The best Kemer hotels - Turkey for select

Kemer is one of the most popular and elite resort cities in Turkey. Located in the Mediterranean, about 40 km from Antalya. A mild climate, beautiful landscapes and, of course, hotels with excellent service and level of service - these are the things that attract tourists from all over the world to Kemer. In the city itself and in the surrounding suburbs there are many diverse hotels for every taste and budget.

the best hotels of Kemer

This article covers the best hotels in Kemer. This includes hotels that have taken decent positions in the top of the best hotels from around the world! What can rightfully be expected from a premium hotel?

The rooms are comfortable, bright and airy, equipped to a high standard, with wonderful views. It is comfortable to stay here and have a fun company, and relax with your children as a family. The best hotels in Kemer provide a wide range of services - leisure activities, cultural events, sports sections, excursions and much more.

The pools, the cleanest equipped beaches plus convenient entry into the sea offer the best hotels in Kemer. Guest reviews about them are usually enthusiastic.

top hotels kemer reviews

Who is included in the list of "Best hotels in Kemer 5 stars"?

Amara Wing Resort 5 * - the complex is located in the central part of Kemer. It has all the advantages of a city hotel and at the same time has its own gorgeous beach. A small inland area is compensated by free access to the entire infrastructure of the city, places of entertainment, etc.

Grand Haber 5 * - the hotel operates under the attractive Ultra All Inclusive scheme, overhaul is completed this spring. The hotel grounds are vast. It houses many pools and even a mini zoo.

Mirada del Mar 5 * - it is located in a green suburb of Kemer. The property has a picturesque garden.

Akka Antedon Hotel 5 * is a large hotel in the suburbs of Kemer, with a vast territory and a whole system of pools.

Rixos Tekirova 5 * - located in a paradise at the foot of the mountains, 17 km from the center of Kemer.

Kilikya Palace Grand 5 * is another premium hotel in the nearest suburb of Kemer. It is famous for its range of services and picturesque location.

The best hotels of Kemer, such as Zena Resort, and even Limak Limra - these and others guarantee you a comfortable and interesting stay. Many hotels provide wellness services for their clients for free. In addition to living in an ecologically clean area, you can visit the sauna and spa. For those who wish, there are sports and fitness sections of swimming, gymnastics, etc. In addition, billiard rooms are included in the price. Some include tennis courts and more.

There is also a series of paid services that can be used on site. These include laundry, dry cleaning, hairdresser, babysitting, etc.

All hotels are equipped for people with disabilities. Special comfortable rooms are reserved for them, races are organized, etc. The best hotels in Kemer are always happy for the smallest guests - children. For them, special children's areas, playgrounds and pools are provided.

the best hotels of Kemer 5 stars

Often, hotel services include entertainment programs with the participation of professional children's animators.


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