Do you know where Brazil is?

The country, "where there are many wild monkeys," as well as Don Pedro, invariably excites our people. It is too far away, too many legends and mysteries connected with it. Even the younger generation heard the Nikitins song β€œAnd in sunny Brazil, my Brazil ...”, and the children still like the cartoon where this composition sounded. And the legendary Ostap was striving with all his might in Rio de Janeiro (even though the commander thought the city was in Argentina). Brazil is a country of romance, unusual animals, unimaginable adventures and all that will never happen to us. And probably that is why everyone knows where Brazil is located, even if it believes that Paris is the capital of London.

where is brazil

Country features

Even if you are not a romantic, you still have to admit that this state is unique. First of all, there is no longer a large enough country in the world where Portuguese is the main language (naturally, if we neglect Portugal itself). And in South and Central America it is generally the only power in which this language is actively and universally used.

One can only be surprised to know where Brazil is located. Probably no other country borders on so many powers. Among them are Bolivia, Argentina, Guiana (French), Colombia, Paraguay, Guyana, Suriname, Peru, Venezuela, Uruguay ... In fact - all South American countries except Ecuador and Chile. In addition, Brazil is the largest state in South America. And on a global scale, it is in the top ten - it occupies an honorable fifth place.

where is brazil on the map

Climate and what it is caused by

The territory of this country is quite large, and therefore there is a diversity of climatic zones and landscapes within its borders. However, most Brazilian lands still have a tropical climate. And this is not surprising, given where Brazil is located. The ecological significance of this country lies in the fact that most of the tropical (and unique!) Amazonian forests are located exactly on the territory of the described state. It should be noted that in recent years (and maybe even decades), the Amazon forests have been hit hard by regular droughts and deforestation. The latter probably means barbaric logging and the lack of proper control over unique arrays.

Tourist attraction

Based on what continent Brazil is located on, it is not difficult to draw the appropriate conclusions: for tourists and sightseers this is simply God's paradise. Yes, and interest warmed up and corrupted by the same films about Indiana Jones and other "grave robbers." Even if we leave aside the unhealthy excitement, it is worth recognizing: in Brazil there is something to see. Only the magnificent beaches, modernly equipped for relaxation, can attract attention. And travels, including the mysterious Amazon, mysterious (and often very deserted) islands, Pantanal and Iguazu Falls will conquer even picky travelers.

what continent is Brazil

Big cities are interesting too

Brazil is one of the countries that boasts a large population. Moreover, the vast majority of people live in cities. In South America, where Brazil is located, there is no other state with so many millionaire cities. The largest of them is SΓ£o Paulo, which is home to 11 million people. In second place is the legendary Rio de Janeiro, the dream of Ostap Bender. Brazilian cities attract tourists with their architecture, like Salvador, and the world-famous carnivals that take place in the same Rio, and with its statue of Christ.

So if financial opportunities allow you, specify where Brazil is located on the map, buy a plane ticket and go explore this wonderful, vibrant and unique country. There was not a single person who would have remained disappointed by her.


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