Mobile phone ONEXT Care-Phone 5: reviews, specifications, instructions

Many are used to meeting smartphones and gadgets on the market. But we forgot that there are people who cannot or do not want to understand the new technology, but they still need a connection with the outside world. It is worth recognizing that most grandparents do not have the opportunity to buy expensive smartphones. And even if they are given them, they don’t want to deal with new technologies.

Such people also need mobile phones, but with simplified controls. One of the Chinese companies took care of this by releasing ONEXT Care-Phone 5. This phone got good reviews because it is a reliable device that can cope with all tasks.


Unfortunately, we cannot always be near our elderly relatives. Due to some circumstances, we move to another house or even a city. But distance is not a reason for not communicating with family.

onext care phone 5 reviews

It so happened that the technology developed too quickly, and not all the older generation was able to adapt to them. Someone simply does not have the physical ability to deal with new gadgets, someone simply does not see the point.

And while not all of our grandmothers have learned to use a touchscreen smartphone, a good push-button phone will not cease to exist. There is even a buyer for such a product, and as practice shows, the demand is very great.


Before proceeding to an overview of this model, it is immediately worth highlighting its advantages. No wonder such phones began to be called "grandmothers." They are aimed specifically at an elderly audience and people with low vision. Hence, such a wonderful design and the necessary set of functions.

Imagine that your grandmother lives outside the city, she has low vision and, like all older people, poor health. To be always in touch, you give her such a phone. How is it different from usual?

Firstly, it has huge buttons. It’s hard to miss. Secondly, he has voice input, but not the one we are used to seeing on smartphones. He voices the pressed buttons. There’s a flashlight right there to go down to the cellar. Of course, the ONEXT Care-Phone 5 is equipped with a voluminous battery. And for emergency cases there is a SOS button.


Well, let's start the review with the packaging of the device. It is delivered in a compact cardboard box. The manufacturer did not spend much time on the presentation and marketing campaign. There is no need to do this. Since this is practically the only device that has no competitors and it does not need to attract attention. It is enough that everyone knows about its existence and, if necessary, acquire it.

good push-button telephone

The box is decorated with nice graphic elements. The front shows the ONEXT Care-Phone 5 Black. There is also a white version. In the middle is the phone model and description: “A phone with large buttons.”

Under such a slogan placed graphic icons that display the main parameters. It indicates that the phone works with two SIM cards, has a special help button, a capacious battery, automatic answer, radio and remote control.

There is a bit more information on the back. It is all presented in Russian. There is a description of all the elements of the phone, its features and equipment.

On one of the ends of the box, the characteristics of the model are again described, but focused on people who are versed in numbers and indicators. It indicates the processor, frequencies, camera, screen size, etc.

At the opposite end again was information about what this gadget could attract. Here, its features and focus on an elderly audience are described more openly. Information on the manufacturer is also indicated on one of the parties. We learn from here that the model was created in China and has a warranty period.


We continue to review ONEXT Care-Phone 5. We open the box and notice that on one of the faces we are thanked for the purchase. There is nothing supernatural inside. The model is equipped with standard accessories.

onext care phone 5 specifications

In addition to the phone, the box contains a battery, charger, manual and warranty card. You could put more headphones, but perhaps not all older people need a headset.


The appearance of ONEXT Care-Phone 5 gathered the most impressions. The design received mixed reviews, since we have a very unusual phone.

The model is made of high-quality plastic in black. The front panel is occupied by a screen and a digital block. The size of the latter is amazing. The keys are very large, rubberized, got a convex shape. It’s convenient to press them, even by touch, finding the right one is simple.

The screen has a color matrix and small size: 28 x 36 mm. Below it are the main buttons and a large four-position button in the center. On the left there is a “Menu” and a call button, on the right there is a return and reset button. The digital block is familiar, with a standard arrangement of both numeric and alphabetic.

onext care phone 5

The back cover is removable. A perforated grill of the external speaker was placed on top, and next to it was a small camera peephole and SOS button for owners of ONEXT Care-Phone 5. Such an unusual key received good reviews. In addition, it is harmoniously integrated into the design.


There are few elements at the ends. The right one is free of any details. There is a barely visible hole on the edge in order to pry the back cover. On the left there is a volume rocker and a flashlight switch. By the way, the latter works even when the phone is turned off.

The bottom end received a connector for the charger standard microUSB format. Next to it is an audio input of 3.5 mm. Headphones can be connected here. At the top end placed a flashlight.

Beginning of work

For the device to work, you must remove the back panel. There is a battery under it if you have already installed it there. Under it are slots for two standard-size SIM cards and a memory card.

If you yourself cannot deal with this, the kit includes ONEXT Care-Phone 5 instructions. It contains a description of how to open the cover, remove or insert the battery, and in which slot to put the SIM card.

It should be mentioned right away that it is advisable to use a memory card of at least the smallest size. Since the phone does not have internal memory, some functions may not work (camera, voice recorder, audio, etc.).

onext care phone 5 instruction

When everything is in place, you can turn on the phone. To do this, press the red button (cancel the call) and hold it until the display is activated.


When the screen lights up, you can start working with the device. The display has a diagonal of 1.8 inches and is equipped with a color matrix. The resolution is 128 x 160 pixels. There are no complaints about the screen, it is bright, and even on a sunny day it is easy to see everything on it.

The kit includes a charger, which received 0.7 A. The battery capacity of 1200 mAh replenishes in 2 hours.

The keyboard has a backlight, but it is uneven. For some reason, the left side is practically invisible, but the numbers 2, 3 and 8 are very bright.


The time and date are immediately visible on the main screen. The numbers are large, but in our case it is very good. At the top there are small battery icons, cellular network quality and other icons, depending on the functions used.

The menu has 10 items. Among them are “messages”, “call log”, “sound profiles”, “phone book”, “multimedia”, etc. In principle, the purpose of each section is clear and should not cause questions.

onext care phone 5 review

For example, if you need to change the time, press the "Menu" button, select the settings section, the "Phone" item, in it you will find the ability to change the time and date.

Since we have a "grandmother", he must transmit sounds well. Reviews ONEXT Care-Phone 5 in this regard has collected the most positive. The speaker is excellent, it makes a very loud sound that you can hear it from everywhere, even if the phone remained in the house, and your relative went outside. By the way, the speaker is the same for talking and ringing. On the one hand, this clearly ensures good audibility of the interlocutor, on the other hand, by adjusting the ringer volume, the speaker volume is also changed in parallel.


The camera that is on the phone is actually a little useless, because it takes pictures in a resolution of 0.1 megapixels - this is 320 x 240 pixels. The user has the opportunity to choose the image quality, but in any case it turns out extremely poor.

The camera can take pictures, but only silhouettes are visible on them. If you need to photograph some kind of inscription, then it should be printed in huge letters. You can view the photos taken, but you cannot zoom them in.


The characteristics of the ONEXT Care-Phone 5 are generally pretty common, just like with any other similar phone. But one of the features of this model was the SOS button. For it to work, you need to go to the appropriate section and configure it.

When correctly configured, when you press this button, the phone plays the siren and starts ringing all the numbers that are listed. Their number can be adjusted in the corresponding section. When someone picks up the phone, the speakerphone is turned on. If no one managed to get through, then everyone will be sent messages.

onext care phone 5 black


Before us is a good push-button phone that easily copes with all the functions, and therefore has collected good reviews. Of course, to judge how perfect everything is is difficult, because grandparents will not give an objective assessment of the device, as well as young people who used it.

One way or another, all the claimed features of the model are true. The buttons are comfortable, large, with voice confirmation. The speaker is very loud. The help button performs its task. Radio can work without headphones. There is speakerphone and vibration alert.

Among the shortcomings, one could say about the unsuccessful camera, the incomprehensible implementation of the volume rocker and the absence of the T9 mode, but these are all very individual minuses. Some of them are not even known to older people, which means that they cannot be considered a problem.


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