Corell's nest: homemade or purchased? Choose together

Once a man bought Corella. And after a while it seemed to him that the acquisition was missing in the bulk cell. The loving owner went to the pet store, acquired his friend or girlfriend, depending on the gender of the first.

Time has passed. And then the owner found an egg at the bottom of the cell. Normal, small, speckled. What to do? Of course, buy a nest for Corell. Or do it yourself.

Who are the Corelli?

Corelli - who is it? Medium-sized parrots that belong to the cockatoo family. The main feature of this bird is a high sharp crest on its head and a long tail. The male differs from his girlfriend in dark olive plumage, yellow tufted and head. On the cheeks of boys, brown-orange spots.

Females are dirty gray. The head and crest are pale gray. Cheeks are pale brown. The growth of parrots is about 35 cm, of which sixteen fall on the tail. Life expectancy in captivity is 10-12 years.

It looks like a bird

How to care?

Before we move on to the issue of the nest for Corella parrots, let's talk briefly about what care these birds need.

First of all, a spacious cage with feeders and a drinking bowl. The minimum cell size per individual is 50 x 40 x 70. For a couple, respectively, the size increases.

We decided on the cell. Feeders are sold complete with it. The drinker will have to be bought separately. The best option is a bowl with a wide nose, which is fixed between the bars of the cell.

Corella in the cage

Do you need a filler? No, the filler is used only in rodent cages. Once a day you need to remove the bottom and wash it from bird droppings.

Food is the foundation of the basics. In importance, it takes second place after the cell. It includes dry food for Corell. You can buy it at a pet store. Extra nutrition - fruits and vegetables.

Do I need to let the bird fly? Mandatory. But only after she got used to the owner. And this is three to four weeks after the acquisition.


The chicks were not planned, but did it work? What to do to the owner? Build or buy a nest for Corell. In fact, at home, these birds breed with great difficulty. However, anything happens. What types of nests can be? About it below.


In wildlife, corals nest in hollows. And the owner, knowing this, seeks to create the conditions that are most optimal for the successful hatching of the chicks. Finds a suitable stump, brings it to its proper form, turning a hollow. Only birds are not at all happy about this nest.

Why it happens? A hollow nest for correllas is not the best option, according to ornithologists. This is due, first of all, to the fact that under the bark of such a structure there are always microorganisms that affect the health of parents and their children not in the best way.

Cardboard nest

You can make a corolla nest from a cardboard box. But it should be borne in mind that such a dwelling will be one-time.

Disposable nest

How to make it? Everything is simple. Take a cardboard box, completely closed. A hole is made in it, the bottom is covered with sawdust, the structure is put in a cage to the birds. Cheap and cheerful. However, such a nest has a number of significant drawbacks:

  1. Birds will definitely decide to taste it. And this may well negatively affect their health.

  2. The structure is very flimsy, it is not very convenient for the birds to be in it.

  3. Because of the material, it will not be very comfortable for the Corolla to move around such a nest, and not cling to it with its claws.

And cleaning of such a design is not the most pleasant thing for the owner of future parents. Therefore, it is unlikely to want to reuse it.

Plywood nest

Where to get it? Buy at a pet store or build a nest for Corella with your own hands. What is needed for this? Plywood, screws, drill and drill to make a hole. If there is a desire to fix the nest on the cage, then iron corners will also be needed.

What are the dimensions of the nest for correll? It is 25 cm in length, 20 cm in width, 20 cm in height and an entrance height of 15 cm.

Plywood nests

Nesting Tips

Here are some tips that will be useful for a newbie in breeding Corelli :

  1. The bottom of the nest is covered with sawdust, as mentioned above. Only the fraction should not be large in order to avoid injuries to the paws of birds. Medium and small fraction is quite suitable. You can buy such sawdust at a pet store. They are used for rodents.

  2. If the birds are absolutely tame and constantly in free flight, then you can make a nest in any place convenient for them.

  3. It is important for the owner to remember that during the nesting period, his pets become real monsters. Especially the future father, who attacks the owner and household with shrill screams. The male floats its beak and claws, defending the nest. Therefore, you do not need to place it in the bedroom, by the computer, in the kitchen. In general, where people have to be quite often.

  4. The humidity in the nest must be monitored. Alternatively, hang a moisture meter nearby. Optimum performance from 50 to 60%. If the humidity is low, then the nest should be sprayed from the spray gun. In moderation, of course.

  5. If the owner has found a laid egg at the bottom of the cage, then carefully transfer it to the nest. So as not to fall under the menacing gaze of a guard parrot.
A happy family


We looked at what there are nests for Corell. We found out that the best of them is plywood. You can do it yourself, given the above sizes, or buy it at a pet store. Hollows are not entirely safe for pets, as are cardboard nests that birds will taste. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made nest at the pet store that will meet all the requirements of these birds.


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