Score coins. Where to make a coin rating? Valuation table of coins of Russia. Coin Condition Assessment

When we find an interesting coin, there is a desire to find out not only its history, but also its value. It will be difficult for a person not familiar with numismatics to determine the value of the find. You can find out the real value in several ways.

Coin Rating

Why do you need an assessment

Why is it necessary to make a coin evaluation? The answer is simple and lies on the surface. Before the sale, the owner must represent the real value of his exhibit. The correct assessment will help determine all the features of the coin.

Web Search

The Internet is one way to learn more about money. On the Web there is a table for evaluating coins of Russia, the USSR and other countries. Knowing the year of your find, you can calculate the approximate cost. Typically, tables are broken down by release date and face value. Although this is a rather primitive way to evaluate.

The tables indicate the approximate price of an ordinary coin. However, the cost may not always correspond. Money of one denomination has a lot of differences that affect the price.

Coins of Russia

New money is much easier to evaluate. For Russian coins, there are special tables with set prices. The cost of money in 1997-2015 ranges from tens to hundreds of thousands of rubles. Coins of 2001 with a face value of 50 cents and above became a bright representative. Finding a spreadsheet on the Internet is easy. The data is constantly updated, so you should look for a more recent version. It should be noted that the price largely depends on the mint. Consider the cost of rare coins of modern Russia :

Yearone pennyfive kopecksten kopecksfifty kopecksone rubletwo rublesfive rubles


200210-5010, 150, 850010-2010-306,0008,00010,000
200310-5010, 100, 175010-2510-25from 20,000 to 250,000from 15,000 to 250,000from 10,000 to 250,000
201110-25from 10 rubles to 150,000from 20 rubles to 150,000from 20 rubles to 150,000from 25 rubles to 150,000
2012200,000200,000from 10 rubles to 250,000from 10 rubles to 250,000from 20 rubles 250 000from 20 rubles 250 000from 25 rubles 250 000
2013from 60,000 to 200,000from 60,000 to 200,0001010202040-250
2014200,000200,000from 10 rubles to 200,000from 10 rubles to 100,000from 20 rubles to 200,000from 20 rubles to 200,000from 30 rubles to 250,000


Having determined the year, face value and mint, you can evaluate the exhibit through the catalog. The problem with this method is market fluctuation. Catalogs do not have time to be updated, and prices change very often. Such an assessment is suitable as an additional method.

Coin pricing table of Russia

Cost Impact

Valuation of a coin requires some knowledge and patience. If there is a need to sell the find, you should study all the factors on which the price depends. The main indicator is the state of the money. A worn or damaged coin will cost like a regular crowbar. Appearance without a flaw will significantly increase the price.

Assessing the condition of coins is not the only thing that needs to be determined. The place of manufacture also plays a big role. And if everything is simple with appearance, then it will be more difficult to determine the mint. The price will also be affected by minting defects. Sometimes a cheap coin made with deviations reaches an incredible cost.

Special Sites

There are special resources that can determine the value of money. Evaluation of a coin on the site will require the owner of detailed pictures and payment for services. This method is good because, being at home, you can find out the exact cost and features of the money.

Coin rating table

Typically, such sites are also involved in the purchase of coins. Therefore, trusting their assessment is difficult. The cost may decrease if the sale of a coin was previously agreed. Incorrect evaluation is possible with poor-quality images.


One of the options where to evaluate the coin is the place of communication of numismatists. In a specialized forum, there is a chance to get an independent opinion. Usually collectors do not refuse help. They not only report the cost, but also give an assessment of the condition.

There is also the possibility that numismatists will be interested in buying. The forum is relevant in that the evaluation of a rare coin will be as accurate as possible. Most users simply don’t have to cheat.

Antique shops

The opposite of the forum will be a specialized store where the coin rating will not be in favor of the seller. Antiquaries deliberately understate the cost, although this is not surprising. Favorable purchase of an interesting specimen at a low price promises considerable benefits.

Where to make a coin rating

Antiquaries are more interested in buying, so they evaluate according to their own criteria. For information about the real value you have to pay. But there are pluses. By paying once, the owner will find out all the details that affect the price of his coin.


Living in a big city, you can find a numismatist club. Such a place is perfect for determining the value of a coin. The owner will know not only the real price, but also get advice on where to sell the find.

The benefits of finding such clubs are huge. Here, not only the evaluation of coins takes place, but also the subsequent purchase. Some numismatists are ready to lay out even more than the real price for the exhibit they like.


People who can help evaluate coins are found even in the regular market. Of course, not everywhere you can meet an antique dealer, but if you are lucky, the owner will know the value of the money. You can immediately sell a coin in the market. Merchants are always happy to purchase a good product.

Rare coin rating

The disadvantage of this method is that not all sellers came across really rare coins. Appreciate an expensive instance, most likely, will not work. In this way, you can evaluate the money of the USSR or Russia, but there will be a snag with foreign ones.

Social networks

This is one of the most primitive, but working methods. In social networks there is a lot of useful information. The owner can easily find a group of numismatists and ask for help. The coin rating is likely to be approximate, but there will be a lot of useful information among the answers. People will share their sales experience, advise a place of sale, or purchase a coin themselves.

Assessment preparation

Depends on the state, how will the evaluation of coins. The table does not take this factor into account. It is advisable for the owner to put the goods in order in advance. An ideally clean coin should be included in the evaluation, although some buyers also like patina. However, for Russian coins, relatively new, cleaning will not be needed.

There are many ways to bring money in proper form. Each material will require a special method. New coins do not need to be cleaned, but the same Soviet money should be put in order.

Snapshots for Evaluation

To set the cost of the exhibit via the Internet, you will need to send a photo. The quality of the picture should transmit color, condition and all defects well. Although you should not be scared of high requirements. You can take a high-quality picture even from a regular phone.

The minimum that is needed for a photo is 3 megapixels, autofocus and good lighting. The distance between the camera and the coin should be about 10 centimeters. Thus, the color of the money will be transmitted as accurately as possible. The coin should not have glare, but at the same time it should be well lit. For an accurate assessment, you will need pictures from several angles. The photo should convey all the smallest details of the coin.

Coin Condition Assessment

It is recommended to use a stand for a picture - something small and inconspicuous. This will allow autofocus to tune in much better.

It is very important to make accurate and high-quality images of the exhibit. Photos will be needed not only for evaluation on the Internet. For sale, you will also need pictures. Coin buyers will be even more demanding of appraisers.


Having studied different ways to determine the value of money, the owner will choose the most suitable for himself. And no matter where the assessment took place - on the Internet or at an antique dealer. Each method is good in its own way.


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