Gray prankster, or the largest wolf in the world

It is scientifically recognized that the largest wolf in the world is gray. He is the main character of our article. The gray wolf is the largest predator of the canine family. Visually, it looks like a hefty dog. Only here the difference for a person between them is significant. The dog is his friend, and the wolf is the enemy. The largest wolf in the world since ancient times attacked livestock, and in especially hungry winters - on humans. Because of this, people began to wage a serious fight with them, good bonuses were paid for the skin of the killed predator. Of course, man came out of this struggle as a winner. In the UK, for example, all wolves were completely exterminated. It was such a joy for the whole people that a monument was even erected in honor of this event!

the biggest wolf in the world

Crush the wolves!

By the middle of the 20th century, the largest wolf in the world (photo No. 2) was almost exterminated by man. Just a little bit, and the gray predators died out completely, if not for one but. When the whole crop began to be invaded by a huge number of bred hares, moose, deer and other pests, the man realized that the wise mother nature had invented the wolf for good reason.

Save the wolves!

They were sent to this earth as a warning of the threat of propagation of herbivorous pests. The largest wolf in the world (and many of its other relatives) maintains a nutritional balance, preventing pests from breeding. Since then, people have reduced, and in some areas altogether stopped, hunting for wolves. As it turned out, gray predators were also orderlies in the forest, i.e. exterminated sick and wounded animals. Because of this, many countries that completely destroyed the wolves (for example, Great Britain) quickly began mass purchases of these animals.

the largest wolf in the world photo

The largest wolf in the world weighs up to 86 kilograms! In length, it is 1.6 meters, and at the withers it reaches ... 90 centimeters! These giants live in Siberia and Alaska. Unlike canine paws, wolf legs are much higher and wider, and their print is larger and more prominent. Mimicry of a predator is much more expressive than that of its relatives - coyotes, dogs, jackals. Wolf smell is one of the best in the whole world. It's hard to believe, but they begin to smell for another ... 1.5 kilometers (!). In addition, they are quite hardy animals. In a day they can run up to 80 kilometers. The predator has a speed of up to 60 km / h.

Wolves live in packs. These are very disciplined animals. Each individual occupies a specific place and position within its shaggy "collective." Any dispute is resolved simply: a threatening pose and an evil roar. However, if it comes to a fight, then several wolves can attack one of the opponents in order to restore justice and order before it is too late.

the largest wolf in the world

The largest wolf in the world is a wonderful hunter. In the summer, a pack of gray wolves hunts at night, but during the daytime it rests. When a hungry winter comes, predators attack in the afternoon. As we have said, their scent is worthy of great respect. Smelling the smell of prey for hundreds of meters, they begin to track it. For example, an elk weighing almost 5 centners is a pretty formidable adversary. You need to catch it "wisely." It makes no sense to fight him when he stands still, defending himself with powerful blows from his front hooves. Wolves know this very well, so they wait until he runs from them. As soon as this happened, the flock together attacks the moose. The trick is that on the run it is very difficult to defend oneself, but to attack - just right. However, most often wolves catch sick, old and wounded animals. It is not in vain that they were nicknamed the orderlies of the forest!


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