Hotel Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon 4 * (Ellaidu, Maldives): overview, description and reviews

Hotel Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon 4 *, an overview of which will be presented to your attention in the article, is located on one of the Maldives, in the northern part of Ari Atoll. The nearest Male Airport is about 40 km away. This way can be overcome with the help of a boat (in this case the road will take about 90 minutes) or a ride "with the breeze" on a seaplane (about 20 minutes).

The island on which the Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon is located has dimensions of 300 x 280 m.

ellaidhoo maldives by cinnamon 4


The hotel has 112 rooms.

The hotel is built on the principle of a cottage village. There are several rooms on the ocean, and there are separate bungalows. For those who like to fall asleep to the sound of sea waves, the hotel has bungalows that are completely on the water.

At the request of customers, the hotel staff can provide two-story rooms with a terrace or balcony.

The rooms at Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon are equipped with the following:

  • necessary furniture;
  • separate bathroom / shower and toilet;
  • TV with cable channels (there is one Russian-speaking);
  • telephone;
  • air conditioner;
  • mini bar;
  • safe;
  • hair dryer.

Hotel guests say that air conditioning is simply necessary in the rooms that are located on the beach, as it’s stuffy even to sleep without a night.

Every day, the minibar is updated with drinking water at the rate of 1 bottle per person. Water is free, you won’t have to pay for it.

Room service is available at any time of the day or night. If you have any problem, just call - and the hotel staff will come to your aid.

The bathroom is located in the open air. The abundance of vegetation in this room gives it an exotic look.

Some rooms include a DVD player.

All rooms include towels, bathrobes and slippers.

Wi-Fi in the room is paid, to pay for this service you need to go to the reception.

ellaidhoo maldives by cinnamon 4 reviews


Reviews about the hotel Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon 4 * on the Web are mostly positive. All tourists at this hotel tourists note the friendly attitude of the staff towards the guests, as well as good quality service.

Upon arrival, all guests are greeted by hotel staff, offering tourists juices from freshly squeezed fruit.

At the reception there is a staff who speak Russian, but still, as the guests assure, before arriving at the hotel it is better to learn a couple of the most common phrases in English or French.

ellaidhoo maldives by cinnamon 4 hotel in the maldives


The hotel Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon 4 * (Ellaidu, Maldives) has several food options: half board, full board and all inclusive.

Hotel guests note that the menu of the restaurant always has meat and fish. In a large number there are a variety of snacks. For breakfast, the restaurant always has milk and dairy-free cereals.

Some tourists note the fact that the fruits in the main restaurant are mainly apples and watermelons. There are also interruptions with vegetables.

Soft drinks include juices, mineral water and hot drinks such as tea and coffee.

Alcoholic beverages are present in a large assortment and in good quality. Martini is especially popular with Russian tourists.

The hotel has 2 more restaurants that can be visited by all hotel guests. The menu in the restaurants includes dishes of European and local cuisines. Much attention is paid to seafood.

A daily barbecue can be enjoyed at the hotel's beach.

ellaidhoo maldives by cinnamon 4 maldives

Hotel Territory

Tourists visiting the Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon Hotel note the following:

  • The island, although not large, but very picturesque.
  • Beach lovers will be pleasantly surprised to see a snow-white beach with comfortable sunbeds and umbrellas. By the way, with the availability of free places on the beach, as a rule, there are no problems.
  • For those who follow their figure even on vacation, a large fitness center is provided. It presents the latest and most diverse fitness equipment that will help all visitors to stay fit.
  • For those who do not like to sunbathe on the beach, the hotel has a freshwater pool that flows smoothly into the ocean. In the evening, a restaurant is organized near the pool, where you can eat well and have a good time.
  • For lovers of unity with nature on the island is a park with exotic plants and birds. Admission to its territory is free.
  • Especially for tourists who cannot imagine their life without the Internet, a room with computers and access to the World Wide Web is always open.
  • Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon has a spa for all guests. Representatives of the Philippines work in the salon. They offer their customers more than twenty types of massage. According to hotel guests, massage is a very popular service, as the employees do it very high quality.
  • For lovers of fun, discos and dance evenings are held.
  • To entertain guests, hotel employees spend themed nights every evening, such as a seafood evening, where for a small fee everyone can taste delicious dishes.

But the hotel Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon 4 * often receives negative reviews. However, like every hotel. A big minus of the hotel, all guests call the presence of breakwaters, which are around the entire perimeter of the hotel. Concrete slabs are so high that they can be seen in almost every corner of the island, so it is sometimes problematic to make beautiful photos against the backdrop of beautiful landscapes. These facilities protect the island from natural disasters, but due to their unpretentious appearance, the overall impression of the hotel is spoiled.

ellaidhoo maldives by cinnamon 4 male


White sand, beautiful palm trees and a clear ocean are some of the main attractions of the beach at Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon. This place looks like a paradise island from the well-known commercial.

Beach lovers spend most of their vacation on it. Sunbeds and umbrellas on the beach are always available.

For lovers of volleyball on the beach, a special playground is organized. A small cafe is organized on the beach, where you can have a tasty snack if you wish.

Tourists in their reviews note that the entrance to the ocean is gentle, there are no sharp drops and cliffs, which is an undoubted advantage. But at the same time, many vacationers recommend bathing with special shoes.

Diving center

Hotel Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon 4 * in the Maldives is located in close proximity to coral reefs, which makes it especially popular with divers.

If you are a beginner in this business, then experienced instructors with great pleasure will teach you to dive correctly. All tourists must be instructed before diving.

Some tourists who visited the Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon hotel indicate that there are no Russian-speaking personnel at the diving center, so if you do not speak English, German or French, it is advisable to have an Internet translator with you.

On the territory of the diving center, you can easily purchase equipment for diving. It can be a purchase or rental.

When immersed, you can see many different species of fish, mammals and aquatic plants.

Of great interest to tourists are flocks of sharks that constantly live in these waters. Sharks of this area do not attack people, therefore they are not dangerous for vacationers, but swimming with them always causes genuine interest.

Not far from the coast of the Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon 4 * hotel (Maldives), there is a sunken ship at the bottom of the ocean, which is widely visited by all lovers of underwater adventures.

Holidays at the Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon

Entertainment. Fishing

All guests are invited to visit the fishing. In the hotel it is different: morning, evening, night. The essence of all these varieties is the same - you need to catch fish. By the way, the caught catch will be prepared for you the very next evening.

Desert Island Tour

If you want to be alone with your loved one, then you can take this tour. All day on a desert island you will only be together. That's where the real exotic is!

Marriage ceremony

Young people who want to get married in the Maldives often arrive on the island. To do this, the hotel has a special place for ceremonies. A festive gazebo with an altar on the ocean gives the ceremony incredible solemnity and gives an impression that is impossible to forget.

Also, a festive table with culinary delights and expensive alcoholic drinks is set especially for young people on the shore.

Bonus from the hotel - a bottle of wine and a fruit basket in the room for young people.

ellaidhoo maldives by cinnamon 4 ellaida maldives

Excursion to the North Male Island

Those who are bored with a relaxing holiday and paradise islands can visit a tour in Male. This city is one of the smallest capitals of the world, its area is about 2 square meters. km In a small area concentrated a huge number of skyscrapers and streets. These Maldives are very different from what tourists are used to seeing.

In the city you can buy souvenirs or small gifts. Wooden pictures of boats, which are still used by fishermen of the Maldives, are very popular.

On the island there is a national museum, visiting which you can learn a lot about the life and life of the indigenous population.

hotel reviews ellaidhoo maldives by cinnamon 4

Tips from visitors to the Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon

In order for a vacation at the Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon 4 * hotel to leave only pleasant memories, you should pay attention to the reviews of former guests and listen to some valuable tips:

  • The food of the main restaurant in the hotel is not very diverse. It is better to choose the type of food half board and visit other institutions of the island.
  • If you are sick of a long boat ride, it is better to choose a seaplane as a transfer.
  • Bungalows located on the water are much more comfortable to stay than those on the shore.
  • Paid Wi-Fi in the room and throughout the hotel has a very good signal. For his work, you need to purchase a special card on the administrator's table.
  • Almost every evening, various kinds of parties take place at the hotel, usually the fee for them includes only a certain amount for admission.
  • The island has a very good diving center, which prepares everyone for immersion in water. Water beauty is one of the main advantages of the hotel. All necessary equipment can be purchased on site.
  • Most of the hotel's guests are Chinese, which are especially numerous on the eve of the Chinese New Year. If you want to spend your holidays in seclusion and silence, it is better to book dates far from this event.
  • Hotel Ellaidhoo Maldives by Cinnamon 4 * (Male) does not allow pets. Therefore, taking your pets with you on a trip is not worth it.

In general, we can say that this is a pretty good accommodation option, as former guests do not leave sharply negative reviews. Have a nice rest!


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