The best attractions of Uglich

Uglich is an ancient city included in the Golden Ring of Russia. It is located on the Volga River, two hundred kilometers from Moscow. Sights of Uglich - the Kremlin, cathedral, church, shopping area. Epiphany Monastery was founded in the middle of the XIX century. Transfiguration Cathedral - in the 17th century. The article presents the history and photos of the old buildings of Uglich - attractions that attract thousands of tourists annually.

sights of uglich


This is the main attraction of the city of Uglich. The Kremlin is located on the right bank of the Volga River, next to the Kamenny Stream. In the Middle Ages, people erected fortresses in special places. Often near water bodies. The stone stream and the river Shelkovka provided natural security to the building.

The fortress, which in the old days protected the city from the raids of the Tatar-Mongols, is a historical and architectural complex that includes several attractions. Uglich is rich in picturesque landscapes. The photos below are proof of this. Sights of the city of Uglich, located in the Kremlin:

  • Princely Chambers.
  • Church of Tsarevich Dmitry on the Blood.
  • The building of the City Council.
  • Transfiguration Cathedral.
Uglich city

Princely Chambers

Travelers arriving here in their car ask one and the same question before embarking on sightseeing: “What to see first?” Where to start acquaintance with the ancient city? Better, of course, from the House of Uglich Princes. It was in the walls of this medieval building that history was once made.

This building appeared in the middle of the XV century. Having taken control of the Uglich Principality, Andrei Bolshoi, brother of Prince Ivan Vasilievich, started a grand construction at that time. It was a really serious event. In the construction was used not wood, but stone.

In a short time, the Transfiguration Cathedral, the Cathedral of the Paisiev Monastery and the chamber, designed for the princes of Uglich, appeared in the Kremlin. The last attraction is worthy of special attention. In the middle of the XV century, only the Prince of Moscow had such chambers. There was nothing like this in other Russian cities.

Excavations carried out at the beginning of the 20th century showed that the palace in the city of Uglich was not much different from a similar building in Moscow. It consisted of several enfilade rooms that were stretched along the Volga River parallel to the northern walls of the Kremlin.

For almost five centuries, the construction, of course, has changed a lot. Nevertheless, this is one of the most interesting sights of Uglich. What to see in 1 day? Of course, princely chambers and a cathedral located on the territory of the Kremlin.

Andrei Bolshoi was not in power for long. In 1492, he was in disgrace, he soon died in captivity, like all his relatives. In the XVI century, the chambers were not empty. They were inhabited by other princes and governors. Here, the youngest son of Ivan the Terrible spent several years here. In the 90s of the 16th century, the bodies of Dmitry Uglitsky were found next to the chambers. This event is directly related to the suppression of the Rurik dynasty and the beginning of the Time of Troubles.

At the beginning of the XVII century for four years in the princely chambers of one of the most important sights of the city of Uglich lived the Swedish prince Gustav. This man knew a lot about medicine and pharmaceuticals. But the locals were ignorant people, and therefore called him a warlock.

Peter the Great did not appreciate the efforts of medieval architects. He ordered to dismantle the palace building - a stone was needed for the construction of a new cathedral church. Only the throne chamber survived.

Repair work was carried out here at the beginning of the 19th century: the old roof was replaced with an iron one, a new porch was built on the north side, and a double-headed eagle was erected on top. Skillful artists painted the interior walls.

One of the main attractions of Uglich, the description of which is presented below, was completely reconstructed by the centenary of the death of Tsarevich Dmitry. It was then that they decided to place a museum here.

The chambers are a tower-like building. They are divided into three tiers. The lower floor is the basement, which is divided into two rooms. Above the vaulted basement are three rooms, once residential. Almost nothing remained of the pre-Petrine painting. Only the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands, which can be seen by approaching the south wall. Here is the main hall, which leads to the outer porch. Today in the building of the chambers is an exhibition of arts and crafts.

Uglich Prince's Chambers

Church of Demetrius on the Blood

Several attractions of the city of Uglich are associated with the story of the youngest son of Ivan the Terrible. Therefore, it is worth briefly telling about this mysterious historical figure.

Dmitry Uglichsky was the illegitimate son of a formidable king. He was born in 1582. After the death of his father, the boy, together with his mother, Maria Nagoy, was sent to Uglich. Here he was considered the ruling prince, had his own court. But true power was concentrated in the hands of “service people” under the leadership of Mikhail Bityagovsky.

The mystery of the death of the Tsarevich has not yet been disclosed. According to one version, he died as a result of an attack of epilepsy. According to another, he was killed by Osip Volokhov. One way or another, but the illegitimate son of Ivan IV spent most of his life in the Kremlin - an ancient landmark of Uglich. What to see in this city? Of course, it is worth visiting the Church of Dmitry in the blood.

Where the body of Tsarevich Dmitry was found, a wooden chapel was erected at the beginning of the 17th century. Then a church was built here. At the end of the XVII century - a stone temple. The church is located on the banks of the Volga, in the north-eastern part of the Kremlin. In the photo below you can see what this attraction of Uglich looks like. What to see in 1 day? Tourists who have been in this ancient city recommend that you definitely appreciate the interior of the church.

The temple preserved paintings of the XIII century, depicting the death of Dmitry and the massacre that the crowd committed over the killers. In the refectory you can see a real work of painting of the XVIII century. On the walls here are the heroes of biblical stories - Adam and Eve. The master Khlebnikov completed the painting. The work of this artist combines elements of secular art and church painting.

Church of Demetrius on the Blood

Transfiguration Cathedral

This building was erected at the beginning of the XVIII century. Transfiguration Cathedral can also be safely attributed to the main attractions of Uglich. It was built simultaneously with the princely palace. This is a five-domed temple in the style of classicism.

The south facade faces the city itself. The painting of the Transfiguration Cathedral was completed at the beginning of the 19th century by a group of artists. One of them was the talented serf prince Golitsyn. The cathedral includes a bell tower, built in 1730. It is located south of the temple. The clock that can be seen on the bell tower is the work of modern masters.

For those who are interested in the history of Uglich, the attractions located on the territory of the Kremlin will not be enough. Outside the ancient fortress are the Holy Resurrection, Alekseevsky, Epiphany monasteries, the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist, the Market Square. The sights of Uglich also include the Mehovy-Voronins' house, Zimin Dvor, Grigoryevskoye estate.

Transfiguration Cathedral

Holy Resurrection Monastery

The date of its foundation is unknown. According to one version, the Resurrection Monastery was built at the end of the 15th century. However, the part that has survived to this day belongs to the 70s of the XVII century. Around this time, Metropolitan Ioann Sysoevich was tonsured here. He is considered the initiator of the restoration of the ancient monastery. In 1975, a major overhaul began. At the same time, work was done to strengthen the soil.

The main building on the territory of the monastery is the cathedral, which rises above other buildings. It makes a magnificent, but severe impression. Two aisles connecting the gallery adjoin the cathedral from the south and north. The belfry is a structure that connects the cathedral with the Hodegetria church and the refectory.

Epiphany Monastery

The monastery was founded at the end of the XIV century by the wife of Dmitry Donskoy - Princess Evdokia. Initially, the monastery was located on the territory of the Kremlin, in its northwestern part. In the middle of the XVII century it was moved to a new place. Now it is located near the moat, near the Rostov road.

Like many other ancient buildings, at first the monastery was wooden. At the beginning of the XVIII century a stone church was erected. Large-scale construction began at the beginning of the 19th century. Then there appeared the sister corps, the fence, the Fedorov Church. There are only three temples on the territory of the monastery. This is the aforementioned Fedorov Church, as well as the Smolensk Church and the Epiphany Cathedral. The latter was built in 1853. The building is designed in the Russian-Byzantine style.

Epiphany Monastery

Alekseevsky monastery

In the old days, the monastery was called "Ogneva". It was founded in 1371. In antiquity, in its place was a pagan sanctuary. In the XIV century, the monastery was surrounded by wooden walls, designed to protect the approaches to the city. Then it was called Assumption. Later, the monastery was named in honor of St. Alexis.

In the 30s of the XVI century a brick temple was erected. In the XIX century it was completely restored, that is, medieval buildings have not been preserved to this day. At the beginning of the XVII century, when the war with the Poles began, the cloister defended itself against the interventionists. After their expulsion, a church was built on the territory of the monastery, and it became the first temple built after the end of the Time of Troubles.

Alekseevsky monastery

Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist

This architectural monument was built in 1690. In Uglich in those days there lived a rich merchant who had lost his son. In memory of the deceased child, he built this temple at his own expense. It is worth telling the sad story thanks to which this church appeared.

Once Vanya - the son of the merchant Chepolosov - went to a literacy teacher. The boy was six years old. Vanya disappeared, and the shepherds found his body eight days later. In his head was a knife that no one could extract. But during the funeral service, clerk Rudak approached the coffin. The knife immediately fell out of the head of a dead boy.

The criminal was not executed: Vanya appeared in a dream to his parents and asked for pardon of the clerk. What is true in this story and what is fiction is unknown. But in 1689, the merchant Chepolosov allocated a considerable amount for the construction of a stone church. The merchant's son was canonized. In 1970, the temple was restored. Forensic experts confirmed that the boy, whose relics are still kept in the church, did die from a blow to the head with a sharp object.

Manor Grigoryevskoye

This is a dilapidated building, which can hardly be attributed to the sights of the city. The estate was built in the 18th century. Today it looks more like ruins, but is of interest to those who care about the history of Uglich.

Zimin Yard

Unfortunately, this building is in poor condition. Zimin Dvor is a manor owned by a merchant family. Built in the 18th century. In 1876, the owners of the estate left for St. Petersburg, the estate was transferred to the city community. Before the revolution, a school was located here. In Soviet times - a school.


It is impossible to visit all the attractions of Uglich in one day. After all, each of the architectural monuments is worthy of careful study. But if you have time, it is worth visiting one of the museums in the city. At 1/2 Berggolz Street, 1/2 Museum of Prison Art is located. This is the only such private exhibition in Russia. Uglich also houses the Terem Town House, the Rooster Park Museum and a museum dedicated to the history of the city.


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