Danish oil: application and properties

In the market of building materials today there is a huge variety of coatings. Among others, it is worth highlighting Danish oil, which is also called Chinese wooden. This composition is made from tung oil, vegetable and several types of artificial oils.


Danish oil

The composition described above is used to harden the surface, the material gives the base resistance to decay and water resistance. You can use the mixture for different types of wood, to which it gives strength and resistance to negative processes. It is possible to use structure for internal and external works. Oil is used exclusively on new or well-cleaned wood.

Basic properties

Danish tree oil

Danish oil is a product that has been developed by experts to protect wood. Nuts are used as raw materials, the size of which is similar to Brazilian. They grow mainly in China and in some parts of South America. After processing, the resulting oil is mixed with synthetic resins, which gives it the quality of stability.

In the production process, other oils of natural origin are used. In order to reduce the degree of fluidity, drying elements and solvents are added to the main ingredients, which makes it possible to apply the composition with a brush or cloth. Danish oil differs from other topcoats in that it uses special ingredients in its production. This allows the material to penetrate deep into the pores of any wood species.

Why choose Danish oil

danish oil danish oil

After the layer dries, a stable, long-lasting protection is formed on the surface. If we compare this oil with varnishes, then the first does not form a film on the bases, which during operation could peel off, wear or cover with cracks. The applied layer dries quickly, this step takes about 4 hours, the final value will depend on humidity and air temperature.

The surface does not stick after drying and does not attract dirt and dust. The material compares favorably with linseed oil with these features. Danish oil can be used to impregnate products before processing with compatible external mixtures. The described composition is perfect for external and internal work. On top of this layer, if you want to change the appearance of the surface, you can apply paint or varnish.

Application Features

danish watco oil

Danish tree oil is applied with a brush or a clean towel. A few minutes after application to the surface of the mixture, the excess must be removed. If new wood is being processed, the procedure should be carried out twice or more. Work skills when applying oil will not be required. For example, if you use a brush, there is no need to work with it, as when applying varnish. Performing smooth movements is not required. The brush is used exclusively to distribute the composition on the surface.

Using oil, you can emphasize the naturalness of wood. The top layer will shine slightly, through it the structure of the tree will be visible. If you can apply Danish oil yourself, you can tint the mixture to give the surface the desired shade. Sometimes it becomes necessary to update the surface of products that have previously been processed by other means. The described composition is excellent for this.

If there is wax on the base, it must be removed with steel wool, a clean towel and white spirit. Wood products that have been treated with oil outside the premises may require additional layer renewal once a year. This is true when the surface has been heavily used. Before this, the base is cleaned with water mixed with a cleaning agent. It is important to make sure that the product is completely dry, only after that you can proceed to processing.

As an alternative solution for cleaning, you can use steel wool, clean towels and white spirit. In order to make the finish coat as attractive as possible, the last coat must be sanded with a sandpaper with a minimum grain size. This procedure will remove grains and create a silky surface.

Description of Danish Oil

DIY Danish Oil

Danish Danish Oil is universal, it can be used on any surfaces and wood products, among them are:

  • garden structures;
  • doors
  • home furniture;
  • ceilings;
  • frames;
  • window;
  • walls of lining;
  • shelving.

Before applying this oil, you can give the wood a certain tone. Other oils may not be removed before further processing.

Features of Rustins Oil

danish oil rustins

Danish Rustins oil should be applied to a smooth, clean and sanded surface, which should be free of dirt and other impurities. In order to get the best result, the coating should be carried out on wood, the moisture content of which varies from 12 to 20%. Do not use raw wood as a base.

If you have to process the base, which will be operated outside the premises, then the application should be carried out in at least three layers, without removing the excess. The best impregnation and durability of the layer can be achieved if the material for the formation of the first layer is diluted with white spirit, adding it in an amount of 20%.

If you plan to apply the composition to veneered doors, it is recommended that you first consult with the manufacturer of the products. If the wood is used outdoors, it should be regularly treated with the described oil, especially for open areas and horizontal surfaces.

Watco Oil

danish oil watco danish oil

It is important to remember that products from coniferous species and oak under the influence of negative conditions can change color, as a result, mushrooms appear on the wood. The tree should be treated with a protective compound with the formation of the maximum number of layers. This is the only way to achieve effective protection. If we are talking about untreated wood, then it is additionally stained with tinting. In order to hide the pores of the material, especially for oak, it is recommended to treat the surface with oil with granular filler.

Danish Watco oil is offered for sale in 8 popular shades, namely:

  • "fruit tree";
  • "cherry";
  • "light nut" ;
  • "middle nut";
  • "dark nut";
  • black walnut;
  • Golden Oak
  • "natural color".

For every 15 m 2 of surface you will use 1 liter of the mixture. If we are talking about dense wood, then 1 liter will be enough only for 10 m 2 . This also applies to soft breeds. And for external surfaces it is not recommended to use such oil, as well as for floors. To prepare the base, use 220 grit sandpaper; defects must first be repaired.

Stir the oil before use. It is completely ready for use. If you plan to use rags for drawing, then it should not have pile. Those areas where the oil is absorbed quite quickly must be further treated.

Once Danish Watco Danish Oil has been applied in the first coat, it should be left to dry for half an hour. Additional layers should be dried for 15 minutes. Then the surface is wiped with a dry cloth. The base will be ready for use in 10 hours. If desired, a polyurethane varnish can be applied on top, however, such work can be carried out 72 hours after finishing with oil.


Additional oiling of treated wood is recommended once a year. Exposed areas and horizontal surfaces may require more frequent oiling. Soft breeds and oak are most susceptible to external conditions, especially to high humidity. In order to provide effective protection, additional coatings are required. This is true for the most vulnerable areas.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9871/

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