What is Smereka? Smereka tree: photo, description, application

This long-living variety of conifers is not uncommon in the Carpathians. Some specimens reach the age of 300-400 years with a trunk diameter of 1.5 meters. Approximately 40% of the forest vegetation is made up of Smereka, which grows mainly in this region.

What is Smereka? The answer to this question can be found in this article.

Spruce forests of the Carpathians

The main part of trees in the Carpathians is coniferous, but Smereka is the most noticeable and majestic of them. Coniferous dark green lush forests with these amazing trees occupy more than 60 percent of the forested area.

Queen Spruce Carpathians

The places of growth of the Smereka Christmas tree in the Carpathians are the territories of mountain slopes, starting from heights above sea level in the range of 800-900 meters, and then they spread to almost 1700 meters. This plant does not particularly need strong lighting, it is quite resistant to almost all types of climatic conditions, just does not like excessive heat and dryness.

The spruce forests of the Carpathians create not only picturesque landscapes, but also a wonderful microclimate. They purify the air, make it healing. The aromas of spruce forest have a calming effect on the body. The healing properties of forests where Smereka grows are confirmed by medical research.

Plant Overview

Smereka tree is a rather rare species among numerous conifers.

Needles and cones of Smereka

This is one of the varieties of the Christmas tree, which is the native vegetation of the Carpathians. Amazingly beautiful tree kills all the microbes around it. This long-lasting plant under favorable conditions reaches a height of 50 meters. Among the old specimens, you can find giant trees by the circumference of the trunk (diameter - 1.5 m) about 300-400 years old. Spruce need to grow for about 100 years, so that its height reaches 35 meters.

Decorative forms of plants are widely used for landscaping settlements.

Decorative forms of Smereka

Smereka - the tree is quite unpretentious, easily tolerating even significant shading, high humidity, as well as some waterlogging of the soil. In dry weather, its branches wilt, and before the rain and on wet days they rise. This tree can grow even in rocky cracks, it feels great in the shade of bushes and deciduous trees, but in the process of growth it drowns them out.

Smere wood

Smereka wood has long been considered a good building material for the construction of houses and other structures. They use it to make trembit (a wind instrument) and other musical equipment. The best for this is a tree that has been damaged by lightning.

Spruce Wood Boards

What is Smereka in terms of wood? In the world market this material is in greater demand than pine wood. Smereka, when used in construction, has several advantages in terms of heat, color, as well as the features of the house in terms of design. The wood of this plant has strength, elasticity, the ability to retain heat well and frost resistance. It is easily processed, has low sound and heat conductivity, as well as sufficient heat capacity. The texture, color and peculiar aroma make this wood an indispensable material in the construction of environmentally friendly and warm housing.

The houses built from it emit a light invigorating aroma that improves lung function and sleep, as well as normalizes blood pressure and increases performance.


The good healing properties of Smereka have long been known. What is there in it that makes it so useful? The needles of the plant contain vitamin C and essential oil. In folk medicine, it is used to heal wounds. In Ukraine, there is a belief according to which, if you touch the smereka, you can become strong and healthy for life.

Smereka bark

Resin, gum, tar, and wood vinegar have long been extracted from this plant. Its wood is also used in paper production.


What is Smereka? This is a spruce, which, like other conifers, absorbs all kinds of pollution, which are thrown by various industrial enterprises and cars into the air. Only one hectare of coniferous forest per year can absorb up to one ton of harmful gases, about 35 tons of dust and clean the air with a volume of 18,000,000 cubic meters!

These figures are the result of scientific research.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9851/

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