Garden culture zucchini - planting and care

Zucchini is a native of South and Central America. The plant has large leaves, with five pointed lobes. Flowers are dioecious (male and female), both types are on the same plant. They are bell-shaped and yellow in color. Pollinated by bees, bumblebees and other insects. The fruits of zucchini are long, cylindrical. In technical ripeness, one fruit weighs about 700-900 g, in physiological maturity - up to 2 kg. The skin of young zucchini is soft and may have a light, green or yellow color. In mature fruits, it is coarse, the color is light green, white or cream. Seeds are white. Many summer residents and gardeners successfully grow a vegetable marrow plant. Planting and caring for the plant is not too burdensome. Various dishes are prepared from the fruits.

Zucchini planting and care

Zucchini: planting and care of seedlings

This plant can be propagated by seeds. They are pre-soaked in a solution of mineral fertilizers or kept until swelling in warm water. You can plant plants using seedlings. Prepared zucchini seeds are planted 1 each in peat pots. Then they wait until a small zucchini shoot appears. Planting and care of seedlings begin about a month before the transfer to the open ground. Land for this is bought special, with a high content of humus. Before the first leaves appear, the temperature in the room should be 20-22 degrees. In order for the seedlings not to stretch, the night temperature is lowered to 16 degrees, and during the day again raised to 22 degrees. The shoots are strong, like the fruit of the zucchini itself. Planting and care of seedlings involves fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

Zucchini seeds
In early May, young plants are transferred to the open ground directly with pots. They then dissolve in the soil and serve as additional fertilizer. In areas with more severe climatic conditions, zucchini is first placed in a greenhouse, and opened in early June. This plant can be sown directly by seeds - directly into the ground. But such sowing should be carried out after frost has passed and the earth will warm up. Zucchini grows well on fertile, humus-rich land and prefers sunny places. Plants are planted according to a 70x50 pattern. Seeds are sown 5-7 cm deep.

Growing zucchini in a greenhouse
Outdoor plant care

Zucchini care involves weeding, loosening the soil, timely watering and top dressing. In the phase of five leaves, the plant is spud. If everything is done correctly, the crop will be good. When grown in greenhouses, the care is the same as on open ground. The only thing to do is to often ventilate the greenhouse. A lack of oxygen can cause fungal infections. Growing zucchini in a greenhouse is relevant for areas with harsh climatic conditions.

The composition and benefits of zucchini

The pulp of plants contains proteins, carbohydrates, ascorbic acid, carotene, pectin, B vitamins, as well as minerals: magnesium, calcium, potassium, and iron. Due to the low calorie content of zucchini, they are used in diet food. Zucchini is good for people with kidney, liver, heart and gastrointestinal diseases.


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