Do-it-yourself water supply of a private house from a well. Water supply in a private house: device

The issue of water supply must be approached responsibly, especially if it concerns a private house where there is no central water supply. In this case, a well or a well will save you. But the source of water, a piece of hose and an electric motor is not enough to organize water supply. Let's talk about how to do everything as correctly as possible and what to look for. This activity is very laborious and not the easiest, so be prepared in advance for difficulties.

do-it-yourself water supply of a private house from a well

On the advantages of well water supply

It is worth noting that the organization of water supply from the well also has its advantages, but the well will be our priority. This is due to several factors. Firstly, digging a quality well is much cheaper than drilling a well. Another important point - you can dig a well with your own hands. At the same time, special equipment and specialists are necessary for drilling a well. Of course, if you take a couple of comrades with you, the well will be dug even faster. If everything is done correctly, you can be sure that for many years the house will be supplied with water. And all this is completely free. All you have to pay for is the electricity bill. And nothing more.

All of the above advantages suggest that it is much easier and cheaper to dig a well. In addition, there is no need to obtain permission for work. But do not think that here you are waiting for only virtues. Such water is more suitable for technical needs than for drinking. If you are going to eat it, it is recommended to install a filter system. Otherwise, the water supply of a private house from a well with its own hands has only strengths.

Technology Brief

The process itself must be divided into several stages. The first - it is the main and most important - the development of a water supply scheme. It is precisely on how accurately and correctly the circuit will be created that the overall performance of the system depends. At the next stage, the trench digging is already carried out according to the scheme. After that, you can proceed to the selection of pumping equipment. The process, although not the most difficult, but responsible, however, we will return to this a little later. As noted above, the water treatment system plays an important role, so do not forget to install filters. There should be several: rough and fine cleaning.

water system of a private house how to spend

At the final stage, water is laid from the well into the house and equipment is connected. It is worth paying your attention to the fact that in almost all cases even the simplest scheme implies the presence of water intake equipment. The pump is mounted either in the sub-pump room or in the caisson, which is located above the well. Now we will try to consider each stage in more detail and tell you what a good water supply system of a private house should be. How to conduct it, you will also learn, but a little later.

How to choose the right installation location

The first stage of work is the construction of a well. It is advisable to dig it in the summer, since in hot times the depth of the water is much less than in autumn and winter. In order not to attract experts to determine the occurrence of the underwater reservoir, you can talk with neighbors who have their own wells, they will certainly help. If this method does not work, then use the old-fashioned one - using the vine.

When choosing a place, pay attention to the fact that at a distance of 50 meters there are no cesspools, septic tanks, etc. This is due to the fact that all this can significantly impair the quality of the water and render it unsuitable at all. But also to dig a hole too close to the house is also undesirable due to leaching of sand, which can lead to a shift of the soil.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that laying a water pipe in a private house with your own hands is a very time-consuming process. However, if you prepared trenches according to the scheme, then there should not be a problem with this. Now you need to decide on another important parameter.

A system with or without a storage tank?

The process of supplying a private house with your own hands will certainly lead to the fact that you have to decide whether to buy storage tanks or not. A huge amount of controversy and discussion arises on this subject, as some use tanks, while others do not. As they say - there is no companion for the taste and color. Nevertheless, often everything depends on the price of storage tanks. In any case, you will have to install a hydraulic accumulator, which will accumulate a small amount of water, usually up to 40 liters, and when you open the tap in the house, give it away. When the pressure drops, a signal is sent to the pump. It turns on and refills the accumulator.

water scheme from the well

Storage tanks - this is completely different. Usually we are talking about large tanks with a volume of 200 or more liters. The pump from the well picks up tanks to a certain point. To avoid overflow, a float is installed there. When you open the tap in the house, water will flow through the pipes from the tank. The advantages of this solution are that the water supply from the well in the country or in a private house will be used more efficiently. The pump will have fewer on / off times per day, which will significantly extend its life. When the repair work will be carried out, the well will be cleaned, you will have a certain reserve, which is usually enough for a while.

How to install a system with a storage tank

Installation of such a system is somewhat more complicated than that which does not imply the presence of a large tank. The first difficulty you will encounter is the installation location of the storage tanks. It is usually advisable to put them in the attic. True, in this case there is a risk of leakage. If there is enough space under the floor, then this is the best solution. As for the volume of the tank, then decide for yourself. It all depends on the needs of your family. In priority it is necessary to give preference to the accumulative tank made of stainless steel. However, it is very expensive, so you can choose a plastic one, but you need to be careful with it.

do-it-yourself water supply

Select the type of pump: submersible or deep. The first type is suitable if the water depth is not more than 9 meters. In other cases, only an in-depth pump is required. Please note that the pipe from the pump to the tank must run underground. It is worth placing it deeper than the freezing depth of the soil in your area. If you use the water supply of a private house from a well, the technology is no different, so do not worry about this. Well, now let's move on.

Automated Pumping Station

A key feature of an automated pumping station is that a submersible or deep pump pumps the carrier into a hydropneumatic tank. The capacity of the latter can be different, from 100 to 500 liters. Installation of such equipment is preferably carried out in the utility room. The capacity is divided into two parts using a special rubber partition, and also has a relay. This allows you to adjust the pressure in the system. Any scheme of water supply from the well, involving the use of a pumping station, must include a receiver (storage tank). You might think that there are no differences from the above method, but this is somewhat different. The fact is that the pump can work in several modes at once. The first - bypassing the hydraulic tank, that is, directly feed the medium into the room. The second mode is that water is taken from the hydraulic tank when the pressure drops to a certain point in it, the pump is turned on and makes up for losses.

Installation work is very simple. To do this, you need to dig a trench from the caisson (the place where the pump is) to the house. An electric cable for connecting the pump and the pipe is laid in it. The latter can be insulated if there is a chance of freezing. Something like that and mounted water from a well in the country. The system diagram is shown in the picture, which you can find in this article.

how to conduct water in the country from a well or well

Do-it-yourself plumbing in a private house: instructions and something else

It is very good when the house constantly has water. But to organize the system yourself, you have to sweat. We have already figured out that it is possible to make the water supply of a private house from a well with our own hands, but certain theoretical data are needed for this. As for the scheme, this is not important. You can organize the flow of water through the pump station and the tank or through tanks. If you manage to set up the station correctly, then you will get a good head in the crane. It is very convenient, and sometimes necessary.

For the pump you need a small space in the room. It can be a small pantry, which can be easily redone. The pipe that draws water from the well descends to a depth of 40-50 cm from the bottom. The end of the pipe must be covered with a strainer, it will pick up various debris. This filter needs to be cleaned periodically, but the procedure is very simple. During the construction of the well, it is advisable to mount an iron pin in its bottom, and fix the water hose to it. But if you did not, then you can go any other way.

DIY plumbing in a private house

Directly in front of the pump, a coarse filter and a check valve must be installed. The fine filter must be installed already behind the pump station. This is due to the fact that debris and dirt should not fall on it, since it can quickly fail. The non-return valve is needed so that water does not go back to the well along the highway. Be sure to put a manometer and pressure switch. This will allow you to monitor the status of the system and, if necessary, bleed the carrier from the hydraulic tank. By the way, after all work is completed, you must additionally debug the pressure switch. If you adhere to the above rules, then the water supply from the well in the country, the system diagram of which has already been considered, will work efficiently and correctly. But that's not all, so let's look at a few important nuances.

How to conduct water in the country from a well or well

Often, pumping stations are installed directly above the well or well. The equipment is placed in a special container called a caisson. Let's talk about how to establish water supply in this way.

At the first stage, it is necessary to dig a pipe to a depth of at least 2.5 meters. The pit itself should be twice as large as the diameter of the caisson. A 20-centimeter layer of concrete is laid at the bottom. The solution is prepared in a standard way. A caisson is lowered into a prepared hole. The pipe must be cut so that it peeks over the caisson by no more than half a meter.

At the next stage, we will dig trenches under water pipes. We have already decided on the depth of their occurrence. The optimal depth is considered to be 1.5-2.0 meters. After the trench is ready, a pump is installed in the caisson and connected to the water supply. The caisson is filled with concrete along the contour, but not to the brim. It is advisable to leave a free space of approximately 40 cm to the ground. This place needs to be filled up with soil.

how to conduct water in the country from a well or well

Any automatic water supply with your own hands implies the presence of a hydraulic accumulator and a pressure switch. This equipment is installed directly in the living room, where it is mounted and other, such as pressure gauges and other sensors. At the final stage, all elements of the system are interconnected and connected to the plumbing system.

What everyone should know

You must understand that the first start of the system does not always go smoothly. Of course, if you did everything right, then the chances of success are great, nevertheless, no one is safe from mistakes. That is why the first launch should be carried out very carefully. The first step is to monitor the pressure in the system. If it is insufficient, then this indicates that at some stage there is a leak. It must be found and eliminated. That is why it is recommended not to dig a trench before checking the operability of the water supply. Agree, this will be true in any case. If you are not sure that the depth of the pipes is sufficient, insulate them with mineral wool or similar material. In this case, you will have water both in winter and in summer. Now you know how to establish a water supply system, and what its types are. From the well, from the well, hot water can be made. For this, it is necessary to include a dual-circuit heating boiler in an existing circuit. But in summer cottages, solid fuel boilers are most often used. However, this is hardly significant. The connection process looks identical.

DIY plumbing in a private house

Often, autonomous water supply from a well is seasonal. This is due to the fact that the pipe comes out of the well to the surface. That is why it must be brought out so that it is at least 1.5 meters underground. Another important detail: if the water in the water supply freezes, and the pump does not have protection against dry running, it will simply burn out or a pipe will burst at the junction. In principle, this is how you can organize water supply in a private house with your own hands. We reviewed the device and the principle of operation of the equipment.


Of course, to build the water supply of a private house from a well with your own hands is good. But often the question is what the carrier should use for space heating and for household needs. It is possible to have hot water and heat in the room, but for this you need to bring the water supply to the boiler. It’s probably not worthwhile to say once again that today the most popular heating equipment is gas double-circuit boilers. The effectiveness of their work largely depends on the constancy of pressure in the system. Therefore, you will have to take special care of the pressure, believe me, this requires a high-quality water supply. Water pipe from the well with your own hands should be made so that it gives good pressure. If it is not possible to provide a head, use electric pressure tanks. True, in this case, problems may arise when operating such household appliances as a washing machine, dishwasher, etc.

After we have examined in detail the technology and other important details, it remains to determine the model of the pump. It will be submersible or deep, depending on the depth of the well or well. As for the manufacturer, it is better to give preference to a European or domestic brand. "What about the pipes?" - surely you ask. There are two options: metal-plastic or polypropylene (plastic). The first ones are easier to install and may have a complex connection configuration due to the connection with fittings, etc. Plastic pipes are connected by soldering, so leaks there are much less common. But installation can cause some difficulties, especially for beginners. In principle, it's all about how to establish the water supply of a private house from a well with your own hands.


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