What is a phrase and how can it have wings?

Sometimes when trying to explain something to the interlocutor it is easier to use a ready-made cliche. For example, to say that someone beats like a fish on ice will be shorter and no less exhaustive than painting all the futile efforts of a person. In addition, such phraseological turns make speech more elegant, richer and more expressive. What is a phrase with wings and where does it fly will be discussed below.

Where do the wings grow from?

catch phrases are what
In linguistics, there is the concept of a “winged word” that goes back to antiquity: it is present more than once in the texts of the Iliad and Odyssey. For Homer, any word that reaches the interlocutor is popular.

The term fell into science only in the 19th century thanks to the scientist Georg Buchmann, who introduced the world to his collection of collected expressions and words of German literature, often used in speech. Since then, such words and expressions are called winged, which are complete thoughts, exhaustive phrases, understandable and familiar to many. This also includes proper names that have become common nouns. An important feature of such turns of speech is that they have a literary or historical context as their source.

What is a phrase?

A phrase is the smallest unit of speech and the largest unit in phonetics.

Having asked the question “What are winged phrases?”, You can try to figure out for a start what the phrase in general is.

First of all, a phrase is a minimal independent unit of speech. That is, it is a complete thought like a sentence.

The difference from the sentence is that the phrase belongs to spoken language, and not to written. Thus, it will have intonational, timbral and accent characteristics. Since it carries some meaning, it is important to correctly emphasize and pause the pronunciation. Here is what a phrase is.

Homer's "winged words" are just such phrases: these are words that fly from the mouth of the person speaking to the ear. In the Russian proverb, by the way, the word takes wings through the image of a sparrow.

How to inspire a phrase

Having figured out what a phrase is, you can try to identify signs of a catch phrase.

It is important that such a phrase carries a special meaning, acquired through a combination of certain words. After all, if someone has soaped the neck, it is unlikely to be soap.

For a phrase to be heard, it must be pronounced from a high place. If we omit folk sayings and sayings, then winged expressions have a feature of the presence of the author. Most often, he is a prominent historical figure or literary hero. Using familiar phrases in a speech, the speaker may not even suspect who invented them. How many people remember that the happy, not watching the clock, is a quote from Griboedov 's “Woe from Wit” ? However, the meaning is clear to any carrier of this culture.

what is a phrase

The wings of the phrase grow due to the fact that it flies from mouth to mouth, is repeated many times, making speech more expressive and richer. One such phrase can not only convey the mood of the speaker, but also save him from lengthy reasoning, which may be boring and meaningless for the interlocutor.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9918/

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