How to find out if a dog is pregnant? Dog handlers reveal their secrets

Shortly after mating, many owners begin to wonder how to find out if the dog is pregnant. This can be done in several different ways, which we will discuss later in the article.

First symptoms

The average duration of pregnancy in dogs is about two months. However, the first signs begin to appear no earlier than the twenty-fifth day. As a rule, the animal has a swelling of the mammary glands, and in some cases there is an increase in the abdomen.

How to find out if a dog is pregnant

And if you are thinking about how to find out if the dog is pregnant after mating or not, then remember that there are indirect signs that indicate the imminent appearance of offspring. Starting from the second or third week, the animal becomes lethargic. It can sleep for a long time and not respond to external stimuli.

The main signs of pregnancy

But, besides the mentioned indirect signs, unfortunately, no one will tell you in the early stages how to find out if the dog is pregnant. Approximately 33 days after fertilization, the animal begins to gain weight. It becomes more calm and affectionate in relation to the owners. Also, some individuals have nausea and refusal to eat.

how to find out if a dog is pregnant after mating

And from about the fifth week, the dog’s mammary glands slightly increase, the nipples turn pink and the tummy is noticeably rounded.

Another fairly reliable sign of successful mating is considered viscous transparent discharge after each urination. Usually they appear on the twentieth or twenty third day.

How can a veterinarian help?

If you do not understand how to find out if a dog is pregnant, you can turn to professionals. A growing number of pet owners are coming for advice to them. Modern veterinary clinics use the latest equipment. It allows you to get reliable results.

How to find out if a York dog is pregnant

For example, those who are interested in how to find out if a dog is pregnant (York or any other) can be advised to conduct a relaxin test. You can take this analysis, which determines the amount of specific hormone produced by the placenta of the fetus, in any veterinary clinic. However, it appears in the blood of an animal only for 20-40 days. In addition, you can use the so-called test strips. You can apply them at home. The disadvantage of this method is that it shows only the presence of embryos, without determining whether they are alive.

And for those who want to understand how to find out if the dog is pregnant (terrier or representative of any other breed), you can offer to send the pet for ultrasound. This high-precision method can be used already from the fifteenth day. With its help, you can evaluate the activity of embryos, determine their number, size and location.

In addition, for all breeds, five weeks after mating, an X-ray examination can be used. This is also a fairly accurate and reliable technique.

Care Tips

Having figured out how to find out if a dog is pregnant, you need to learn how to handle it correctly during this period. The female puppies need special care, because the health of future offspring depends on this.

how to find out if a dog is a terrier

Throughout the entire period, you need to monitor the well-being of the dog and its diet. In addition, it is recommended that the animal is given the opportunity to actively move around without being allowed to jump or run up the stairs.

It is also important to provide your pet with daily walks in the fresh air. Some experts recommend protecting a pregnant dog from contact with other animals, as there is always a risk of catching some kind of infectious disease.

Feeding Features

Those who already understand how to find out if the dog is pregnant will probably be interested in how to change the diet in connection with the new situation. Immediately, we note that in the first month you do not need to strongly adjust the animal's menu. But it is important that your pet’s nutrition is complete and well balanced.

How to find out if a dog is pregnant

But starting from the second half of the term it will be necessary to review it. This is especially true for those owners who gave their animals industrial feed.

The menu of a pregnant bitch should have as many natural products as possible. And in the process of developing a new diet, you need to consider that your pet should not overeat. In addition, it is recommended to give her additional vitamins and mineral supplements. But it is better if they are prescribed by a veterinarian, since an excess of a substance can lead to undesirable problems.

Signs of an approaching birth

Many inexperienced owners are afraid that they may miss this important point. In order to independently recognize the beginning of puppy, you must observe the behavior of the animal. One of the main signs of an approaching birth is the fading of puppies. If you put your hand on the dog’s stomach, but don’t feel the babies moving, then in the near future they will be born.

Shortly before giving birth, the dog begins to show noticeable anxiety. This is especially true of primiparas. The animal may begin to tremble, whine, or moan. He has rapid breathing. Some dogs begin to rush about and tear the litter.

Many can refuse food, while others, on the contrary, eat a lot and go for walks with pleasure. A few days before the upcoming birth, their loop softens and increases. In almost all animals, sagging of the back becomes noticeable. This is due to the prolapse of the uterus. As a rule, on the eve of the birth of puppies, the dog's body temperature drops significantly and abundant discharge appears.

Some people are convinced that it is not necessary to interfere in the natural process of childbirth so as not to interfere with the animal. However, in some cases, a woman in labor may need help. This is especially true for representatives of dwarf breeds. Their birth is much harder than that of the other relatives. The same applies to long-haired individuals, who can not always independently cut the umbilical cord. In such cases, the dog should be treated immediately. Otherwise, the process can take a long time, and there is a risk of losing puppies.


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