5 easy ways

Suddenly the battery from the camera, flashlight, children's toy or other necessary device has run out? Such an opportunity cannot be foreseen. Unless you use special batteries with indicators. Or, as a precaution, do not carry a replacement with you. How to charge the batteries at home? We will share useful instructions and recommendations with you.

What batteries can be charged?

Not every finger-type battery can be filled with energy using the artisanal method. What batteries can be charged? Only finger alkaline (alkaline). But salt is by no means impossible! The possibility of leakage of the composition or explosion of the product is not excluded.

Method 1: Charger

We figured out whether it is possible to charge the battery. If you constantly use such finger-type batteries, then it is easiest for you to buy a special charger for them. Such a device will help to β€œbreathe life” into the battery without unnecessary trouble.

However, the method has significant disadvantages. Each charge reduces the battery life by one third. In addition, the procedure may cause leakage of its composition.

how to charge batteries at home

Method 2: power supply

Consider how to charge batteries at home. For this method, you will need a power supply and wires to connect to it. Everything is in place? Here is the instruction for action:

  1. First, wire the battery to the power supply. It is important to observe the polarity - plus combine with plus, minus with minus. It is easy - β€œ+” and β€œ-” are marked on the body of the consumed battery.
  2. After you have connected the battery, wait until it heats up to 50 Β° C. Then disconnect it from the power supply.
  3. Be sure to wait a few minutes for the element to cool. Otherwise, you can provoke his explosion!
  4. While the battery is still warm, reconnect it to the power supply for about 2 minutes.
  5. And now the element needs to be placed in the freezer for 10 minutes.
  6. After this time, remove the battery, wait a few minutes until it warms up to room temperature.
  7. That's all, the charge is restored! The item can be used for its intended purpose.
    which batteries can be charged

When receiving a rechargeable finger battery in this way, pay attention to these recommendations:

  • The process will not work if you reverse the polarity when connecting the wires. Moreover, in this way you destroy the remaining charge in the element.
  • Using the described method, it is permissible to charge the battery 1-2 times.
  • The method is suitable only for finger alkaline elements!
  • The procedure can be performed in any environmental conditions (except for the stage of the freezer).

Method 3: heating

You can restore the battery charge by ordinary heating. But be careful - the method is fraught with explosion of the product!

The simplest is as follows:

  1. Pour into a container of hot (but not boiling) water. Put the batteries there.
  2. How much to charge the batteries in this way? Keep them in the water for no more than 20 seconds, so as not to provoke sad consequences!
  3. Wait for the battery to dry completely and cool to room temperature. That's it, you can use it!
    can I charge the battery

Method 4: volume reduction

The method is quite incomprehensible and exotic at first glance. We need to reduce the size of the battery so that the charge in it will recover on its own.

What needs to be done for this? Mechanically reduce, thinner the body volume. To do this, the battery is beaten on something solid - asphalt, wall, stone, brick and so on. Or just stomp her thick shoes. You can try to flatten with an improvised tool - for example, pliers.

This method will charge all the finger batteries. I must say that such a "barbaric" method helps to restore the charge in some cases, even up to 100%!

how much to charge the batteries

Method 5: exposure to solutions

We continue to disassemble how to charge batteries at home. Within this method, two methods can be distinguished.

Instructions for the first:

  1. Open the battery cover with something sharp (such as a knife).
  2. Make sure that all the components inside are intact - coal powder, zinc cylinder, rod.
  3. Prepare a saline solution. To do this, dissolve 2 tablespoons of ordinary table salt in several glasses of water.
  4. Put the batteries in this composition.
  5. Now the saline solution with the batteries needs to be brought to a boil. Boil should be no more than 10-15 minutes.
  6. Cool the batteries to a hand temperature.
  7. Now you need to return the removed gaskets, covers to place.
  8. In order to facilitate a more complete sealing, coat them with wax or plasticine on top.
  9. That's all, the products are ready for use.
    rechargeable finger batteries

How to charge batteries at home in another way:

  1. Punch holes in the battery caps with an awl or similar tool near the carbon rod. The depth of each should be within 3/4 of the height of the entire battery.
  2. Pour liquid into the hole. You can take not ordinary water, but a solution of double vinegar or hydrochloric acid (not more than 8-10%).
  3. For sufficient saturation of the base, you need to repeat the pouring procedure several times, maintaining time intervals so that the composition has time to absorb.
  4. Finally, be sure to plug the holes. For these purposes, it is best to use resin or plasticine.
  5. And now you can use the battery - its charge should be restored to 70-80%.

Now you know how to charge a finger alkaline battery. Choose any method convenient for you. And, most importantly, be extremely careful! The battery may explode due to careless actions!


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