How to pass the game "Machine": tips, secrets, tips

Today we’ll talk about how to get through the Mashinarium game. This is a fascinating quest with an exciting story and simple controls. In the story, we take on the role of a cleaning robot named Josef, who suddenly finds himself in a landfill. What really happened to the main character, and the player has to find out during the passage. The release date of Mashinarium is October 16, 2009; The developers were AmanitaDesign.

In order to play Machinarium, a user just needs to have a standard keyboard and a computer mouse. The main control falls on the left mouse button, but sometimes the player will need to use several third-party keys.

The main character knows how to change his own size - for this to happen, the player must first click on the head of the robot with the left mouse button, and then pull it in the necessary direction. To call the inventory, just move the cursor to the top of the screen, for the system menu - move the cursor to the lower borders. All saves are placed in six slots. If, for some reason, the passage stalled in one place, you can always turn to the tooltip from the inventory (by the way, there are no cheats and codes in the "Machinarium"). There, the player is given the opportunity to try their hand at a small mini-game.

We hope that our short introduction helped to understand the basics of management presented in the game. About how to get through the game "Mashinarium", we will tell in the next part of our article.

How to pass the level of "Machine"?

Around. Part 1

The game begins, and we observe how the main character is brought to the scrap metal dump. The robot is missing one arm and one leg, and it was crushed by a large bathtub. We pass the very first quest of the game. First we click on the bath, then several times on the body and on the head. We increase our own size (we wrote about this above), select a doll and give it to a creature running nearby. Soon the creature will return with our lost leg - rather, connect it back to the body. Then we select the magnet, connect it to the rope (it can be taken next to the coil) and use the resulting mechanism on the pole.

After a small clip, you need to ring the bell hanging on the door. We will not be able to go further, so this quest from the game is solved as follows: we take one cone, one that is broken (the rest of the cones can be safely thrown to the bottom of the pit), and lower it into a bucket, after pouring the paint there. Then we climb up the column, pull out the bulb and connect it to the cone. We apply what happened, on ourselves, ring the bell again and go inside.

We rise to the upper floor, simultaneously grabbing an iron stick and attaching it to the stair railing. On the crossbar on the right side there will be an iron, which should be placed on the nearest rail. We pull the railing and disconnect the wheels from the wagon - after that we can go towards the city.

Around. Part 2

Mashinarium continues, and we are offered to watch another video. After that, press the button and in the panel that opens, set the following: 1 lever - down, 2 lever - up, 3 lever - down. Click on the box, jump into the bathtub and click on the balcony located on the left side of the screen. By the way, first you need to stock up with a wrench, which will lie at the door. We then use this key on the box to open it. Cross the left wires, go down and do all our previous actions again. When the robot is in the bathroom, you need to click not on the balcony, but on the pipe located on the right side of the screen.

We continue our walkthrough of the Russian version of "Machinearium". We find ourselves in a new place and immediately pick up the valve and a piece of mold - the last item needs to be dried with a lamp, which is located to our left. Then we make a small paper cigarette and change it to the cellmate’s hand. Use the resulting hand to reach the far hole. We get to the safe and shake it three times, after which we pick up the mop. We return to our chamber and combine the mop with the valve from the inventory - now we can open the passage below. We get down into the tunnel and begin to crawl, adhering to the right side.

We crawl to a location with a security guard who is busy practicing his target shooting. We wait a moment to click on the stool and steal a few balls from the table. Balls must be scattered immediately behind the stool, after which we quickly return to the tunnel. Soon a guard will approach this place, and while he is busy, we will be able to steal his keys unnoticed. Now we go to the cells and release all prisoners - this will distract the attention of the guards. We find ourselves in the middle chamber and select a plunger, which will come in handy a little later. Then we go to the last cabinet, protected by a secret code (445), go inside and proceed to solve the puzzle (it is necessary to rotate the circles). We take the gun from the secret box and combine it with the plunger raised earlier. We go up and get out (you can also use the telescope, but this is not necessary).

Congratulations, you have just completed Level 1, Part 2 of the Machinarium. We will read about what will happen to the robot in the next chapter.

We deal with a dog

We push the boxes so that they are under the magnet, then we approach the control panel and set the correct order from the arrows. Hint for this Mashinarium puzzle: red arrows should be assembled at the bottom and yellow arrows at the top. We return the box to the place and use it to get to the stairs. We approach the next control panel and set the arrow a little further away from the red light (between the red lamp and the pink button). After that, click alternately first on the upper and then on the lower buttons. We get down, take out a gun from the inventory and shoot the dog. Then we go to the girl who will share her umbrella with us, and now we easily pass under a large water stream.

Mashinarium: passing puzzles

Meeting with musicians

We continue our guide on how to complete the Mashinarium game, and are transferred to a new level. Along the way, we will meet a company of musicians who need help. Our next task is to reunite the missing musical instruments (and some individual parts) with their owners. In addition, some musicians have small problems with liveliness, which prevents their instruments from working normally. We agree to help the poor fellow and get down to business!

We find ourselves in a cabaret where you can stock up with masking tape for catching flies. We use the tape on the tank, which is located right at the exit of the cabaret, collect insects and return back to the room. We release the caught flies at the bartender to distract his attention, and take the drum. We return the instrument to its owner and at the same time we select a pot with a plant that grandmother will throw out.

Quests from the game "Machine"

We go back to the cabaret and sit down for the next mini-game in Mashinarium - tic-tac-toe. Our opponent may seem like a real pro, but this is far from the case. It is enough to hold a few games, and he will give up (if there are problems, you can always turn to numerous video walkthroughs for specific puzzles). We win the mini-game "Mashinarium" (tic-tac-toe), after which our opponent will get angry and scatter cogs around the room. We collect all 5 pieces and return the loss to the musician playing the saxophone. In gratitude, a melody will be played for us, but soon the same grandmother will appear and throw another flower pot on us. We select a plant and go to the next level.

Get a cat

We approach the post, click on it and open access to the next puzzle "Machine". Its passage is quite simple, therefore, it should not cause special difficulties, however, one part will fall out of the design. It is immediately picked up by a small bird, which will then be placed on the cable. We approach it closer and begin to swing in different directions - the bird will begin to copy our movements, tear the cable and drop the part down. We lift the missing part, connect the cable to the handrail and return to the post with the puzzle.

Release Date "Machine"

Tip: you should not immediately return the dropped part to its place, since it is better to do it at the very end, when we figure out the rest of the puzzle. We solve the puzzle, climb the stairs and see the master who will ask us for help. In order to help him, you need to climb on his head and turn off the device. After that, the master will go to work in another place and take the stepladder with him. Once again we climb onto his head and try to reach the cat - we will be hit by a discharge of current. We get back down and deal with a small puzzle hidden in a box, after which we climb again after the cat. This time, luck awaits us!

In the square with the clock

Under the big clock, we will meet a rusted mechanical poor fellow who needs to bring oil. We are going to fulfill the assignment to the checkpoint - for this we go through the arch, which can be found near the musicians. Once in place, we look for the desired barrel, substitute an empty canister under it and collect the oil, which we then attribute to the rusted robot. On the ground next to the clock there will be a pen that must be inserted into a special hole to set the correct time.

We jump into the hatch and move towards the next location. We check the bedside table on the right and find a book in it - a wrench will lie inside. We connect it to any valve near the pipes and pick up the wire. We go down to the drain with water and use the wire to get the key. Let's go back to the pipes and block the next valves (2 in the middle on the left and 1 at the very bottom, the second on the left). We climb up and climb into the pool.

Save the captive

We find ourselves on the site where the red button is located - click it. Then we go a little down and look into the window, behind which the captive sits. We take it under control and perform the following actions: first we remove the pan from the stove, then search the cabinet where we find the corn, and, finally, throw the corn on the stove. What will it give? The corn will heat up and burst, flying into the pipe and pushing out a small hook from there. We return to the management of our main protagonist in order to pick up the hook and throw it out the window to the captive. We change control again, climb onto the pan and use the hook on the hood - as soon as it opens, reach the rubber hose lying inside with the same hook. The hose must be melted on a fire (for this we put it in a pan), and then connect it to the oil pipe.

We return and start the lift, after which we pay attention to the panel, where we are waiting for the next puzzle. We set the levers in the correct sequence and press the most important control lever.

In the botanical garden

We continue to share with our readers information on how to complete the levels in the "Machinarium". Move the car, changing the growth, a little to the right. Then we go left and notice a screen under which a panel with a riddle is hiding. To solve it, you need to paint over several fields with cells. After the three fields are shaded, the growth machine will produce a large toothy plant. A board will lie at its base - we lift it and close the mouth of the plant. Take a magnifying glass with us and watch the butterfly fluttering a bit - remember what colors its wings are painted in (useful later). We keep our way towards the pantry and open the door by selecting a color code (here information about butterfly wings is useful). Then we plant a small sunflower in a pot and use a growth-changing machine on it, after which we collect the seeds that have appeared.

Game "Machine": tips and secrets

Upper city

We go outside the garden, where we notice the apparatus for receiving oil. We use on it the seeds collected earlier from the sunflower, and twist the lever several times - oil will start to drip from the apparatus, which must be collected in the oiler. We collect everything you need in inventory and go on. Ahead of us will stop the guard, which can be bribed by batteries. We, unfortunately, do not have them, so we go off in search.

We have to go down the pipe to the lowest floor, where another robot will sit - give him the oil, after which we get a pass ticket to the zone with slot machines. To start the machines you will have to work a little with the generator. After that, you can proceed to the passage of mini-games and special quests "Machine", which offer machines. During the first game, we must shoot down the blanks and earn points (total should be 1000 points). The second game on another machine is a bit more complicated, the passage of which we will describe below:

  1. To begin with, we must drive the ball inside a small square, then we do the same, but with a large square.
  2. The passage of all subsequent levels consists in typing the correct sequence of keys / arrows on the keyboard (P - to the right, L - to the left, B - up, H - down). Sequence at the second level: P-N-L V-P-P N-N-L V-V-L N-P-N L-N-N P-P-V V-L-N.
  3. At the third level, we recruit the following: N-P-V V-N-L L-N-P V-V-L N-P-N L-V-P P-N-V L-V-P N-N- P B-B-H P.
  4. The fourth level consists of the following sequence: V-L-L L-P-P N-P-V L-L-N P-V-L L-N-P V-P-N L-V-P P-N -L V-L-N L-V-P P-P-N V-L-L L-N-P V-P-N L-L-P V-P-P P.
  5. And finally, the last fifth level looks like this: V-P-N L-V-L L-N-L V-P-P P-N-P V-L-L L-L-N P-V-P P -P-N L-V-L L-N-L V-P-N P-V-P P-P-L N-L-V L-N-P V-P-P N-L-V P -P-N L-V-L N-P-P V-L-L L-N-V P-N-P P-P.

In the final, as well as after passing the game on the first machine, we will receive a monetary reward. We try to start the third gaming machine - it burns out. Well, we take the money received and go to the booth, which is located next to the chapel. Once in the booth, we buy the batteries and return in a familiar way to the guard. He will get his batteries and let us go further.

We reach the elevator, where we find a flower pot. We take the earth out of the pot and scatter it all over the floor, after which we wait until the robot dust collector arrives for cleaning. We take the light from him and insert it into the shield to start the elevator. The light bulb is screwed to the very top, so that you can schematically depict a star.

Defuse the bomb

We will use the remote control to send the robot dust collector to the restroom (for this we lower the remote control to the very bottom). When the robot is in place, we climb onto its head, increase its own size and grab the scissors. We return to the remote control and raise it up - the dust collector will be under the gallery. We turn off the power supply and return it only after we attach the lamp to the dust collector. We return to the restroom, where we connect the toilet to the lamp. After that, we again change the position of the remote control up and pull the toilet out of the floor. Now we can use toilet paper to go down into the hole formed in the floor.

We get to the explosive mechanism, which must be neutralized (a new puzzle "Machine"). Hint: to do this, we put the fuses in the following position: DBEAC. By the way, the bomb disposal is limited in time, so in this case it is better not to hesitate.

The game "Machine" on the computer

In the tower

We return to the second floor, where we will meet with a sick Megamind. We must help him, so we are heading towards the shield, we press the red button and get access to the next puzzle. Her solution is to fill special areas with green balls. We perform the necessary actions and open the door leading to the adapter. The adapter must be used on Megamind to cure its ailment. Full recovery can be achieved through a small mini-game, which is as follows: 33 armed bandits move along the spatial confusion, our task is to go through all the confusion and deal with all the attackers using our own gun. Tips: shooting is carried out with the left mouse button; killed bandits will be counted automatically.

We pass a mini-game and cure Megamind. In gratitude, he will give us a lamp and the correct scheme of the road to the underground. We return to the elevator and place the last light in the empty recess. Once again, we draw a schematic asterisk, after which we will be taken underground.

"Mashinarium" Russian version

We take the hammer from the nightstand and use it on a glass box, behind which the key we need is hidden. After that, we return to the elevator car. We will use the key to open a small door - behind it we will find a spray bottle containing a freezing agent. We’ll sprinkle the castle with the contents of the balloon, and then break the ice formed with a hammer. We go further and finally meet with our beloved. Now, nothing threatens us, so rather pick up our girlfriend and return with her to Megamind. We see the rotorcraft - we move the ladder to it. Before departure, we can play a symphony, and then listen to it through the Megamind radio transmitter (for this we use the following frequency: 7.0: 108).

After the symphony is typed, click on the star that will connect the ladder and the car. We climb inside the rotorcraft and set off on the road. On this passage of the quest can be considered completely completed.


We talked about how to win at Mashinarium, and shared a detailed guide to each level of the game. Despite its linearity, Machinarium is an adventure that you want to go through again and again.

Replayability is achieved thanks to an indescribable and alluring atmosphere, as well as unusual heroes and fascinating puzzles. Therefore, we strongly recommend returning to the world of mechanical robots once again and completing the Mashinarium game on a computer or smartphone (depending on which platform the first walkthrough was performed on). Of course, playing, knowing what and how to do, is much easier, but still try to solve the puzzles yourself first, and then resort to the tips.


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