Is cosmetics legally subject to return?

Many women use cosmetics, purchasing it in a store. However, the product does not always come across high-quality or relevant personal requests. That is why many are interested in whether cosmetics are legally subject to return. The answer to this question is presented in the article.


Is cosmetics legally subject to return? Cosmetic products are not subject to return and exchange. The procedure is allowed when the product has inadequate quality in the form of marriage or the buyer, upon consultation and selection of funds, received inaccurate information about his condition.

whether cosmetics are refundable

According to Art. 18 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", a client may:

  • replace the product with a similar product;
  • exchange goods for other cosmetics based on price recalculation;
  • get a discount on defective goods;
  • return the money for the purchase.

During a consultation or selection of the necessary cosmetics, the seller must notify the buyer of the likely nuances of using the product. For example, according to product age or skin type.

Should cosmetics of inadequate quality be returned? Products that do not meet the desired level of quality can be returned. The seller has no right to refuse this.


In order to accurately answer the question of whether cosmetics are subject to return by law, you should familiarize yourself with the grounds. This is allowed with:

  • lack of the required information about the product - composition, manufacturer, expiration date, manufacturer's address, rules of use;
  • consumer ignorance about the properties of cosmetics purchased;
  • the content of harmful, toxic components.

The latter fact is proved by an independent examination in the laboratory. Cosmetics created by Russian manufacturers should contain a description in Russian. In the absence of a composition with the designation of all components, the effect of the agent on the body with regular use is not known.

Is cosmetics legally refundable?

Therefore, whether cosmetics are subject to exchange and return, depends on the case. For example, if the product does not contain an elementary description, then the buyer has the right to contact the store for exchange or return.


When making a return, you must rely on the law. Is cosmetics and perfumery subject to return if the seller has not notified the buyer of its properties? In this case, the procedure can be performed. The return of defective goods is carried out according to the following instructions:

  1. A complaint is drawn up for the store. The reason for the return is indicated there.
  2. An independent examination is being conducted. The results should show if there is a marriage or not, whether the composition is as stated on the package. It turns out that the examination allows you to determine whether cosmetics are subject to return. Only after the results can the procedure be completed.

Is unopened cosmetics subject to return or exchange? This is possible in the absence of all the necessary information about the product. The procedure for issuing returns and exchanges is standard, whatever cosmetic products are purchased.

Further actions

If the expected results were obtained that confirm the correctness of the buyer, then you can contact the store. He has the right to demand the replacement of goods:

  1. To do this, you must provide the necessary documents. You will need a sales receipt, an identity card, a coupon with a guarantee.
  2. A refund occurs upon the validity of the warranty period or within 2 years from the date of purchase.
Is cosmetics subject to exchange and return?

The buyer also has the right to provide the following conditions:

  1. Reimbursement for the use of low-quality cosmetic products. For example, this may be due to the treatment of allergies and other recovery procedures.
  2. If the goods are bought on credit, the final amount of the returned debt is issued to the buyer and the costs of providing the service are paid.
  3. You can get the difference in value with an increase in the price when returning.

The client must be present during the quality check of the goods. In case of refusal to return, he has the right to challenge the results. If the product has a manufacturing defect, then the store must return funds or exchange cosmetics at the specified time.

Is decorative cosmetics to be returned if several items have been purchased. This can be done with those means that, according to the results of the examination, will be recognized as low-quality.

Drawing up a claim

If the seller does not want to carry out the return procedure, then the buyer can make a claim. It is drawn up without special forms or forms. The main thing is that all facts and requirements for resolving the conflict are indicated there.

The claim is filled in according to the following rules and regulations:

  1. The details of the parties are fixed in the "header". On the right side indicate the store data - name, address. Then write down information about the applicant - F. I. O., passport details, phone number.
  2. In the central part of the sheet indicate the name, for example, "Claim".
  3. Then comes the main part, which includes the date, time of purchase.
  4. The name of the expired product and information allowing to consider that the goods are of inadequate quality are being specified.
  5. Requirements are indicated. This can be an exchange, replacement, refund.
  6. The documents that were attached to the application are indicated. Commonly used check.
  7. You need to set the date of writing.
  8. The signature of the buyer and the decryption are indicated.

This is a common pattern for writing claims. Usually it is used to write a return application for most goods. Claim is written manually or on a computer. It can be submitted in person or by mail. In both cases, the procedure is absolutely legal.

Application Review

After the seller accepts the claim, he must consider it and perform the necessary actions. The consumer must verify that the store statement is formally accepted. Therefore, confirmation of this fact is required. With a personal filing, 2 copies must be prepared, and a signature on admission is put on 1. With postage, a receipt is retained.

Is cosmetics subject to return under the law of the Russian Federation?

The store has the right to resolve problems quickly, without having to go through quality checks or other actions. An examination is still allowed if there is a contentious issue, and the goods are expensive. The result of the consideration of the claim may be:

  1. Absolute satisfaction of requirements.
  2. Partial agreement.
  3. Refusal to exchange goods or refund.

Refund ban

In other cases, is cosmetics refundable? The main aspect is the definition of product quality and the identification of shortcomings. The buyer is not able to issue a refund when:

  • discrepancies in the selected color, smell or consistency of cosmetics;
  • the absence of the expected result;
  • confirmation of good quality;
  • marking with all the necessary information.

For example, purchased eyeshadow cannot be returned if it did not fit only in color. In this case, there are no complaints about the quality or discrepancy in the declared characteristics.


Considering the topic of whether cosmetics are subject to return under the law of the Russian Federation, you should familiarize yourself with the money-back procedure. They buy professional products not only in stores, but also in salons. At the same time, it has a high price, so many buy a loan for purchases.

whether cosmetics and perfumes are refundable

Sometimes buyers purchase goods spontaneously and, after receiving the sales receipt, wish to return the purchase. This situation is faster resolved immediately after payment, since the fact of receipt of funds has not been fully completed, and you can refuse the goods. During the payment by card, the transaction can be canceled through the bank within a few hours after the receipt of money. To do this, you must contact the institution in person or by phone.


If there is a loan, the return will be complicated, since in this case the buyer must comply with the conditions set by the bank after providing money to buy the goods. For the procedure, the buyer draws up a request for a refund and provides cosmetics.

Experts recommend buying only the necessary cosmetics and not purchasing products that may not be useful. When choosing matting agents and other cosmetics with different shades, it is preferable to make sure that the products are perfect, because otherwise return is not allowed for several of the above reasons.

If a poor-quality product with open packaging has noticeable signs of a manufacturing defect, and the store does not want to make a return, then the buyer has the right to contact higher authorities. These are Rospotrebnadzor, organizations for the protection of consumer rights.

whether decorative cosmetics is refundable

If the application is ignored, then you can file a lawsuit. After this, the document proceeds to the stage of consideration of office work. This method of solution is suitable only at a high cost of cosmetics, since at low amounts the procedure is impractical.

To eliminate contentious issues, it is advisable to carefully purchase products. To do this, you need to check the expiration date, the integrity of the package, the compliance of color, aroma. Still need to see if there is detailed information about the manufacturer. Only taking into account these nuances can you purchase quality goods.

In the absence of a check

In this case, how is the product returned? According to Part 5 of Art. 18 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the absence of a check is not a reason for refusing to perform the exchange or return procedure. But this does not mean that the goods will be returned if it meets all the requirements.

Quality cosmetic products are not returned or exchanged even on the date of purchase. The return policy for 14 days does not apply to cosmetics. If the product is not arranged, for example, by smell, then it will not work to return due to this reason. This also applies to non-compliance with other characteristics - the volume, type of packaging.

Through the online store

For customers who have purchased products through the online store, the return procedure will be simpler. In this case, the purchased goods can be returned to the seller within 7 days after receipt. And it doesn’t matter what the reasons are.

whether cosmetics are subject to exchange and return undiscovered

If the seller has not notified the citizen about the return of the product purchased via the Internet, then the allotted period is increased to 3 weeks. If the product was purchased through the Network, then for the return you only need to keep the presentation. This rule applies to different purchases.


The article considers all the nuances of whether cosmetics and perfumes are subject to return. This procedure has several conditions, depending on the condition of the goods and the causes of damage.

Perform the procedure within 14 days does not work, because cosmetics are included in the category of non-returnable products. Before buying a product, it is advisable to get advice and make sure that the products are great.


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