Battery polarity reversal: restoration, possible consequences and useful tips

Traditional lead-acid batteries occupy the bulk of the supply of 12-volt cells in automotive equipment. Experienced drivers are well aware of the shortcomings of such batteries and are able to determine the moment when they can be carried to a collection point for disposal without a special examination. This is what users do, who have no time to waste time on unnecessary manipulations to get the maximum benefit from the "killed" power supply. Nevertheless, the operation of polarity reversal of the battery as the restoration of its internal energy potential, although to a minimum extent, can bring some benefit.

What is battery replay?

Change battery poles

In order to understand the essence of tacking regardless of the nature of its consequences with the possibility of a restorative effect, one should understand the principles of this phenomenon. To begin with, each acid battery consists of several sections - plates, which act as electrodes. One group of plates is positively charged, and the second is negatively charged. For example, in the same lead-acid accumulators, lead sections as such have a “negative charge”, and plates based on lead dioxide are charged with a “plus”. Actually, violations in the battery work often occur due to the uneven distribution of charges, which is associated with a decrease in voltage in one of the groups of electrodes. Moreover, it is dioxid positively charged plates that are subjected to the greatest load with a more intense loss of energy potential. Obviously, battery polarity reversal with capacity recovery by changing poles can make a difference, but how much is practically possible in each case depends on many factors. For example, experts note that batteries with strong lead plates can sometimes be restored with a return of up to 70% of the capacity.

When does it make sense to reverse polarity?

Battery plates

Of course, polarity reversal cannot be considered as a universal way to repair a battery. We can say that the user from the attempt to "revive" the device does not lose anything except time and nerves, but there are cases when a positive effect, in principle, will be impossible. For example, attempts to restore the battery by reverse polarity will not lead to anything good in the following situations:

  • If the battery is permanently damaged as a result of complete physical or chemical destruction. Scattering of the structure of the electrodes is a clear sign that the unit should be disposed of, and as soon as possible.
  • The battery case is swollen and swollen. Also a bad sign, which indicates that trying to disassemble the structure does not make sense.
  • The electrolyte has changed greatly in color - its brown hue also indicates the impossibility of recovery.
  • Shorting the plates.

Nevertheless, typical and non-critical irregularities in the work process or the loss of former operational qualities do not exclude success in performing the polarity reversal. It can be applied to blocks that do not take charge, quickly boil, discharge in a few minutes, etc.

Natural polarity reversal

Battery polarity reversal

Changing the poles of the charge can occur without the knowledge of the user in certain conditions. For this, first of all, the presence of a potential difference between different electrode blocks is required. Under such conditions, one section will lose charge faster and it is possible that the capacity level will reach zero, while the "work" of the second section will continue. It is in this configuration that a natural polarity reversal of the car’s battery is possible, when one of the charges starts to act in the opposite direction, charging the neighboring “zero” block in the opposite sequence. Initially, the following factors lead to similar and already uncontrolled processes:

  • Deep battery discharge.
  • Destruction in the active mass.
  • Violations in the connections of the block.

Battery protection measures against reverse polarity

If there is no goal of creating conditions for a pole change, then in normal operation, the probability of such a phenomenon will be quite small. Compliance with standard battery maintenance rules will reduce it to almost zero. Nevertheless, it will not be out of place to have an idea of ​​the main preventive measures for protecting the battery from reverse polarity:

  • Maintaining the construction of the unit in good condition - the housing must be tight and clean, which will reduce the risks of self-discharge.
  • Correct connection of wires to the terminals of the battery and charger. Properly organized electrical wiring virtually eliminates the possibility of pole reversal.
  • Maintaining normal electrolyte. The sulfation process, in particular, is dangerous not only by the risks of polarity reversal, but also by the increased risk of depressurization of the housing.

Technology for independent polarity reversal

Battery polarity reversal

The operation is quite simple and is performed in the following sequence of actions:

  • General battery diagnostics are performed, during which the electrolyte density is measured, the state of the electrodes is estimated, and the distribution of polarities is determined. It is fundamentally important to highlight sections with a deep discharge.
  • From the charger, wires are connected, but in the reverse sequence relative to the previous circuit. In other words, the “plus” terminal is connected to the “minus”, etc. What is important, we are talking about a partial polarity reversal of the car battery in relation to electrodes with a deep discharge. Usually, the operation is performed with 1-2 sections, and the remaining serviceable should not be touched.
  • The “plus” line is additionally provided with a safe resistance device - for example, a 50 kΩ SDR. This will eliminate the possibility of a short circuit.

Features of double polarity reversal

Battery charge

If the goal is to rid the electrodes of white plaque and the effects of strong sulfation, then the double polarity justifies itself. It will relieve external physical and chemical destruction processes when changing poles with the return of the old electrical configuration of the connection. The battery is reversed twice in the same sequence. After changing the polarities, you must immediately repeat the set of actions, but in a different order. It is also worth considering that this operation places a large load on the battery and especially on the electrodes. Therefore, double polarity reversal is recommended only for blocks with dense, strong and thick plates.

Positive polarity reversal effect

Battery Diagnostics

With the successful completion of the procedure, at best it will be possible to count on another 2-3 years of operation of the unit, albeit with minimal energy potential. If, in parallel with the polarity reversal, the electrolyte is replaced and the recharge is correctly performed, then at first the device can demonstrate completely enviable performance indicators. Another thing is that in this case, the recovery of the battery from the polarity reversal will give a short-term effect. The increased power will quickly return to its previous state and will only decrease in the future.

Negative polarity reversal effect

It is difficult to talk about the negative factors of polarity reversal in relation to a completely inactive battery. But the problem is that the recovery effect can take place only when the potential has not yet been completely lost. That is, the unit can be reanimated in other ways, and the consequences of the battery reversal can be expressed in the complete destruction of thin plates without any chance of returning to working capacity. The most annoying consequences in this context are due to a natural polarity reversal. Incorrect connection of the same terminals with a fully working battery will lead to similar destruction processes, but in a shorter time, since without the user control the necessary conditions for device protection will be excluded.


Battery recovery

The practice of restoring batteries in Russia took shape not on empty ground. It is based on the opinion that battery manufacturers intentionally introduced the concept of maintenance-free power supply, pushing the consumer to prematurely buy a new element. Nevertheless, in practice, a noticeable increase in the device’s performance is possible only in extremely rare cases. As for the specific restoration of the battery by reverse polarity, the method is quite troublesome and unsafe from the point of view of the risks of chemical injuries. If we talk about the result, then in the best case, we will have to rely on maintaining a small energy supply for a limited period of time, which is nevertheless recommended to be used to purchase a new unit.


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