We make soap ourselves. Basis for soap: what it consists of and how it is used

The desire to surround yourself with self-made things is quite justified today. On the packaging of purchased goods, in addition to the basic composition, we often see a dozen more, which we are completely unfamiliar with. What is it? Chemistry? How will these incomprehensible words affect our health or the health of our children? Body care products are no exception. Therefore, most people have the idea of ​​making soap with their own hands.

The first thing a beginner learns about home soap making is that he needs a foundation, and needs to buy it. What is it and what is it made of? Does the base for soap contain exclusively natural ingredients or is it full of chemical additives, because if so, will the game worth the candle?


basis for soap

Consists of natural ingredients. The smell is neutral, and therefore you can safely add to it your favorite aromas, they will not be distorted. Such a basis for soap allows you to cook transparent and matte whetstones. A great option for children or people with delicate skin, prone to dryness or allergic manifestations.

Composition :

  • water (up to 50%);
  • vegetable glycerin (from 25 to 50%);
  • palm of sodium - a derivative of palm oil (from 10 to 25%);
  • sorbitol, cocoate - a derivative of coconut oil (each from 5 to 10%);
  • decyl glycoside and sodium chloride (each 1 to 5%);
  • tetrasodium ethidronate and pentasodium pentenite (less than 0.1%);
  • coconut acid (up to 0.5%).


soap base soap

Perfectly cleanses, including cosmetics, suitable for the care of delicate and sensitive skin. It has a creamy consistency and airy dense foam. The basis for soap is white or transparent.

Composition :

  • water;
  • glycerol;
  • sorbitol;
  • sodium laureth sulfate;
  • propylene glycol;
  • sodium stearate;
  • lauric and stearic acids ;
  • NaCl and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA);
  • almond oil, aloe vera (as a gel) and vitamins A and E.


do-it-yourself soap

From it you can make not only liquid soap with your own hands, but also shower gels, bath foam, shampoos and hair conditioners. 85% natural.

Composition :

  • water (from 50%);
  • potassium cocoate - a derivative of coconut oil (from 10 to 25%);
  • potassium oleate - a derivative of sunflower oil (from 10 to 15%);
  • lauryl betaine and glycerin (each up to 5%);
  • palmonuclear acid, benzyl alcohol, decyl glycoside, potassium citrate (each up to 0.5%).

Information about the compositions is general, they may differ slightly from each manufacturer. As you can see, the basis for soap is far from 100% natural, as we would like, additives are present in it. But even if you buy such a base and make soap yourself, its quality will be several times better than the store one. Preference is best given to organics.

Different types

soap recipes

If you still decided to master soap making, then you need to know how the fundamentals differ in order to choose the best option for yourself. Soap recipes, according to which you will prepare it, will set the tone for the choice.


It has excellent ductility and a neutral smell. Allows you to achieve bright and saturated colors. Perfect for making transparent or with the addition of soap patterns. Sometimes it can have a barely noticeable shade, this is due to the addition of oils to the base during its creation.


basis for soap

It has excellent antistatic and conditioning properties, cleans and foams well. It has this color due to the addition of titanium dioxide to the initially transparent mass. Perfect for making puff, with curls or a different color of soap. Unlike transparent, it will have muted colors and a faint smell.

Where to find

Where to buy a base for soap? These are mainly online stores. It is only necessary to leave a request for the selected product, the order will be sent by mail. If you are lucky enough to be a resident of a large city, then it is quite possible that there are specialized shops for soap making in it. You can buy not only the basics, but also forms, dyes, flavors, the proposed choice is very wide.

What more is needed

So let's get started. In fact, manufacturing technology is the same for all types. The main difference is your imagination and the addition of additional ingredients to your taste and skin type. The shape, color and structure can be set completely any. Add some oils (6 drops per 100 g of base), perfume (flavoring), ground coffee, decoctions of herbs or oatmeal, if you want a soap with a scrub effect, chocolate or herbs. Imagine and create, because this is your author's soap. And now about what you need to stock up to make soap from a soap base:

  • purchased base;
  • flavors and dyes;
  • oils and other natural additives;
  • alcohol
  • purchased forms or whatever you find at home (which can be used).

Getting to soap making

  1. We are preparing the basis. Grate or cut into small cubes with a knife. The smaller the mass, the faster it will melt. The amount should approximately coincide with the capacity of pre-prepared molds.
  2. Melt the mass in a water bath (possible in the microwave). It is important not to allow the base to boil, otherwise it will become unusable. It is not necessary to stir the mass, otherwise a lot of air bubbles will form.
  3. In a completely melted mass, add all the additional ingredients: oils, dyes and flavorings. We mix.
  4. The mold must be sprinkled with alcohol before pouring, this will eliminate the formation of air bubbles on the surface of the soap.
  5. Pour the finished mass into molds and leave for several hours to dry. After your soap is ready to use.

where to buy the basis for soap

Perhaps, at first, existing soap recipes will come in handy. Over time, you will create your own, and they will be optimally suited for you personally. Soap made at home will pleasantly surprise you with its quality and gentle skin care. And it will be a pleasant gift for family and friends.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G10290/

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