Tales of kindness: the choice of fairy tales, folk, famous authors, moral and instructive effect for the child

Everyone knows such a literary genre as a fairy tale. This word comes from the verb “say” (“say”) and in the distant past meant a list or description. At present, a fairy tale is a short, most often prosaic piece about any fictitious events.

There are two types of tales: folklore and literary. The first type is legends that do not have a specific author and are composed by the people. Events occurring in the plot, as a rule, have no resemblance to reality, unlike some other genres of oral folk art: epics and historical songs.

Literary tales appeared much later. They belong to specific authors and are most often created on the basis of folk art, have similar characters, plot and manner of storytelling.

Fairy tales are traditionally considered works for children. The main task of these works is to teach the child the rules of behavior in the family and society, a good attitude to people and other moral principles. Tales teach kindness, which always overcomes evil.

Why is it worth reading fairy tales?

Despite the rapidly changing technologically developed world of the 21st century, psychologists believe that fairy tales are necessary for modern children.

In addition to the obvious plus - learning and exploring the world, a few more arguments can be made in favor of this genre.

Tales of kindness give children a positive attitude. Indeed, in the world there is so much negativity inspired by society: in kindergarten, school and even unsuspecting parents. It is enough to recall the phrase “You will become a janitor if you will not study” and its variations. In fairy tales, heroes also encounter difficulties, but they always find a way out.

The Tale of Kindness

Reading together with your parents is also a great way to spend a family evening. This lesson brings together and unites, which is important, since in the modern world people spend much less time with children than a couple of centuries ago.

How to choose a fairy tale for a child?

Familiarization of the child with this genre must begin in accordance with his age. Long tales of kindness with a complex plot and a large number of heroes may not be clear to young children. And those who are older are unlikely to be carried away by the banal “Ryaba Chicken”.

A tale of kindness for children

Psychologists advise, as the first tales of kindness, to offer the child simple stories about animals: “Gingerbread Man”, “Kochet and Chicken”, “Teremok”.

As you grow older from Russian folklore, you can go to foreign and literary tales: the works of the brothers Grimm, Wilhelm Gauf, Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault. In this case, an additional advantage will be that the child gets acquainted with the culture and traditions of other nations.

When all known stories are read, you can turn to specialized Internet resources. Book portals like LiveLib make it easy for kids to tell tales of kindness.

Folklore. "The grateful bear"

“The Grateful Bear” is a Mordovian folk tale. This work is suitable for children up to 5-6 years old.

In the story, a certain girl was walking through the woods and suddenly met a bear. Frightened, she tried to run away from him, but fear fettered her whole body so that the girl could not budge. But the bear did not want to harm her. All he did was extend a wounded paw in which there was a splinter. The girl pulled her out and the bear left.

Tale teaches kindness

After some time, they met again. The beast carried in its paws a beehive with honey of wild bees. He laid it in front of the girl and hid again. The girl took this beehive and carried it to her village: there was so much honey that was enough for all the inhabitants.

The moral of this fairy tale about kindness is obvious, but important: it is always necessary to provide assistance to those who need it, as well as to respond kindly to kindness.

“You won’t be full of stolen goods”

This Belarusian folk tale teaches one of the most important moral principles: not to take someone else's.

The father decided that it was time for his two sons to find a calling in life. The senior young man, having seen a blacksmith in a neighboring village, decided that he wanted to earn money as a blacksmith. This pleased his father.

But the youngest could not so quickly decide on the desired profession: he did not like anything. Once he had the idea to steal oxen from a shepherd, because this is an easy and profitable task.

The first ox was stolen, and it was time to cook dinner from his meat. The youngest son could not calm down and get rid of the thought that he was noticed during theft - he constantly looked around and was nervous.

Before sitting at the table, the father suggested taking measurements and finding out who would get the most out of what he had eaten.

After some time, it turned out that the son lost twice as much, because he always thought about the theft during the meal and was afraid to be caught. The name of this tale fully reflects its main conclusion.

"Carpenter and cat"

Like Grateful Bear, this Japanese tale of kindness is simple, but contains a deep meaning. She teaches that one should not leave loved ones in a difficult situation, but one must strive to help them.

In ancient times there lived a carpenter who had a cat. The owner loved his pet and brought fish to the cat every day. In turn, the cat also loved the carpenter.

Everything was fine, but once a misfortune happened. A person discovered that he was starting to go blind - due to a strange illness or old age. The carpenter could no longer work, and he had no money for anything, including fish for a cat.

But, despite the fact that she had nothing to eat, the cat did not leave its owner. One night she climbed onto the bed and began to lick the carpenter's eyes. After some time, a miracle happened, and the man regained his sight.

Literary tales on the topic of kindness. Works by Charles Perrault

The authorship of the French writer Charles Perrault belongs to such popular stories as “Puss in Boots”, “Boy with a Finger”, “Gingerbread House”, “Little Red Riding Hood” and others. Some of them were included in the famous collection “Tales of Mother Goose”.

Fairy tale about kindness

Many of his fairy tales about kindness were repeatedly filmed - for example, “Cinderella and a Crystal Shoe” and “Sleeping Beauty”.

Most of the tales, along with fables, belong to the so-called genre of low literature. However, the works of Charles Perrault are exceptions. This author was the one who could convey, in simple words understandable to children, a deep meaning, without forgetting about the humor where it is appropriate. The fairy tales of Charles Perrault can be introduced at the age of 5-6 years.

Hans Christian Andersen

The tales of the Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen are known all over the world and amaze with their seriousness, depth and touchingness. Entire generations of children read stories about the Little Mermaid, Thumbelina, the Snow Queen and the Steadfast Tin Soldier. These tales can be safely called masterpieces. Films and cartoons were also shot on them.

Tales of kindness for children

Despite the fact that the fairy tale as a whole is positioned as a genre for children, the works of Hans Christian Andersen will also be appreciated by adults. All stories contain a multifaceted meaning that each reader will perceive in his own way.

Gianni Rodari

Many know this Italian writer as the author of The Adventures of Cipollino and Gelsomino in the Land of Liars, but besides these stories, Gianni Rodari also created many more fairy tales about kindness for children.

A tale of kindness for children

These stories are full of funny humor and cheerfulness. Rodari was a talented author and possessed a truly inexhaustible imagination. His tales bring up in children such qualities as courage, masculinity, honesty, kindness, optimism and self-confidence. Gianni Rodari always wanted his young readers, regardless of their chosen life path, to grow up as real people.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9869/

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