The most beautiful birds in the world

On our planet, there are many different types of birds that adorn forests, and even benefit Mother Nature. Their feathers convey an unusual color scheme.

Mention of certain birds can be heard in songs, tales, legends. The bird world is quite diverse and bewitching. Many species have flower coloring, these are beautiful birds that allure our sight.

There are more than nine thousand species of birds (somewhere 9800). There are birds in all parts of our planet. Depending on the climate and other conditions, different species of birds live on different continents.

Birdwatching is done by ornithologists. The world of birds is very large, there are bright, diverse, beautiful birds, and each is worthy of attention. It would be a mistake to compare them with each other, because they are all different. Someone pleases us with their beauty, someone conquers with a voice, others bring us great benefit.

The most beautiful birds of the world are diverse, there are small, large, colorful, some live in water, others on trees. Admiring the birds, we want to see them in our house, forgetting that some wild inhabitants of the forest do not want to “make friends” with humans.

More often you can meet an interesting bird in the wild forest. But there are species that live among us and deserve the same due attention. Let's see who can attract attention.

The most beautiful birds, names

  • Long-tailed wide-billed.
  • Mint Wagtail.
  • Red-browed rainbow bird.
  • Oriole maroon.
  • Paradise Bird.
  • Blue Jay.
  • Gould Amadina.
  • Paradise Tanagra.
  • West African Fire Velvet Weaver.
  • Long-tail velvet weaver.
  • New Guinean swallow.
  • Balinese starling.
  • Cuban Trogon.
  • Quesal.
  • White-backed lory.
  • Hyacinth Macaw.
  • Osprey.
  • Black Swan.
  • Mandarin duck.
  • Madagascar hoopoe.

Of course, there are other beautiful, vibrant birds that are worthy of attention, but not all listed.

Long Tailed Beak

This is a small bird that weighs only 50 grams. Her feathers are green, blue, her head is yellow-green, and like a hat on her head is a black plumage.

These are incredibly beautiful birds of the forest (mountain, subtropical, secondary). These birds fly in groups. It seems to be a small bird, but pretty cute, pretty and pleasing to the eye.

Mint Wagtail

beautiful birds
This is a resident of Australia. The plumage is predominantly red, but there is also white, brown, black on the stomach, back, tail.

This bird often changes its place of residence, so to speak. When the time comes to hunt, she lands and begins to run on the ground in search of insects.

Red-browed rainbow bird

the most beautiful birds photo
Small sized Australian inhabitant. Located in dry places, can live along rivers. In appearance, it is impossible to determine the female and male, and their size and color are exactly the same.

Oriole maroon

This is one of the only representatives of the oriole family. The bird is located in Asia, Europe, and east to the Yenisei. The plumage is burgundy, with a black tail, wings and head.

Paradise Bird

beautiful birds of the forest
Inhabitants of the Moluccas and New Guinea. These are beautiful birds that have colorful coloring, a beautiful voice. They are forest dwellers and distant relatives of our crows. In the color of the feathers there are such colors as yellow, golden, green, brown, brown.

Blue jay

As the name implies, this is a bird with a blue color. Shades of this color on almost the entire body, only on the tummy can you find white. This bird is absolutely safe for people and is an avid predator for small birds.

Gould Amadina

This is an incredible coloring Australian bird. It has such a colorful plumage that it has become considered a decorative bird. They are red, yellow, and black-headed.

Its name arose quite romantically. There was such an artist, John Gould, he traveled a lot with his wife, who died shortly after a trip to Australia. And in honor of his wife, when he discovered this colorful bird to the world, he called the bird Amadina Lady Gould.

Paradise Tanagra

beautiful bird names
It is widespread in the tropics, rain forests and at their edges. These are beautiful birds, the appearance of which is blue, purple, light blue, red, and a little black. They are careful, a little restless, usually held in small groups.

West African Fire Velvet Weaver

These are bright as little bird flames found their place in Africa, from the Sahara to the south and to the equator. Males build nests, and not one, but several. Even if you keep them in captivity and create maximum conditions for comfort, they will still do it. This is, so to speak, in their blood.

In size they can be compared with our sparrows. When they descend to the ground, they move in small leaps. It is not so difficult to find them in Africa, they settle in green meadows, which are located near cold ponds.

Longtail Velvet Weaver

This bird differs from the previous one in that in flight it shows its long tail. In the sky, it seems like a ribbon that flies after a bird. These are beautiful black birds with a red and white stripe on their wings.

True, it is worth noting that only males have such plumage. Females are unremarkable, and really look like sparrows.

You can also find such an expression as "black widow", which the British nicknamed her, of course for what.

New Guinea Swallow

beautiful birds of the world
Distributed in Australia, has recently been imported to New Zealand. The color of the feathers has such colors as black with gray, dark blue, and dark orange (similar to rust). There are a number of white spots on the tail. In case of danger, the bird chirps and whistles. They are not afraid of people, they build their nests near human houses. They feed on insects and fly very fast.

Balinese Starling

As the name implies, this is an inhabitant of the island of Bali. This species is protected, since there are not so many individuals left, we can say they are on the verge of extinction. These are beautiful birds, they have white with blue rings near their eyes and with inserts of black feathers. They settle on mangrove swamps, in acacia forests, shrubs. Starlings create permanent pairs. It is especially interesting to watch the mating demonstration when a male with a raised crest flaps its wings and tail.

This starling is one of the symbols of the island of Bali and is depicted on an Indonesian coin (200 rupees).

Cuban Trogon

And who is it, who is it? This is the national living symbol of Cuba! If you remember the colors of the Cuban flag, you should know that they are taken from this cute bird. It is red, blue, white. The female and the male are the same in color.

They are small in size, and in addition to this, they can be found in the moist forests of America, Asia, Africa.


This bird can be safely classified as the “most beautiful bird in the world”. She is small, but so beautiful that she simply cannot believe that she exists. Due to deforestation of mountain and tropical forests where these birds live, their number is also reduced. To this day they are considered a rare and protected species.

the most beautiful birds in the world
It is also the state symbol of Guatemala, as well as a symbol of freedom of this country. Its ancient Mayans and Aztecs considered sacred, she was the personification of the god of air.

This bird lives from southern Mexico to Panama. Its main advantage is a long tail, which can exceed the length of the quasel by several times.

Just like in Cuba, the quasel is related to Guatemalan money. Only here it is not depicted on coins, but a monetary unit is named in honor of the bird.

White-backed Lory

It belongs to the parrot family and is a resident of New Guinea. The feathers are yellow, orange, red, brown , only at the bottom of the back and under the tail you can see white. The color of males and females can not be distinguished, this can be understood by size. The males have a slightly larger head than the females, and they are slightly larger. It feeds exclusively on fruits, various nectars. At home, such a bird will be difficult to contain.

Hyacinth macaw

Besides the fact that they can be classified as the “most beautiful birds in the world”, they are also the largest parrots in the world. In height, they can grow up to a hundred centimeters. They have a rich blue feather color. They can be found in Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay. They are kept in small groups and live mainly where there are palm trees.

They can be kept in captivity, as there are no problems with food. Macaws feed on fruits, nuts, sunflower seeds and others. Every day they gnaw on fresh branches of trees. To keep such a bird at home, she should make a special aviary with a strong metal frame.


Very dangerous and predatory bird. She looks out for her prey from a flight altitude. Habitat - large reservoirs. It can be seen on almost all continents except Antarctica. Her back is dark brown and her stomach is white.

Osprey can catch fish on the surface of the water easily. After she takes aim, she flies sharply downward, plunging into water with almost her whole body. Slippery fish do not fall out of their paws due to the fact that they are large, strong and have sharp claws.

When it’s the rainy season and the fish cannot be caught, the osprey catches mice, toads, etc.

Black Swan

This is a beautiful and graceful bird, which, unlike its relatives, also has a voice, it can be heard when it begins to call out to other swans. They are inhabitants of Australia. They fly very rarely, it’s hard for them to rise to the sky from the earth.

Swans are those birds that create couples for life.

For their maintenance it is not necessary to prepare a huge reservoir, as for ordinary swans. A small trough of water is enough for this species, and they will be happy. The food for them can be chosen the same as for ordinary geese, they also eat greens.


This is a small and cute duck, whose homeland is Japan, China, Korea. The name of the bird was not in honor of citrus fruit, but in honor of senior officials and the emperor, who were called mandarins.

beautiful bright birds
Tangerines, so to speak, retain marital fidelity, are always in pairs. The color of their feathers combines colors such as purple, green, red, orange, brown, white.

Among other things, they have a very melodic voice.

The most beautiful birds, photos of which are above, are just the top of the iceberg. Around the world there are much more amazing representatives of the family of birds. And it's impossible to tell about all. Nature has created a lot of wonderful birds that shock us with beauty and voice.

But, in addition, they are incredibly useful to the world. Beautiful birds are white, black, this is not so important, the main thing is that they are an integral part in the food chain of living organisms. They are of great importance in regulating the number of small insects. Birds also distribute seeds, which is important for the crop, they pollinate plants, exterminate harmful insects and rodents. So birds should be protected so that their number does not decrease, and rare species, on the contrary, increase in numbers.


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