History of Chile: Key Events

The history of Chile is characteristic of a country formed in South America. It began to be actively populated about five hundred years ago. In the XVI century, its mass conquest by Europeans began, the territory of the Spanish conquistadors began to subjugate itself. Chilean people gained independence from powerful colonial power only in the 19th century.

First Europeans

The history of Chile often begins in 1520, when the first European stepped on the local land. This was the famous traveler Fernand Magellan. He landed with his team in the area of ​​the current city of Punta Arenas.

Spanish troops began to actively conquer the country, take everything under their control. In 1533, the Spanish army, commanded by Francisco Pizarro, captured the innumerable wealth of the Incas, which were stored on the territory of modern Chile. But until a certain time, only the coast of this state was developed.

Europeans penetrate deep into the country

Chilean traditions

In 1536, Diego de Almagro penetrates inland. He gets to a valley called Copiapo. To send south, he sends Gomez de Alvarado accompanying him on the road. For many tens of kilometers, local residents have not shown them any resistance.

Only near Rio Itata they encounter belligerent Indians. After several hard battles, the Spaniards retreat.

History of settlement of Chile

Chile Indians

The Spaniards are massively populating the country, because in Chile they find rich deposits of silver and gold. But despite this, economic development is very slow. Over the years, agriculture has been a priority.

In the fertile valleys located in the central part of the country, they harvest rich crops, thanks to which they supply the northern regions with necessary food.

In the history of Chile, the British also played a role. In 1578, at the direction of the Queen of England, the famous British corsair and navigator Francis Drake attacked the port of Valparaiso. Over the next several centuries, pirates regularly rob Chile. In addition, the development of the country is constantly hindered by natural disasters - earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions.

Many cities are almost destroyed. In 1647, an earthquake occurred in one of the largest cities in the country - Santiago de Chile . Killing 12 thousand people. In short: the history of Chile is constantly associated with catastrophic natural disasters.


Chilean independence

Many believe that the history of the country of Chile begins with its independence. This occurs in 1810, when local Creoles rebel against the Spanish governor. The ruler is overthrown, and the Creole aristocrat is affirmed in his place.

This happens on September 18th. Since then, Chileans have been celebrating National Independence Day on this day. Then the government junta came to power, which had its own army, but failed to lead the country for a long time; Civil war began.

In 1811, the national congress was founded, but it was mainly composed of pro-Hispanic politicians, which, of course, did not like the local patriots. Then power in their hands was seized by one of the heroes of the war for the independence of Carrera. He established a virtually dictatorial regime, which ultimately led to another feud.

Nevertheless, important events took place in the history of Chile: in 1812, the Constitution was developed, which provided for the independence of the state under the formal leadership of the Spanish king.

Chile was finally able to declare its independence in 1818 after the famous battle of Maypus, in which the Spaniards were defeated. It was an important and strategic battle success; although the confrontation continued for many years, the Chileans could win the final victory only in 1826.

Modern history

President Allende

In the 20th century, many heard of Chile because of Salvador Allende, the socialist who won the 1970 presidential election. Due to money emissions, Allende raised pensions and salaries to state employees, but soon this led to hyperinflation: prices for goods and services rose sharply.

To cover the growing deficit, the Allenda government made a fatal mistake by turning on the printing money machine and controlling rising prices. All this led to a shortage, the development of the black market, as a result, many goods simply disappeared from the shelves. Serious economic difficulties began. In 1973, a military coup took place in the country, and dictator Augusto Pinochet was at the head of state . Allende committed suicide during the assault on the presidential palace.

Pinochet established a military dictatorship, which lasted until 1990. These years have passed under the slogan of β€œnational revival,” while there has been some growth in the economy, and the education and health systems have been partially privatized.

All this was accompanied by the persecution of opposition supporters. During the reign of Pinochet, about three thousand people were killed or missing in the dungeons of the secret police.

As a result, the situation in the country has worsened, housing has become prohibitively expensive, and workers have finally become impoverished. Only in 1990, Pinochet was replaced by Patricio Aylvin as president. Now the country is led by Sebastian Pinhera.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G10264/

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