Box ("Dead Souls"): characteristics of the plan

box of dead souls

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol created his work "Dead Souls" in 1842. In it, he portrayed a number of Russian landowners, created their grotesque and vivid images. One of the most interesting representatives of this class described in the poem is the Box (Dead Souls). The characteristics of this heroine will be discussed in this article.

Feature Plan

The plan, according to which the analysis of landowners - characters of the work "Dead Souls" is carried out, includes one way or another the following points:

  • the first impression the hero makes;
  • the characteristic features of this character;
  • speech and behavior;
  • the attitude of the hero to the economy;
  • attitude towards other people;
  • goals in life;
  • conclusions.

Let's try to analyze the image of such a heroine as Korobochka (Dead Souls) according to this plan. Our characteristic will begin with the first impression that the heroine made on Chichikov. The work is devoted to the creation of the image of the Box the third chapter.

box of dead souls

First impression of Chichikov

Korobochka Nastasya Petrovna is a landowner who is the widow of a college secretary, a very frugal and economic woman, already elderly.

Its small village, but everything is in order in it, the economy is flourishing, which brings a good income. Korobochka favorably differs from Manilov: she knows by the names of all the peasants belonging to her (a quote from the text: “... she knew almost everyone by heart”), she is referred to as diligent workers, she is independently engaged in farming.

The behavior of this landowner, the appeal of the "priest" to the guest, the desire to serve him (since Chichikov introduced himself as a nobleman), to arrange the best night's sleep, to have a good night's rest - these are all the features characteristic of the landowner class in the province. The portrait of Korobochki is not as detailed as the portraits of the other landowners. It’s kind of stretched: first, Chichikov heard the voice of an old servant-maid (“husky woman”), then another woman appeared, younger, but very similar to her, and now, when he was brought into the house and he was already examined, he entered Lady Korobochka (Dead Souls).

quote characteristic boxes of dead souls

The characteristic portrait of the heroine is as follows. Its author describes as an elderly woman, in a "sleeping cap, worn hastily, with a flannel around her neck." The quotation characteristic of the Box (Dead Souls) can be continued. Nikolai Vasilievich emphasizes in the image of the landowner the old age of Korobochka, according to the text further Chichikov calls himself to her directly - an old woman. Especially the appearance of this mistress does not change in the morning. Only a sleeping cap disappears from her image.

The box is just that, so the main character immediately discards the ceremony and gets down to business.

gogol dead souls

Attitude to the household

We further describe such a character as Box (Dead Souls). The characterization of the plan continues with the attitude of this heroine to the household. In understanding the image of this landowner, an important role is played by the description in the house of the decoration of the rooms, as well as the estate as a whole, which is distinguished by contentment and strength.

It can be seen in everything that this woman is a good mistress. The windows overlook the courtyard, which is filled with numerous birds and various "domestic creatures." Further you can see gardens, fruit trees, covered with nets from birds, there are also stuffed animals on poles, on one of which flaunts "the cap of the mistress herself."

The peasant huts also show the abundance of their inhabitants. It also marks Gogol (Dead Souls). The characteristic (Box - an image also conveyed by external details) includes a description not only of the character himself, but also of the environment associated with him. This must be remembered when conducting the analysis. The economy of this landowner is clearly flourishing, bringing her considerable profit. And the village itself is not small, it consists of eighty souls.

Character Features

box of dead souls characteristic table

We continue to describe such a character as Box (Dead Souls). The characteristics of the plan are supplemented by the following details. This landowner, Gogol, is included in the list of small owners who complain about losses and crop failures and keep their heads “a little on one side, and meanwhile they put them into“ variegated bags placed on chest drawers ”, little by little.

Manilov and Korobochka are antipodes in some way: the vulgarity of the first is hidden behind discussions about the Motherland, high phrases about its welfare, and Korobochka’s spiritual poverty appears in a natural, undisguised form. She does not pretend to be culture: in the whole appearance of the heroine, first of all, the unpretentious simplicity that Korobochka has is emphasized. The characterization of the hero “Dead Souls” also shows that this unpretentiousness is also found in Nastasya Petrovna’s relations with people.

The author’s brief description of the rooms indicates that their decoration was old — striped old wallpapers, paintings of birds, small antique mirrors between windows framed by leaf frames. Behind each of the mirrors was either a letter, or a stocking, or an old deck of cards. The wall is decorated with a clock with flowers painted on the dial. Here are the items that are shown during Chichikov’s short visit. They say that the people living in the rooms are turned more to the past than to the present.


In the conversation about the acquisition of "dead" souls, the nature and essence of the Box are fully revealed. At first, this woman cannot understand at all what the main character wants from her. When she finally understands that this transaction may be beneficial for her, perplexity turns into the desire to get the most benefit from this transaction: since if someone needs the dead, therefore, they are a subject of bargaining, because they are worth something.

box hero character dead souls

Attitude to people

Dead Souls are for Boxes on a par with lard, flour, honey and hemp. She already had to sell everything else (quite profitable, as we know), and this business for her seems unknown and new. Here the desire to not cheapen up works. Gogol writes that she "began to be very much afraid, so that this buyer would not cheat her somehow." The landowner freaks out with her obstinacy Chichikova, who was already hoping to get easy agreement.

Here an epithet appears, expressing the essence of not only Boxes, but also of a whole type of people like this landowner - the "clubhead".

Nikolai Vasilievich explains that neither social status nor rank are the cause of this property. The phenomenon of "clubbing" is very common. Its representative may even be a state, respectable person who actually comes out with a "perfect Box". The author explains that the essence of this trait is that if a person took something into his head, you can’t overcome it in any way, regardless of the number of arguments that are clear as God's day, everything bounces from him, just like a rubber ball flies off a wall .

box of dead souls characteristic portrait

Purpose in life

The main goal of life pursued by Korobochka (Dead Souls), the characteristic of which is presented in this article, is the consolidation of personal wealth, non-stop hoarding. The economy inherent in the Box reveals at the same time its internal insignificance. In addition to the desire to benefit and acquire something, she has no other feelings. Deprived of some "attractive" features characteristic of Manilov, the image of this drive. Her interests are fully focused on the economy.


In the final chapter on the Box, Gogol says that her image is typical, there is no significant difference between her and some representatives of the aristocracy. The author pays great attention to the behavior of Chichikov, emphasizing that he behaves with this landowner more cheeky, easier than with Manilov.

This phenomenon is typical for Russian reality, it proves this lyrical digression of Nikolai Vasilyevich about how Prometheus turned into a fly. Such is the Box ("Dead Souls"), the characteristic of which was carried out by us. It can be presented more clearly. In order to better understand the information, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table that characterizes such a landowner as Korobochka (Dead Souls).

Characteristic (table) Boxes

Appearance Nastasya PetrovnaEstate of the landownerFeature BoxesAttitude to Chichikov’s proposal

This is an elderly woman, with a flannel on her neck, in a cap.

Small house, old wallpaper, antique mirrors. Nothing is wasted on the farm for nothing, as evidenced by the network on the trees, as well as the bonnet on a scarecrow. A box accustomed everyone to order. The garden is neat and tidy, the yard is full of birds. The huts of the peasants, although they were scattered all around, but at the same time show the prosperity of the inhabitants, as they should be supported. This landowner knows everything about every peasant, while not keeping notes, he also remembers the names of the dead by heart. A kind of "coat of arms" of the Box is a chest of drawers in which a turkey, a pig, a rooster protrudes from ajar boxes. The second row of boxes is filled with various "household vegetables", and many bags stick out from the bottom.

Practical, economic, knows the value of money. Stingy, stupid, clubhead, landowner-drive.

First of all, she wonders why Chichikov needed dead souls. Afraid of making a deal at a deal. He knows exactly how many peasant souls died (18). He looks at dead people like hemp or fat: suddenly they come in handy on the farm.

The landowner Korobochka (Dead Souls) was introduced to you. A characterization with quotes from this heroine can be supplemented. Seems to be very interesting passages on the decoration of rooms, housekeeping, an agreement with Chichikov. You can write out your favorite quotes from the text and supplement this characteristic with them. We only succinctly described such a heroine as Box (Dead Souls). The characteristic was briefly presented in order to arouse the reader's desire to continue it independently.


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