Flag of Namibia: description, history, meaning of symbols

For the first time, the flag of Namibia was raised only on March 21, 1990: on the day of independence from the Republic of South Africa. On the same day, the constitution of the state entered into force, which described the national flag: a rectangular banner in beveled blue, white and green band, the white part is covered with a red stripe, in the upper left part there is a golden sun with twelve rays.

Meaning of colors and symbols

The colors on the flag of Namibia were not chosen by chance. Shades and their location originate in the colors of the banner of the People’s Organization of South West Africa, which was created in 1971. The main objective of the organization was the independence of Namibia, which as a result happened. The second source of inspiration for the creators was the flag of the Turnhalle Democratic Alliance, a popular democratic movement that united several parties.

Modern flag of Namibia

The image of the sun represents the energy of life, and the golden color symbolizes the Namib desert and the fossil wealth of the country. The blue color embodies the sky and the Atlantic, emphasizes the importance of water in the harsh African climate. The red color is a reflection of the heroism of the people, their sacrifice and determination in the struggle for independence. Green represents natural wealth, and white represents the world. Following the description, the flag of Namibia in Pascal can be painted with your own hands.


The flag of Namibia has changed several times. In 1842, the Rhine Missionary Society became active among the indigenous peoples of Africa. A few years later, a researcher and businessman named Charles John Anderson arrived here. He settled with the missionaries and made friends with the local tribes so much that he was elected leader of one of the peoples. At his request, the British artist Thomas Baines drew a national flag, taking the flag of Great Britain as a basis. In the photo, the flag of Namibia of this period of history.

1842 flag

At the beginning of the 1870s, bastards moved to the territory of modern Namibia - a special subethnos, the descendants of the local black inhabitants and the Dutch who once lived in this area. Their national flag was a square cloth of three concentric squares: black, red and white.

In 1978, Great Britain captured the territory and included it in its colonies. From that moment on, a British flag was hoisted over Namibia.

In 1884, the lands passed to Germany, and the representative of the chancellor raised the German banner. After 30 years, the German colonies received their own emblems and flags, which were attended by the Prussian black eagle and a symbol of a particular area.

During the First World War, the Republic of Namibia was seized by the Republic of South Africa, and the UN General Assembly recognized the actions as legal. From now on, the flag of Namibia became the South African banner.

Gaining independence

In 1966, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that noted inappropriate governance of the state. Officially, the custody of South Africa over Namibia was discontinued, but in fact the annexation continued. Only in 1991 did the state achieve independence.

Namibia flag on stripe

From that moment, the country got the opportunity to raise the real flag of Namibia.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G10280/

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