Flycatcher flowers: is home maintenance possible?

In recent years, flycatcher flowers have gained serious popularity. Increasingly, although still not too often, they can be seen in apartments. The fact is that now they are almost freely available for sale, especially if you know where exactly. Now, for lovers of insectivorous plants, options such as nepentes, dionea, sundew, and sarracenia are available. Some of them are easier to care for, others require special conditions.

flytrap flowers

The most popular indoor flycatcher flower is perhaps the dionea. This is what they imagine when they talk about insectivorous plants. Another name for it is the Venus flytrap. This small plant looks very beautiful: a rosette of thin leaves, usually located horizontally, and at the end of each of them there is a small trap. The inner side of the traps can be green or red, the flower itself can also have a different look.

Dionea is one of the easiest carnivorous plants to care for . One “but” - it is very demanding on water. In general, all flycatcher flowers are marsh plants, so the soil around them should always be moistened. The dionea has special needs about this - it needs to be watered only with distilled water and only through a tray. However, she needs a very intense and long-lasting lighting. Best if it will be in direct sunlight. But it does not need to be fertilized, and in no case should it be fed forcefully, especially with something different from live insects. The most difficult thing is to postpone the rest period, because at this time the temperature should be positive, but very low - 3-7 degrees.

indoor flower flytrap

The next popular flycatcher flower, which can be taken care of at home, is sarracenia. She also needs moist soil and sunlight, and can easily tolerate drafts. The requirements for water are the same as for dionea - it must be distilled. High humidity is not required for it, however, wintering can become the main problem here. For good development, this plant needs a fairly deep pot, and the transplant should be done immediately after the dormancy period, usually

flower flytrap care
this is done once every two years.

Flycatchers such as sundews are a bit more moody with regard to air humidity. Depending on the species, they can survive both at a rate of 40% and require 80%. Watering through the pan should also be done with clean rain or distilled water. The earthball should not dry out. With good care, cases of flowering sundews at home are not uncommon. Most species also require cold wintering, without a dormant period, the plant can die quite quickly.

But growing nepentes at home is extremely difficult. The fact is that they are extremely demanding on air humidity, they need an indicator up to 90%. Theoretically, this is feasible, but most Nepentes are large enough plants, so they do not always fit in greenhouses. A good option may be the arrangement of a special sufficiently large greenhouse or orchidarium, where you can put, including flycatcher flowers.

It is believed that predatory plants are complex and capricious in care, but in most cases, conditions for them can be created in the house. Let there be an exotic corner in the apartment!


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