Birds of Kazakhstan: names and descriptions

Kazakhstan is a state located on a large territory located simultaneously in two parts of the World (in Europe and Asia). Therefore, the flora and fauna of this country is very diverse, and also rich due to the large number of forests and reservoirs.

In Kazakhstan, there are a huge number of all kinds of bird species.

Black-throated loon

In this area there are two varieties of loon. Black-throated is distinguished by its unusual plumage. White stripes are located throughout the body of a loon of this species, and the body itself is painted black with a greenish tint.

Her voice is very diverse. So, in flight, this bird produces a sound similar to the syllable β€œga-gar”, and from the loon floating on the surface of the water, you can hear a scream that resembles the syllable β€œkui”.

Black-throated loons prefer to nest near ponds overgrown with reeds. Therefore, birds mainly feed on medium and small sized fish or crustaceans. Also, the nests of this bird of Kazakhstan can be found in the mountains.

Red-throated Loon

Red-throated loon is the smallest in comparison with birds of the same species. You can recognize this bird by the white abdomen and the red spot that appears on the neck during the breeding season. Another distinguishing feature of these birds is the color of their eyes. In adults, the eyes are colored red, in younger ones they have a brownish-red tint.

Like the black throat loon, the red throat has a very diverse voice. So, at different moments from the birds you can hear a sound reminiscent of the roar of geese or similar to the voice of a cuckoo.

These birds often nest in the same places, each time flying into a nest made many years ago. These birds of Kazakhstan make their nests near ponds or on small islands.

As food, the loons prefer to use small fish, which is easy to grab them with a weak beak. Less commonly, birds feed on frogs, worms, and crustaceans.


If you are interested in wintering birds of Kazakhstan, then these include:

  • woodpecker;
  • bullfinch;
  • great tit ;
  • waxwing;
  • Carduelis and others.

These birds should be fed, do feeders. So they can easily move the winter.

Pigeons of Kazakhstan

red book of kazakhstan birds

In this country, pigeons can often be seen. If talking about species, then most often here you can see a gray dove. The average body length is 32 cm, and the wingspan is 62 cm. The plumage of birds is dense and dense. The color of this species is different, there are a total of 28 types. The blue pigeons of Kazakhstan have a distinctive voice. It is difficult to distinguish a male from a female. But the former have a less saturated metallic tint.


Kazakhstan also has two species of pelicans:

1. The curly appearance of this bird is distinguished by its large size and feathers located on the head and neck. The fact is that these feathers twist at the ends, reminding from afar the mane of a lion. The plumage of pelicans is white, and the sack at the throat is light yellow. The voice of curly pelicans is most often heard from the nest. You can recognize it by hoarse sounds reminiscent of a roar or grunt. Nests are built on small islands, mainly near clear waters, and also near water bodies, in thickets of reeds. Such birds of Kazakhstan feed on fish that they catch even in depth.

wintering birds of Kazakhstan
2. The pink pelican differs from the previous one in its unusual, beautiful plumage. Almost all feathers of this pelican are painted in a pale pink shade, with the exception of the chest, on which there is a large yellow spot. The beak bag is painted in the same color. The voice of this species of pelicans is identical to curly birds. The pink pelican nest can be found in reed beds located on a river or lake. Large fish acts as feed, in rare cases, smaller fish. These birds of Kazakhstan hunt for fish together, frightening it with loud flapping of wings on the water and thereby pushing it to the shore.

In addition, several representatives of Ciconiiformes live in this state.


Feathers on the backs of birds are painted black, and the ends are yellow. The abdomen has a hint of ocher, and the tail is yellow-brown. Such plumage helps the bird to go unnoticed in the wilds of reeds.

The voice of the birds can be compared to a lingering drone coming from the trumpet with a gust of wind. Bittern is also able to make a sound reminiscent of the moo of a bull.

Nests prefer to twist on small elevations rising from the water and located in secluded places.

These birds of Kazakhstan feed most often on fish. However, worms, insects and aquatic inhabitants can be used as food.

Yellow heron

The maximum length of this bird does not exceed half a meter. The wings and abdomen of the heron are snow-white, and the rest of the body has a yellow-ocher hue.

The voice of these birds resembles the sounds made by crows. It looks like the syllable "car".

pigeons of Kazakhstan

These herons inhabit and nest mainly in marshes with fresh water. Nests can also be seen on small trees.

All kinds of aquatic inhabitants and small fish act as food for these birds, which herons catch in the dark.

Black stork

The black stork is one of those birds kept by the Red Book of Kazakhstan. These birds are very careful in all habitats. You can recognize them by the black color of the feathers, which prevails throughout the body. Only the chest of these birds is snow-white, and the beak and paws are bright red.

birds of kazakhstan
The voice of black storks is the same as that of whites. The sound coming from these birds can be described as β€œbrow”.

The species of these storks is secretive. Therefore, it is very difficult to find bird nests. Most often they are located in dense thickets or on abandoned and long overgrown rivers and lakes.

In the warm season, black storks prefer to eat fish. And in colder times they catch small rodents, insects and, in extreme cases, snakes.


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