Kazakhs: origin, religion, traditions, customs, culture and life. History of the Kazakh people

The origin of the Kazakhs is of interest to many historians and sociologists. After all, this is one of the most numerous Turkic peoples, which today constitutes the main population of Kazakhstan. Also, a large number of Kazakhs live in neighboring China, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia. In our country, there are especially many Kazakhs in the Orenburg, Omsk, Samara, Astrakhan regions, and Altai Territory. The Kazakh people finally formed in the XV century.

Origin of the people

Kazakh classes

Speaking about the origin of the Kazakhs, most scholars are inclined to believe that as a people they formed in the XIII-XV centuries, during the era of the Golden Horde that reigned at that time.

If we talk about earlier history, the peoples who lived on the territory of modern Kazakhstan, it should be noted that various tribes inhabited it, many of which left their mark in modern Kazakhs.

So, in the northern regions there was a nomadic cattle-breeding farm. Written sources that have reached us claim that the peoples living on the territory of present-day Kazakhstan fought with the Persians. In the second century BC, tribal unions began to play a key role. A little later, the state of Kangyu was formed.

By the first century BC, a Hun tribe settled in these places, radically changing the situation in Central Asia. It was then that the first nomad empire was created in this region of Asia. In 51 BC, the empire split. One half recognized the power of the Chinese, and the other was ousted to Central Asia.

Better known in European history as a tribe of Huns, it reached the walls of the Roman Empire.

Medieval history

Costumes of Kazakhs

In the Middle Ages, the place of the Huns was occupied by the Turks. This is a tribe that emerged from the Eurasian steppes. By the middle of the 15th century, they created one of the largest states in the history of ancient mankind. In Asia, it covers territories from the Yellow to the Black Seas.

The Türks lead their family tree from the Huns, while they are considered immigrants from Altai. The origin of the Kazakhs from the Türks today is practically not disputed by anyone. The Türks are constantly at war with the Chinese, also during this period an active Arab expansion of Central Asia begins. Islam is actively spreading among the agricultural and settled population.

Significant changes are taking place in the culture of the Turks. For example, in the place of Turkic writing comes the Arabic one, the Islamic calendar is used, and Muslim holidays appear in everyday life .


Kazakh customs

One can speak of the origin of the Kazakhs after the final defeat of the Golden Horde, which occurred in 1391. The Kazakh Khanate was formed by 1465. Scientific evidence of the origin of the Kazakhs are written sources that have survived in large numbers to this day.

The mass consolidation of Turkic tribes into a united Kazakh nation begins. The first to unite a large number of steppe tribes under his command is Khan Kasym. Under him, the number of people reaches one million people.

In the 30s of the 16th century, an internecine war began in the Kazakh Khanate, which is also called civil war. The winner is Haknazar Khan, who has ruled for over 40 years. In 1580, Yessim Khan annexed Tashkent to the Kazakh Khanate, which eventually became its capital. Under this ruler, a reform of the political system takes place, all lands are divided between three territorial-economic associations, which are called zhuzes.

In 1635, the Dzungarian Khanate was formed (the new Mongolian state), after which the Kazakh-Dzungarian war began, which lasted about a century. During this time, according to researchers, about one million Kazakhs are dying. A large number of representatives of this people are forced to migrate to the calmer areas of Asia.

Only after victory in the battle of 1729 did the troops of the conquerors begin to retreat. The difficult situation in the external political arena forces the Kazakhs back in 1726 to send representatives to Russia to ask for patronage.

This expedition ends with success only in 1731, when the Russian Empress Anna Ioannovna signed a letter of appreciation, accepting the Younger Zhuz as a Russian citizen. However, it turns out that the opinion of the feudal lords on the adoption of Russian citizenship is different, but still the majority of Kazakh elders speaks out for the adoption of the act on the accession of the Younger Zhuz to Russia.

Almost the entire 18th century was for the Kazakhs an era of weak state power, prolonged by the war and internal conflicts, and the inability to organize a full-fledged defense of the country.

Kazakhs in the Russian Empire

Along the Russian-Kazakh border, as early as the 18th century, fortifications began to be built, which laid the actual beginning of Russia's expansion into Kazakhstan. The government is taking a series of measures to relocate traders and Russian peasants to the border areas, putting pressure on local rulers who do not want to obey.

By the beginning of the 19th century, 46 fortresses and almost a hundred redoubts were built. In 1847, Russian citizenship extended to almost all Kazakhs included in the Senior Zhuz. The power of the khans is increasingly nominal.

At the same time, practically throughout the entire reign of Russia, national liberation movements constantly appear in Kazakhstan. By 1916, the number of such uprisings and unrest reaches three hundred. The history of the Kazakh people at all times was difficult, during this period it is characterized by a desire to leave the Russian Empire.

Kazakhs under the Soviet Union

Ethnic Kazakhs

After the abdication of Emperor Nicholas II from the throne, political life revived on all the outskirts of the Russian Empire. The Second All-Kazakh Congress is being convened, where the creation of autonomy and a government that supports the Mensheviks is announced. In 1920, the Bolsheviks abolished autonomy, who came to power, and shot its leaders.

Soon after, the Kyrgyz Autonomous Republic forms with the capital in Orenburg. The Kazakh SSR began to exist only in 1936.

In the 20-30s in the territory of modern Kazakhstan, mass hunger due to the policy of dispossession. About two million Kazakhs die, several hundred thousand people flee to China. In 1937, repression began, destroying almost the entire intelligentsia.

About 450,000 Kazakhs take part in the Great Patriotic War, about half of them remain on the battlefields.

Modern history

Kazakh girls

From this article you will find out where Kazakhs currently live. The borders of their state cover the territory between the Urals, the Lower Volga region, Siberia, China and the Caspian Sea. Kazakhstan borders with Russia, Uzbekistan, China, and Turkmenistan. Moreover, it does not have access to the sea, it occupies the 9th place in the world by territory, and among the CIS countries it is second only to Russia.

Nursultan Nazarbaev

The first president of modern Kazakhstan was the ex-head of the Kazakh SSR Nursultan Nazarbayev. This happened in 1991. On December 16, the independent Republic of Kazakhstan was proclaimed.

Over the past years, nine governments have been replaced in the country, with President Nazarbayev still leading the state. Kazakhstan has large mineral reserves, a lot of minerals. The country is between two large and powerful powers - Russia and China, therefore it is forced to pursue a balanced and sustained foreign policy.

Religion in Kazakhstan

The main religion of the Kazakhs is Islam. Most are followers of the Sunnis. According to the latest data, there are about 100 thousand atheists in the country. In total, more than 16 million people live in the country.

More than 70% of them are Muslims, the second most popular religion is Christians (about 26%), atheists are in third place (almost 3%). Also among modern Kazakhs there is a small number of Buddhists and Jews, less than one tenth of a percent.

Islam penetrated the territory of modern Kazakhstan for several centuries, advancing from the southern regions. Moreover, during the Soviet era, when any religious activity was persecuted, the popularity of Islam came to naught. Therefore, today a minority of ethnic Kazakhs observe namaz and rituals.

At the same time, along with Islam, the customs of the pre-Islamic period are preserved, some of which directly contradict Muslim traditions. All this is rooted in the days when shamanism was widespread among the Kazakhs. For example, today one of the main events is Nauryz, which is pagan.

At the same time, religion occupies an important place in the life of Kazakhs. According to the latest census, 97% of residents attributed themselves to one or another religion.

Culture and life

Life of Kazakhs

Today, the culture and life of the Kazakhs are experiencing a period of national revival. Folk crafts, customs, rites and national sports are actively cultivated, a large number of literary works in the Kazakh language appear.

An important place is occupied by national cuisine, which is dominated by meat dishes. Beef, lamb, horse meat, and occasionally camel meat are actively used. For example, beshbarmak is very popular. This is boiled finely chopped meat, served with boiled sheets of dough.

In addition to meat dishes in national Kazakh cuisine, it should be noted koumiss - this is mare's milk, which was fermented, ayran, katyk (sour and dehydrated ayran), a large number of other dairy products and drinks.

An important place in the Kazakh culture is music. In particular, kyu is a traditional instrumental piece, which is characterized by variable metrics, mixed forms. Usually, these pieces were performed on dombra.

Traditions of the people

Kazakh traditions and customs are now actively reviving, at the state level, much attention is paid to history and culture. Many traditions are related to family relationships.

They are based on respect for elders, the institution of family ties plays an important role. In Kazakhstan, it is customary to carry out a circumcision ceremony. This happens when a child is 4 or 5 years old. Initially, it was carried out in a yurt, and now they are increasingly sent to a clinic for this. After arrange a holiday.

According to Kazakh traditions and customs, girls were married at 13-14 years old, and boys at 14-15. Now under the influence of modern culture, including Western, such early marriages are becoming increasingly rare.

Kazakhs are famous for their hospitality. The guest is always joyfully greeted, seated in a place of honor and treated to the best that is in the house. Now the feast has changed, but many Kazakhs still honor the ancient laws of hospitality.

Nomads have long had a custom called a yerulik. According to him, old-timers, as a sign of respect, necessarily invite new settlers to the holiday. Tradition has an important socio-social significance, because it helps new people to adapt faster in unfamiliar environments.

The national costume of the Kazakhs reflects their ancient traditions associated with history, social, economic and climatic conditions. In its manufacture, skins of tigers and kulans were often used, as well as fur of a desman, ermine, sable, ferret, raccoon, marten. Fur coats were sewn from skins, the common name of which was tone.

In the manufacture of fur coats, the Cossacks also used the fluff of herons, loons and swans. The fur coats themselves were covered with brocade or cloth. When working on small elements, stitch embroidery was popular.

Another important part of the Kazakh national costume is a dressing gown, which they call a shapan. It is worn by both women and men, made of suede, woolen, silk and cotton fabrics.

A popular headdress is a skullcap. This is a summer light hat made of brocade, velvet or eyelet. In ancient times, it was sheathed around the edge with the fur of otters, beaver, squirrels, often decorated with gold or silver braid.

One of the main Kazakh holidays is Nauryz. Its origin goes back to the preliterate era, as Zoroastrians noted it. Today coincides with the day of the vernal equinox. For Kazakhs, it is associated with the triumph of love, fertility, the renewal that spring brings. In the old days, it was customary to tidy up this holiday, plant flowers and trees.

Kazakhs themselves necessarily put on festive clothes, went to visit each other and exchanged congratulations, celebrated with fun games, horse races. The ritual dish of this holiday is Nauryz-kozhe, which must have consisted of seven ingredients. These are meat, water, fat, salt, cereals, flour and milk. It was considered a symbol of wisdom, good luck and health. This is a Kazakh holiday beloved by many, which today is celebrated in countries where representatives of this people travel.

Famous representatives of the people

Famous Kazakhs in Russia played an important role in glorifying their people and the successes of the Russian state. In the 19th century, it was Major General Zhangir-Kerey Khan. He was an ambitious ruler who actively promoted the policy of imperial power. It was during his leadership that public lands began to be massively given over to private individuals, which led to their plunder. Such an agrarian policy significantly aggravated social stratification in society, which led to a popular uprising led by the Taimanov and Utemisov. Zhangir-Kerey severely crushed him with the support of the Russian troops.

At the beginning of the XX century, the post of Minister of Post and Communications of the Russian Empire was occupied by Kazakh Gubaidulla Dzhangirov. In history, he remained as one of the officials who developed the provisions on the elections to the first State Duma. So, for the first time in history, the Kazakhs received the right to elect representatives of their people to government. He is also considered the founder and one of the founders of the Russian communications troops.

Nowadays, many Kazakhs of creative professions are known in Russia. This is the scriptwriter and producer Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov, who is the author of the popular comedy series "Univer. New hostel" and "Interns". By the way, the popular Kazakh actor, the captain of the KVN team “Team of the Kamyzyak Territory” Azamat Musagaliev plays in “Interns”.

In 2007, the famous opera singer of Kazakh origin, Eric Kurmangaliev, died in Russia .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G10246/

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