Avaza resort, Turkmenistan: photos, hotels, tours, reviews of tourists

This is a fairly closed Muslim state, which has huge reserves of natural gas. This, perhaps, ends with everything that most know about a country called Turkmenistan. Meanwhile, the eastern state is rich in oddities and unusual sights. Not so long ago we opened our resort here. Moreover, the Avaza resort in Turkmenistan is of interest to Russians.

Attractions, tourism areas and resort

Turkmenistan is one of the least studied regions among tourists from all over the world. Tourists, as a rule, do not know anything about tours to Avaz, Turkmenistan, if you ask them to show this place on the map, they will only shrug their shoulders. The situation is somewhat better with Russian tourists, but even so far this resort has been little studied. But in vain. Turkmenistan is considered a kind of road to the hidden world of eastern civilizations.

photos from the resort

The country has preserved the ruins of ancient states. These are the most valuable historical monuments, among which Nisa, Griffin, Sarah and many other amazing places are listed. Many of the country's attractions are under the official protection of UNESCO. And the photos from Avaza (Turkmenistan) are really impressive.

The picturesque nature of this secret state is very attractive. Here you can see old pistachio trees, traces of dinosaurs, incredible beauty of the crater. The most beautiful landscapes of local nature are painted in springtime.

The resort areas in Turkmenistan are actively developing, Avaza in particular, they treat and prevent many diseases here. The richest and largest resort area with sandy beaches was built on the coast of the Caspian Sea. In Avaz (Turkmenistan), many hotels and holiday homes have opened.

What else can be found here? The attractiveness of this area does not end on landscapes and ruins. The real pride of Turkmenistan is its carpets, which have been recognized around the world. A carpet museum has been opened in Ashgabat - the first of its kind in the entire globe. The local culture is also curious.

Avaz hotels Turkmenistan


Heading to Avaz (Turkmenistan), it makes sense to pay close attention to the city of Ashgabat. There are many attractions, this is the heart of this state: the monument of independence of Turkmenistan, the Turkmenbashi Theater, the carpet museum and others. Ashgabat entered broke the world record as the city with the largest number of buildings in the world made of marble. He was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

A couple of tens of kilometers from the capital of this state is the most ancient attraction. We are talking about the oldest urban settlement, spread out in the middle of the deserts - Nis. It was created in the third century BC. e. Once it was the capital of public education, and in the Middle Ages - an important center on the Silk Road.

The Mongol invasion in 1220, subsequent adverse events predicted the loss of its former influence by this locality. At the beginning of the XVIII century, the city was already almost completely empty. Now from Nisa there are only beautiful ruins in the desert. Today, it is protected by UNESCO.

Monument of Independence in Ashgabat

independence monument

The main sculpture in this eastern state looks very mysterious. This is a monument of independence, which is located in the main park in Ashgabat. This is the highest and most majestic monument in the state above 100 meters.

The main column is impressive; it is decorated with a gilded crescent. 5 stars crown the top, they symbolize the most influential tribes. At the bottom of the monument are yurts with domes through which water flows. The passage to this sculpture is protected by formidable statues of the guardians. They keep ready the military attributes of ancient times - a sword and a spear. A wide sidewalk in front leads to the monument itself.

Inside the Independence Monument today is the national jewelry museum. Its corridors and exhibits will delight every visitor with luxury and wealth.

Crater Darvaz

local crater

Looking through the photos of the resort of Avaza (Turkmenistan), you should pay attention to this attraction, which is not difficult to visit while being there. “Gateway to Hell” - this is how the word “Darvaz” is translated from the local language. And being there, you can easily guess why the crater got its nickname.

Geologists found the Darvaz Crater at the end of the 20th century during excavations. Scientists have discovered huge openings that exuded large volumes of gas.

Getting close to the edge of the crater is simply extremely dangerous, and very scary. Therefore, it is necessary to examine it carefully and at a respectful distance. Pillars of fire that are thrown out sometimes fly up 15 meters. But the sight is truly impressive, as witnesses testify.

local territory

Reviews and hotels

Avaza in Turkmenistan is the main resort of this state, it is located on the Caspian Sea. There are several dozen hotels. Among them: “Khazyna”, “Kuvvat”, Watanchy, Nebitchi, Serdar. The beaches stretched here for 26 km. By 2020, it is planned to open a dolphinarium, an autodrome and many attractions in Avaz (Turkmenistan).

It is noteworthy that, according to tourists, at the moment there are not so many visitors. But for the most part, these institutions are visited by local residents. For many employees in this state, travel abroad is prohibited, and they have the opportunity to rest only in Avaza.

Visitors to the resort also note that there are quite high prices, and therefore the flow of visitors is not too large. So, in an ordinary hotel a night will cost $ 70. The rooms are quite ordinary, the Russians compare them with the number of rooms in Antalya. And prices in the middle price segment will be approximately similar.

photos of hotels

In addition, in the reviews, tourists note that Turkmenistan itself continues to be one of the most closed countries in the world: the share of refusal to issue a visa here is about 98 percent. As a rule, more than 1000 tourists do not enter the country per year.

Get into the country

The reviews feature information that there are situations when a visa is issued to the whole family, except for one of its members. For example, the basis may be his employment in the field of jurisprudence. And even if a person has already been to Turkmenistan, the second time they can easily not be allowed to come here.


Vacationers noted that the air at the resort smells of sulfur. And this is not surprising: in the region there are problems with the environment, in the west of the country, nearby, there are industrial plants. Visitors to the resort noted that in local stores a very small range of products. The surrounding area is actively planted with trees, but so far, the territory is still very far from the final landscaping. Meanwhile, the government says that enormous funds have been invested in the development of the resort.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G10300/

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