"Otodectin" for dogs: instructions for use and features of use

To treat pets from parasites, many veterinarians recommend an effective tool - "Otodectin" for dogs. Instructions for use contain an extensive description of this drug, including information on the composition, properties and features of its use. Otodectin is effective against both larval and mature stages of helminths and ticks. The substance ivermectin, which is in its composition, instantly affects almost all types of parasites, causing their paralysis and subsequent excretion from the intestine.

Composition and form of release

Otodectin is a seemingly colorless liquid for injection. One milliliter of solution contains 1 mg of ivermectin obtained from a soil fungus called Streptomyces avermitilis. Additional components - isopropanol, triethylene glycol.

The manufacturer pours the drug into plastic or glass bottles, the capacity of which is 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 ml, or in ampoules (1, 2, 5 ml). Those and others pack 10 pieces in boxes. In addition to the Otodectin preparation itself, instructions for use for pets are included.

otodectin for dogs instructions for use

pharmachologic effect

The main substance in the composition of this drug is ivermectin. It enters the body of the parasite and acts through the nerve and muscle cells on the flow of chlorine ions. As a result, stimulation of the release of gamma-aminobutyric acid occurs, which leads to blocking of the nerve impulse. This causes paralysis, and subsequently the death of the parasitic organism. Distributed in the organs and tissues of the animal, ivermectin exerts its effect for about 14 days, then excreted with urine.


The drug is intended for the treatment of otodectosis, psoroptosis, sarcoptosis, nematodosis, demodecosis, and is also used for the defeat of domestic animals with lice, fleas or lice eaters. In especially neglected cases, when there is a complicated bacterial or fungal infection, complex treatment is required, including the use of immunomodulating drugs. With demodicosis, it can be combined with external Otodectin therapy for dogs. Instructions for use note only some breeds (collie, bobtail, boxer), which are hypersensitive to ivermectin - the main component of the drug. For them, this drug is used with extreme caution and under the supervision of a veterinarian. It should be remembered that in the fight against fleas, disinsection of the litter, floor in the room and other breeding places with an insectoacaricide is necessary.

otodectin instructions for use for dogs

How to use Otodectin for dogs

Instructions for use states that this drug is administered subcutaneously in the forearm. In this case, it is very important to observe the rules of antiseptics. For injection, use a syringe with a needle, the length of which does not exceed 2 cm. Despite the fact that otodectin for dogs is practically non-toxic, its dosage must be strictly observed. It is determined in accordance with the body weight of the animal. The recommended dosage is 0.2 ml per kilogram of weight. For the treatment of nematodosis, it is enough to use the drug once. The defeat of the dog by ectoparasites requires repeated injection 9-10 days after the initial treatment.

otodectin instructions for use for pets

Side effects and contraindications

"Otodectin" is assigned to the group of low-hazard drugs. Embryotoxic, teratogenic, mutagenic effects and any complications associated with its use have not been identified. But violations in the regimen significantly reduce its effectiveness. The main component in the composition - ivermectin belongs to the first class of danger, therefore, compliance with the indicated dosages is a very important condition for the use of Otodectin. Overestimating them can cause salivation, tremors, rapid urination, ataxia and other unpleasant phenomena. Therefore, it is very important to follow the instructions. Side effects are not exerted by the dosage "Otodectin" used in accordance with the weight of the animal required.

Instructions for use for dogs, they note possible manifestations of individual sensitivity to some components of this drug. An allergic reaction, vomiting may be observed. Sometimes a small swelling forms at the injection site, usually disappearing on the fourth day.

At the first signs of sensitivity to Otodectin, its use is discontinued and symptomatic therapy with antihistamines is prescribed.

In addition, the use of this drug is not recommended for exhausted, weakened animals, as well as for kittens and puppies who are under 2 months old.

otodectin for dogs dosage

special instructions

Despite the fact that Otodectin is generally harmless for dogs, the instructions for use require safety precautions. Do not neglect rubber gloves when performing manipulations with the drug. In case of contact with skin or mucous membranes, immediately remove it with a cotton swab and rinse this place with water. It is forbidden to eat, smoke during procedures with "Otodectin". If you have an allergic reaction or if the drug gets inside, you should immediately consult a doctor. Empty containers for used medicine must be disposed of.

otodectin for dogs drug description

Storage conditions

This medication can be stored for 5 years from the date of manufacture. You need to keep it in tightly closed packaging away from food, where neither children nor pets can reach it. The most suitable conditions are away from a heat source, at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C and in the absence of sunlight. "Otodectin" for dogs (the description of the drug is given above) can not be used at the end of the expiration date.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9881/

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